人間の思考は、患者が生きるために必要なもの、つまり信仰、希望、愛、洞察力を与えるような体系や最終的な真実を思いつくことはできません。 人間の努力によるこれら 4 つの最高の成果は、非常に多くの恵みの賜物であり、それらは経験を通じて得られるものであるため、教えたり学んだり、与えたり受け取ったり、差し控えたり獲得したりするものではありません。
-CG ユング、魂を求める現代人 (心理学プレス 2001)、p. 231.
-CG ユング、魂を求める現代人 (心理学プレス 2001)、p. 231.
Human thought cannot conceive any system and final truth that could give the patient what he needs in order to live, that is: faith, hope, love, and insight. These four highest achievements of human effort are so many gifts of grace, which are neither to be taught nor learned, neither given nor taken, neither withheld nor earned, since they come through experience.
- C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Psychology Press 2001), p. 231.
- C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Psychology Press 2001), p. 231.
·聖書文献に照らしてみると、これは一致しています。 キリストはよく「私があなたを選んだのであって、あなたが私を選んだのではない」と言っています。世俗的なものは神から遠く離れているので、人間が神に近づく唯一の方法は啓示だけです。 まるで洞窟の寓話のようです。 私は自分の経験を一日中話すことができますが、人が「天国に行った」とき、彼らは地上を歩いただけの人とは必ずかけ離れた世界にいるのです。
·In light of the Biblical literature this is congruent. Christ often says, “I chose you, you did not choose me,” The profane is so far from the divine that revelation is the only way for man to access God. It’s like the allegory of the cave. I can speak all day of my experiences but when one’s “been to heaven” they are always worlds away from those who’ve only walked the earth.
·In light of the Biblical literature this is congruent. Christ often says, “I chose you, you did not choose me,” The profane is so far from the divine that revelation is the only way for man to access God. It’s like the allegory of the cave. I can speak all day of my experiences but when one’s “been to heaven” they are always worlds away from those who’ve only walked the earth.
必要なことは真実を知ることではなく、それを経験することです。 物事について知的な概念を持つことではなく、内なる、おそらく言葉にならない不合理な経験への道を見つけること、それが大きな問題です。 物事はどうあるべきか、どうあるべきかを語ることほど不毛なことはありません。そして、これらの遠い目標への道を見つけることほど重要なことはありません。 ほとんどの人は物事がどうあるべきかをよく知っていますが、そこに到達するための道を誰が示すことができるのでしょうか?
-CG ユング、ユングへの序文: 現代の魂の問題、CW 18: 象徴的な生活: 雑記、par. 1292年。
-CG ユング、ユングへの序文: 現代の魂の問題、CW 18: 象徴的な生活: 雑記、par. 1292年。
The needful thing is not to know the truth but to experience it. Not to have an intellectual conception of things, but to find our way to the inner, and perhaps wordless, irrational experience – that is the great problem. Nothing is more fruitless than talking of how things must or should be, and nothing is more important than finding the way to these far-off goals. Most people know very well how things should be, but who can point the way to get there?
- C.G. Jung, Forewords to Jung: Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart, CW 18: The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings, par. 1292.
- C.G. Jung, Forewords to Jung: Seelenprobleme der Gegenwart, CW 18: The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings, par. 1292.

ユングは、スイスのクスナハトにある自宅のドアの上に、「VOCATUS ATQUE NON VOCATUS DEUS ADERIT」というラテン語の碑文を彫りました。 英語に翻訳すると、碑文には「呼ばれても呼ばれなくても、神はそこにいます」と書かれています。
「ところで、あなたはデルフィで謎の神託『Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit』(呼ばれても呼ばれなくても、神は存在する) を求めていますが無駄です。それはチューリッヒ近郊のキュスナハトにある私の家のドアの上に石で切られており、その他の場合はエラスムスの『アダーギア』コレクションの中にあります。これはデルフィの神託です。 「はい、神はその場にいらっしゃいますが、どのような形で、どのような目的で臨まれますか? 私は患者と私自身に思い出させるためにそこに碑文を置きました: Timor dei initium sapiente 「主を畏れることは知恵の始まりである」 ここで、もう一つの同様に重要な道が始まります。それは、「キリスト教」へのアプローチではなく、神ご自身へのアプローチであり、これが究極の質問であるように思われます。 ~CG Jung.
