Women have a very deep relationship to nature in its positive form. Relationship to animals can also affect the cure, and many Women make a relationship to a pet, which at that time may mean more to them than anything else because its unconscious simplicity appeals to the wounds within them. Relationship to a human is a differentiated task, but relationship to an animal is simple, and in feeling for it, the lost tenderness may be discovered.
Marie-Louise von Franz
著者: Marie-Louise von Franz
those around her will take advantage of her. The fact that she is too passive and isolated, and does not grab what she wants, attracts others to take advantage of the situation—the devil is attracted on the outside. But the pattern thus created has a meaning, for unless she were persecuted by her mother-in-law, she would never get her hands back and would have artificial hands to the end of her life. The action of the whole story circles around this problem.
If we interpret the king on a subjective level, not as the husband but as an inner figure in the heroine, he would represent a collective dominating positive spirit. The woman would then adopt all the prevailing ideas concerning religion and duty and behavior, and would live in accordance with collective standards. That would be replacing a personal attitude by a conventional one in which the woman would do the right thing, because that is what's done. She would behave normally, but without spontaneity. Her positive eros quality would not be fully alive. You can see this, for instance, in the case of women who have been injured either by a negative mother complex or a demonic father imago. They have difficulty bringing up their children, since they apparently lack spontaneous reactions toward them. Children bother or annoy them, for they have insufficient positive maternal instinct to accept the daily chores and routine of changing the baby's nappies and keeping the place tidy, and so forth.
From one standpoint children are terribly boring, but the woman with a normal mother instinct can take this in her stride. If she gets too mad, she can shout at the child and the thing will not go too far and will not get beyond the warmth of the maternal relationship. But the woman with the negative father or mother complex has an unredeemed negative side within her which would let her go too far. Because she cannot be spontaneous, she compensates by being an especially good mother, putting up with all the irritation of the children instead of exploding. Or the resistance may be unconscious and may cause such a mother to drop the child, for no reason—an unconscious murder act, which is even more frightening. They cannot admit to themselves that in a sense they hate the child. Rather, they overcompensate by reading books on how to bring up children and try to be as perfect as possible. Instead of spontaneity, collective standards are adopted.
Such a condition does not refer only to the bringing up of children. Wherever a woman has an unredeemed demonic side within her, all her activities connected with the eros relationship, with her husband and children, will be performed in an artificial way. What cannot be produced spontaneously is brought about by force of will, which leads to an unfortunate situation, according to the story. There is insufficient spontaneity, symbolized by the silver hands, which replace those which have been cut off. Instinct is replaced by the rule of the collective. But such people will be aware of a dead corner within them, of something unredeemed; and the restless seeking remains, as though the devil stirred in the background and would not leave them
In our story the devil interferes again and works up a plot of misunderstandings between king and queen so that she is accused of having given birth to a changeling and is driven out to the forest, where she lives in a lonely hut, but protected by an angel. She is driven into nature, where she has to find the connection with her positive animus within, instead of functioning according to collective rules. She has to go into deep introversion. The forest could equally well be the desert, or an island in the sea, or the top of a mountain. She is cut off in the stillness of virgin country, which would imply that she has to retire into her own loneliness and must realize that, for though it looks as though she had a husband and children, or a job, she is not yet really alive. Most women, since they depend so much on relationship and long for it, have great difficulty in admitting to themselves how lonely they are and in accepting that as a given situation. To retire into the forest would be to accept loneliness consciously, and not to try to make relationships with good will, for that is not the real thing. According to my experience, it is very painful, but very important, for women to realize and accept their loneliness. The virgin soil would be that part of the psyche where there was no impact of collective human activities, and to retire to that would be to retire not only from all animus opinions and views of life, but from any kind of impulse to do what life seems to demand of one. The forest would be the place of unconventional inner life, in the deepest sense of the word. Living in the forest would mean sinking into one's innermost nature and finding out what it feels like. Vegetation symbolizes spontaneous life and offers healing to the woman destroyed by a negative animus or negative mother complex.
In many stories women badly injured by the negative animus or negative mother complex are persecuted not by the devil but by their stepmother. All the second half of this story is concerned with the negative mother complex and the demonic father as well-it is the same development. In both cases the girl is doomed to passivity and has to go back to the unhurt virgin ground in her soul. In practical life if you ask such a woman what she would do if she could rid herself of all the demands of outer life, usually she says despairingly that she does not know—she just feels like sitting on the edge of the bed and crying. You can ask if she would not like to talk to somebody, to listen to music, to contact friends, but there is nothing!
