At the beginning of June 2016, by a friend of mine invited, I made a visit to a temple located Balangoda city in Sri Lankan south state. This temple is built on the hill with a fine view in which can be seen the sights of the city. The main hall and the ceremony hall, the pagoda, the building of office stood side by side at there. Two women went up the stairs before the lunch time. They carried the meals on the tray covered with a white cloth. It was a lunch for monk. I heard that followers take turns cooking the meals for a monk.
Of course monks have to do religious mendicancy. Sri Lankan monks never cook and never plow a field themselves basically. Their life depending on the donation by their followers. They eat once meal in a day merely. They can be possible to drink a tea or a juice anytime in a day.
I asked to a woman whose husband invited me to the temple.
‘How do you do when a monk be ill and a bedridden?’
She responded like it.
’If a monk be a patient, those who doctors or nurses of his follower will take care him. Do not worry that he has nothing family. We done like it when the former monk got a disease and died.’
It is marvelous. It need not the medical insurance and the system of the nursing insurance like Japanese organization. It is free to ride a bus or a train for a monk in Sri Lanka. I did not ask her when a monk consult a doctor immediately. If he who medical relations take care a monk, it is equitability to free of charge. What a marvelous mater is!
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