Jung carved a Latin inscription above the door of his house in Kusnacht, Switzerland: "VOCATUS ATQUE NON VOCATUS DEUS ADERIT." In English translation, the inscription reads: "Called or not called, the god will be there."
"By the way, you seek the enigmatic oracle Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit in vain in Delphi: it is cut in stone over the door of my house in Kusnacht near Zurich and otherwise found in Erasmus's collection of Adagia. It is a Delphic oracle though. It says: yes, the god will be on the spot, but in what form and to what purpose? I have put the inscription there to remind my patients and myself: Timor dei initium sapiente "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Here another not less important road begins, not the approach to "Christianity" but to God himself and this seems to be the ultimate question. ~CG Jung.
「ところで、あなたはデルフィで謎の神託『Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit』(呼ばれても呼ばれなくても、神は存在する) を求めていますが無駄です。それはチューリッヒ近郊のキュスナハトにある私の家のドアの上に石で切られており、その他の場合はエラスムスの『アダーギア』コレクションの中にあります。これはデルフィの神託です。 「はい、神はその場にいらっしゃいますが、どのような形で、どのような目的で臨まれますか? 私は患者と私自身に思い出させるためにそこに碑文を置きました: Timor dei initium sapiente 「主を畏れることは知恵の始まりである」 ここで、もう一つの同様に重要な道が始まります。それは、「キリスト教」へのアプローチではなく、神ご自身へのアプローチであり、これが究極の質問であるように思われます。 ~CG Jung.
Jung carved a Latin inscription above the door of his house in Kusnacht, Switzerland: "VOCATUS ATQUE NON VOCATUS DEUS ADERIT." In English translation, the inscription reads: "Called or not called, the god will be there."
"By the way, you seek the enigmatic oracle Vocatus atque non vocatus deus aderit in vain in Delphi: it is cut in stone over the door of my house in Kusnacht near Zurich and otherwise found in Erasmus's collection of Adagia. It is a Delphic oracle though. It says: yes, the god will be on the spot, but in what form and to what purpose? I have put the inscription there to remind my patients and myself: Timor dei initium sapiente "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." Here another not less important road begins, not the approach to "Christianity" but to God himself and this seems to be the ultimate question. ~CG Jung.
11:27 したがって、もし、ふさわしくないままでパンを食べ、主の杯を飲む者があれば、主のからだと血に対して罪を犯すことになります。
また、世界の性質に関しても、人間の限界を超えるような仮定を立ててはなりません。 明らかに人工的で擬人化された世界を創造する勇気を持たなければなりません。 言い換えれば、すべての概念の擬人化された性質を認めなければなりません。
また、世界の性質に関しても、人間の限界を超えるような仮定を立ててはなりません。 明らかに人工的で擬人化された世界を創造する勇気を持たなければなりません。 言い換えれば、すべての概念の擬人化された性質を認めなければなりません。
しかし、世界の普遍的なイメージは、私たちの心理を超えた何かによって影響を受けているとは認めますが、心理的な事実または特徴です。 それが何なのか、私たちには分かりません。
そして、洞察力のある皆さん、その希望がなければどうやって人生に耐えるでしょうか? あなたがたは、考えられないような状況の中で生まれることも、不合理な状況の中で生まれることもできなかったのです。
しかし、友よ、あなたたちに私の心を完全に皆さんに明かそう。もし神がいるなら、私は神ではないことにどうして耐えることができますか! したがって、神は存在しません。
⚫ ユングとスイスの物理学者でノーベル賞受賞者のヴォルフガング・パウリは、『自然と精神の解釈』(tr.)にエッセイを寄稿した。 R.F.C. ハルと P. シルツ (ニューヨーク、1955 年)。
Also concerning the nature of the world you must not make any as- sumptions that overreach human limits; you must have the courage to create a world which is admittedly man-made and anthropomor- phous. In other words you must admit the anthropomorphous quality of all conceptions. Now, this is an attitude which we meet every day, because we are still inclined to assume that our scientific truth is some- thing more than man-made, that it has a certain objectivity, and is not relative only. But as a matter of fact, whatever we touch or experience is within the scope of our psychology. If I should say such a thing to a professor of philosophy he would kill me on the spot, because that means doing away with his assumption that his thinking is beyond psy- chology. But the universal image of the world is a psychological fact or feature, though it is influenced, I admit, by something beyond our psy- chology. What that is we don't know. There the physicist has the last word: he will inform us that it consists of atoms and peculiar things within the atoms, but that hypothesis is constantly changing, and there we have clearly come to a certain end. If he goes a bit further he begins to speculate, then he falls into the mind, and presumably he falls right into the collective unconscious, where he discovers the psychologist al- ready at work. The speculative modern physicist will surely come into very close contact with the psychologist, and as a matter of fact he al- ready has.'