If one regresses into this primitive inner layer, it is because one cannot live on the ordinary level with other human beings. As long as one is on that level, one has to be a part of it. But the forest is the place where things begin to turn and grow again; it is a healing regression. Thus the girl was forced to go into the forest and there met the angel. If there is such a zero point where life is reduced to absolutely nothing, the fairy tale says that one should then go completely into nature, and, in my experience, this is often the right thing. Frequently
孤独と悲しみの至高の瞬間に、無意識の中で活動が始まったかのように、その瞬間に手が癒されるのです。テキストには、"彼女の手は再び以前のように伸びた "とある。そのバリエーションは、より詳細なものもあるが、常に、特別なことをするのではなく、自然による治癒を指している。つまり、彼女は内なる成長の過程で癒されるのであり、木は個性化の過程の象徴なのである。英雄の探求において、個性化のプロセスをもたらすのは責任ある行動である。英雄的な行為や多大な苦しみは、そのプロセスの一側面です。しかし、時には、何もしなくても、物事が変化し、良くなることもあります。
The Feminine in Fairy Tales: Revised Edition
著者: Marie-Louise von Franz
women say that the only way in which they can enjoy life a little and not feel so bad over their difficulties is by taking long walks in the woods, or by sitting in the sun. This is a genuine tendency, for it seems as though only nature in its virgin beauty and essence has the power to heal in such a case. Women have a very deep relationship to nature in its positive form. Relationship to animals can also effect the cure, and many women make a relationship to a pet, which at that time may mean more to them than anything else because its unconscious simplicity appeals to the wounds within them. Relationship to a human is a differentiated task; but relationship to an animal is simple, and in feeling for it, the lost tenderness may be discovered.
At first glance it might seem that the angel had been added to the story at a later date, but apparently there is always something resembling the angel, even in countries where they do not believe in angels, or it may be a bird sent by God. In Russia it is an old man; God himself comes down to help the poor girl. So divine intervention seems to be a genuine aspect, and not just to have been inserted in this version. God himself, or one of his messengers, intervenes. Practically, this means that only a religious experience can help the woman out of her difficulty.
One could say that that is the typical experience of the hermit-the animals make friends with him and bring him to the inner spiritual life. In the Middle Ages there were many hermits, and in Switzerland they were called Wood Brothers and Sisters. People who did not want to live a monastic life but who wanted to live alone in the forest had both a closeness to nature and also a great experience of spiritual inner life. Such Wood Brothers and Sisters could be personalities on a high level who had a spiritual fate and had to renounce active life for a time and isolate themselves to find their own inner relation to God. It is not very different from what the shaman does in the circumpolar tribes, or what the medicine men do all over the world, in order to seek an immediate personal religious experience in isolation. This story indicates that it is the only way to heal the deep split and hurt suffered by this woman. Collective standards do not help. She has first to reach the zero point and then in complete loneliness find her own spiritual experience, which would be personified by the angel.
In the supreme moment of loneliness and sadness, it is as though activity began in the unconscious, for in that moment the hands are healed. The text says that “her hands grew again as before.” The variations are sometimes more detailed, but they always refer to healing by nature, not by doing something special. In many versions the hands are healed by putting her arms around a tree; that is, she gets healed by a process of inner growth, the tree being symbol of the process of individuation. In the quest of the hero, it is responsible action that brings about the process of individuation. The heroic deed and tremendous suffering are aspects of the process. But sometimes also, without anything being done, things change and become better.

神話上、猫は人生の楽しみと陽気さの象徴であり、したがって実存的恐怖とは正反対です。 猫はお腹が空くと部屋に入ってきてニャーと鳴いて牛乳をもらいます。 犬は私たちと同じように反応し、感謝の気持ちを示しますが、猫はお姫様です。 彼女はあたかもあなたに名誉を与えているかのように振る舞い、あなたに彼女に仕え、牛乳を与える特権を与えます。 それから彼女はあなたの足に体をこすりつけ、あなたに彼女を撫でる特権を与えます。 それは非常に示唆的であり、自然に身をかがめ、謙虚にそうし、非常に光栄に感じます。 猫は十分に食べると歩き出します。 彼女はあなたに感謝もしませんし、あなたに執着もしません。 したがって、猫は絶対的に神聖なものであり、実存的な恐怖を抱いている人々にとって適切な補償です。 彼らはこれを象徴として受け入れるべきであり、そうすれば彼らは安心し、自然の無謀さに対して自分自身を守ることを学ぶでしょう。 動物は人間、動物、その他すべてを自分の目的のために利用し、それがその恐怖の解決策です。
- マリー=ルイーゼ・フォン・フランツ、『おとぎ話の中の女性性』(シャンバラ 1993 年)、p. 206。
アート:D.J。 ホール、デブラ、ムソー
Mythologically, the cat is a symbol for the enjoyment of life and gaiety, and therefore the exact opposite of existential fear. A cat walks into the room when hungry and meows and gets milk. The dog reacts more as we do and shows gratitude, but the cat is a princess. She behaves as though she were conferring an honor on you, giving you the privilege of serving her and giving her milk. Then she rubs herself against your leg and affords you the privilege of stroking her. That is so suggestive that naturally you bend down and humbly do so and feel very honored! When the cat has had enough, she walks out. She neither thanks you nor attaches herself to you. The cat is therefore something absolutely divine and the right compensation for people who have existential fear. They should take this as a symbol, and then they would feel secure and would learn to look after themselves with the recklessness of nature. The animal uses man and animals and everything else for its own purposes, and that is the solution for that fear.
- Marie-Luise von Franz, The Feminine in Fairy Tales (Shambhala 1993), p. 206.
Art: D.J. Hall, Debra and Muso