So Nietzsche, in his great passion for truth, is really carrying on the best Kantian tradition, but of course he is also a child of his time when the prevalent misconception was that God was a conjecture or a con- cept and not an experience.
And how would ye endure life without that hope, ye discerning ones? Neither in the inconceivable could ye have been born, nor in the irrational.
But that I may reveal my heart entirely unto you, my friends: if there were God, how could I endure it to be no God! Therefore there are no Gods.
Well, the main idea here is that if there were a thing like God, it would be catastrophic for man, because he would be deprived of all his high- est aspirations and hopes by being hopelessly anticipated; the perfect being would be there already.
⚫ Both Jung and the Swiss physicist and Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli contributed essays to The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, tr. R.F.C. Hull and P. Silz (New York, 1955).
1936 年 5 月 20 日
最も完全な行為やパフォーマンスはすでにあるでしょう。もしそれがすでに存在しているのなら、何か偉大なものを求めたり生み出そうとしたりすることに何の意味があるでしょうか? なぜそれを気にするのでしょうか?
最も完全な行為やパフォーマンスはすでにあるでしょう。もしそれがすでに存在しているのなら、何か偉大なものを求めたり生み出そうとしたりすることに何の意味があるでしょうか? なぜそれを気にするのでしょうか?
だからあなたは自分自身が至高になるために彼がそこにいないことを願うことしかできません。 あなたが占拠したいと思っていた場所にすでに誰かがいる場合、あなたはその人を排除するか、価値あるものを生み出す望みを失って諦めて辞任するかのどちらかです。
「もし神がいるなら、神がいないことにどうして耐えられるでしょうか! したがって神はいないのです。」したがって神はいないでしょう。なぜなら、彼が先取りされれば、彼はすべての希望を失うからです。
今、彼自身は、自分の上に誰かが座ることに耐えられなかったので神は存在しなかったという結論は正当ではないと感じている。 それはまさにハイブリス(傲慢) であり、行き過ぎです。
したがって、彼の神についての概念は、必然的にそのような結論に彼を導きますが、前提に関する限り、彼の結論は正しいです。つまり、これまで何世紀にもわたって考えられてきた神は、まったく明らかに推測です。 そして、誰も神が直接的な経験であるとは考えていない。
それは経験という事実に対する忠誠を意味します。 典型的な例はパウロです。彼は、ダマスカスでキリスト教徒を迫害する途中、おそらく人生で最悪の瞬間に、神の経験によって打ちのめされました。 そして、彼はそれを知りました、そして、ユングは対立の弁証法をしっかりと確信しており、最高の善は最低の悪によって相殺されなければならないと主張しています。
20 MAY 1936
There would already be the most com-plete action or performance, and what is the use of seeking or trying to produce something great if it is already in existence? Why bother about it? Moreover, you might have a chance perhaps of communicat- ing with that supreme being and receiving from him something to which you could not add; so you could only wish that he were not there in order to become supreme yourself. If somebody is already in the place you were hoping to occupy, either you must do away with him, or you desist and resign, having lost all hope of producing anything worth while. And so he says: "if there were Gods, how could I endure it to be no God! Therefore there are no Gods." Therefore there shall be no Gods, for if he were anticipated he would lose all his hopes. Now, he himself feels that this is not a valid conclusion that because he could not stand having somebody on top of him, there were therefore no gods. It is indeed hybris, it goes too far. But looked at from the stand- point of Nietzsche, as well as from the standpoint of history, where God suffers from the human definition that he is the summum bonum for instance, such a definition makes of God a human conjecture which is really quite blasphemous. If you assume that God is the summum bonum, then what about the infimum malum?s You cannot say a thing is supremely good only, but must also establish the lowest evil, for what is light without shadow? What is high without low? You deprive the de- ity of its omnipotence and its universality by depriving it of the dark quality of the world. To ascribe infinite evil to man and all the good to God would make man much too important: he would be as big as God, because light and absence of light are equal, they belong together in order to make the whole. So his conception of God leads him necessar- ily into such conclusions, but as far as the premise goes his conclusion is right: God as he has been conceived by the preceding centuries is a conjecture, quite clearly. And nobody assumes that God is an imme- diate experience.
In the Christian church they talk so much of the necessity of believ- ing in God that one really becomes doubtful whether God can be an ex- perience. You see, if we have the experience, we don't need to believe. So the Greek word pistis, which means confidence, loyalty, is not at all what we understand by believing; it means the loyalty to the fact of the experience. The classical example is Paul who, perhaps at the worst moment in his life, on his way to persecute the Christians in Damascus, was thrown down by that experience of God. Then he knew it, and that > Jung, firmly convinced of the dialectic of opposites, argues that the highest good must be offset by the lowest evil.
もちろん、そのような経験が可能であると信じることができれば、それを恵みと呼ぶかもしれません。 たとえ生涯を通じて神の体験を奪われていたとしても、その人は少なくともその恵みを受けるに値します。
しかし、神の経験がなければ、信じる努力をする権利は実際にはありません。それはどこにもつながりません。 それを奪われていると言ったほうがいいでしょう。
では、それを説明できますか? ここで何が起こったのですか?
フィアズ教授: 彼は自分の罠にはまっています。
ユング教授: 当然です。彼は神は存在できないという結論を導き出せますが、今ではその結論が彼よりも強力になっています。彼は罠にはまったのです。それはどういうことですか?
エッシャー博士: それは自律的なエネルギーになりました。
ユング教授: そうですね、神は存在しないというこの結論は、あたかも自律的なエネルギーが注ぎ込まれたかのように、突然自律的な性質を帯びたと言えるでしょう。 それは強迫観念のようなものです。
この考えは今や彼自身よりも、彼を超えて強くなりました。 彼はその犠牲者なのだ。 それは、何か真実で重要なことに関して間違った仮定をしたときに常に起こります。
その場合、それは自律的な性格を帯びます。 強迫神経症の場合、それが非常によくわかります。
私は約20年前に殺人を犯し、完全に破壊された女性の事件を覚えています。 それは非常に巧妙に行われました。 彼女はとても聡明な女性で、医師でもあり、自分の痕跡を見事に隠すことができましたが、なぜ自分がそうなのか理解できませんでした。
he had pistis means that he stuck to that experience and didn't go away from that fact. All the belief in the world doesn't make it; in believing it might be possible one experiences nothing. Of course one might call it grace if one is able to believe that such an experience is possible; if for a whole lifetime one is deprived of the experience of God, one de- serves that grace at least. But without an experience of God one has really no right to make the effort to believe-it leads nowhere; one had better just say that one is deprived of it. Now naturally, when one draws a conclusion upon such an insufficient premise, one has a some- what unsafe feeling, and Nietzsche shows that sentiment d'incertitude in the next sentence:
Yea, I have drawn the conclusion;...
and then comes the very interesting statement:
now, however, doth it draw me.
Now can you explain that? What has happened here? Prof. Fierz: He is in his own trap.
Prof. Jung: Obviously. He can draw the conclusion that gods cannot exist, but now that conclusion is stronger than he. He is trapped. How is that?
Dr. Escher: It has become autonomous energy.
Prof. Jung: Well, you could say that this conclusion that there were no gods suddenly had assumed an autonomous quality, as if it had been invested with autonomous energy. It is like an obsession; this idea is now stronger than himself, beyond him. He is the victim of it. That always happens when you make a wrong assumption concerning something true and vital: it then assumes an autonomous character. You can see that very beautifully in the case of a compulsion neurosis; those people assume that there is no moral law, that they can behave like real devils in an absolutely irresponsible, ruthless way, and that it doesn't matter. Or sometimes people who might appear to be fairly normal, think they can do something definitely immoral, and inas- much as it is not known by the public it is of no consequence. In fact, it is a widespread idea that only inasmuch as it bothers other people does it matter, that you can even commit murder if nobody knows. But as a matter of fact it does matter.
I remember the case of a woman who committed a murder about twenty years ago and she was completely destroyed. It was very clev- erly done; she was a very intelligent woman, a doctor, who could cover up her tracks marvelously, and she could not understand why she was
1936 年 5 月 20 日
誰も知らなかったので破壊されました。 彼女は自分が知っていたこと、そして自分が国民全体、あるいはそれ以上であることをすっかり忘れていました。
誰も知らなかったので破壊されました。 彼女は自分が知っていたこと、そして自分が国民全体、あるいはそれ以上であることをすっかり忘れていました。
彼女はどこにいても永遠の牢獄に入れられ、すべての人間が彼女から排除されました。 結局彼女は動物としか接することができなかった。
彼女は、飼っていた犬が足が不自由になったときに私のところに来ました。そのとき、それを世間に告白しなければならなかったので、私に告白してくれました。 私は彼女の名前すら聞きませんでした。 それは匿名の出来事でした。
さて、それがニーチェに起こったことです。 彼は理解できない状況に対処していました。 彼は、神は人間が扱える推測であるという仮定から始めました。 彼はその結論を導き出し、そしてそれが彼を扱いました。
彼は神などあり得ないと言い、そして無意識である自己がこう言いました、「今、あなたは私の手の中にあります。あなたは私の存在を否定するので、あなたは私の犠牲者です。」 これはツァラトゥストラのドラマ全体の中で最も決定的な瞬間です。
20 MAY 1936
destroyed since nobody knew. She quite forgot that she knew, and that she was a whole nation or perhaps more. You see, there was no nation on earth that would give her hospitality; her unconscious made a con- tract with the whole world to give her no shelter. She forgot that her ego is not her totality; it is not the self. It would not matter that her ego knew, but there was somebody else in her, the thing that is much greater than herself that said: you have committed murder; there is no place for you in the whole world because the whole world knows it. For we are the whole world in ourselves; not in the ego, mind you our ego is in ourselves as if it were in a great continent or the whole universe. Her universe accused her of murder and she was executed; she was in an eternal prison wherever she was, so that every human being was re- moved from her. She could only deal with animals in the end. She came to me when her dog got lame, then she had to confess it to the world, so she confessed it to me. I did not even ask her name; it was an anonymous business.
Now, that is what happened to Nietzsche; he was dealing with a sit- uation that he didn't understand. He started with the assumption that God was a conjecture which one can handle; he drew that conclusion, and then it handled him. He said there could be no such thing as God, and then the self, the unconscious, said, "Now you are in my hands; because you deny my existence, you are my victim." This is a most de- cisive moment in the whole drama of Zarathustra. He will be drawn by that unknown factor, and you will see in the further chapters if we ever get to them-testimony which shows very clearly how the thing which was denied was working in him. This place explains Nietzsche's life after writing Zarathustra, his tragic fate.
God is a conjecture: but who could drink all the bitterness of this conjecture without dying? Shall his faith be taken from the creat- ing one, and from the eagle his flights into eagle-heights?
How do you understand this verse? What about the bitterness of this conjecture?
Mrs. Crowley: Well, he has already confessed that it would be per- fectly hopeless if there were a God, as that would prevent man from being creative.
Prof. Jung: Yes, he could not be creative because everything was al- ready created. If we are permeated with the idea that the most valuable and important things are eternal, why create? It is perfectly foolish. Now, do you assume that there are people who experience the bitter- ness of that anticipation?
アレマン氏: すべての発明は誰かによって先取りされていると思います。
ユング教授: ああ、もちろん、この優先課題は人生において大きな役割を果たします。先取りされると大惨事になりますが、私たちは今、神が人間を先取りする精神的な経験について話しています。どこでそれを見ますか?
ハーディング博士: 息子と父親の関係でそれを見ることができるかもしれません。父親がすべてを成し遂げ、すべてを経験すると、息子は自分で何も見つけられなくなります。
ユング教授: そうですが、それは人生の普通の事実の範囲内です。ニーチェの状況はもう少し複雑です。彼は神の概念に耐えられません。なぜなら、神は創造的な人間であるニーチェを先取りしすぎて、創造的な努力ができなくなるからです。さて、私の質問は、神に先取りされている、あるいは神が何を意味するにせよ、創造的努力ができない状況があるかどうかです。
ハンナさん: ローマ教会はすべての人々にそれを行います。それはすべてを説明するので、彼らを止めます。
アレマン氏: すべての発明は誰かによって先取りされていると思います。
ユング教授: ああ、もちろん、この優先課題は人生において大きな役割を果たします。先取りされると大惨事になりますが、私たちは今、神が人間を先取りする精神的な経験について話しています。どこでそれを見ますか?
ハーディング博士: 息子と父親の関係でそれを見ることができるかもしれません。父親がすべてを成し遂げ、すべてを経験すると、息子は自分で何も見つけられなくなります。
ユング教授: そうですが、それは人生の普通の事実の範囲内です。ニーチェの状況はもう少し複雑です。彼は神の概念に耐えられません。なぜなら、神は創造的な人間であるニーチェを先取りしすぎて、創造的な努力ができなくなるからです。さて、私の質問は、神に先取りされている、あるいは神が何を意味するにせよ、創造的努力ができない状況があるかどうかです。
ハンナさん: ローマ教会はすべての人々にそれを行います。それはすべてを説明するので、彼らを止めます。
+ ユートピア(1516)の著者トーマス・モア(1478-1535)はヘンリー8世によって殉教した。
Mr. Allemann: I think every invention has been anticipated by some- body else.
Prof. Jung: Ah yes, naturally this priority business plays a tremen- dous role in life. It is a catastrophe when one is anticipated, but we are talking now of spiritual experience, when God anticipates man. Where do you see that?
Dr. Harding: You might see it in a son's relation to his father; when the father has done everything and experienced everything, the son can find nothing for himself.
Prof. Jung: Yes, but that is within the ordinary facts of life. Nietzsche's situation is a bit more involved. You see, he cannot stand the idea of God, because God would anticipate the creative man Nietzsche to such an extent that he could not make the creative effort. Now my question is, are there situations when one cannot make a cre- ative effort because one is anticipated by God or whatever God may mean?
Miss Hannah: The Roman church does that to all its people; it stops them because it explains everything to them.
Prof. Jung: "To be born Catholic means to be stillborn!" That is not my invention, that is Thomas More's. But that is also within the hu- man scope because they don't assume that the Catholic church is God.
Mr. Martin: The man that is obsessed by the idea that cause and ef- fect create the whole world, as some physicists are, might be deprived of creative power.
Prof. Jung: Yes, inasmuch as he collides with the spiritual fact, the ex- perience of God, but in most scientists their attitude doesn't become a spiritual problem because they have compartmental psychology; in one drawer is science, and in another the political club to which they belong, and so on: things never touch each other. Well, it is a rather difficult question. You know if you have an intense contact with the col- lective unconscious, you are so much impressed by the eternal images that you are sucked under and never reappear. That is the safest way to sterilize a man completely; it kills him for the world, he simply dis- appears. Therefore people who are touched by the collective uncon- scious under pathological circumstances, lose the creative faculty, as it happened to Nietzsche himself. And it can happen in minor degrees to other people; under the influence of the specific experience of the collective unconscious they are quite lamed; floods of possibilities and images sway over them and they cannot grasp them; they can no
+ Thomas More (1478-1535), author of Utopia (1516), was martyred by Henry VIII.
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