


2022-01-31 23:54:24 | 心理学



ユング心理学研究会 主催



【ユングサロン】 『波の地図』で歩く元型的世界 〜生まれて、伝わって、届くものたち〜 (参加無料) 

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■ 日時:2022年2月17日(木) 19:00〜21:00


■ 会場:オンライン開催(zoomミーティングルーム形式)

■ 参加費:無料


■ 参加方法 




■ 主催:ユング心理学研究会 http://jung2012.jimdo.com/

■ 問い合わせ:ユングサロン事務局 jungsalon-info@yahoo.co.jp






「波」は、海の波だけではない!? 数々の文様に描かれたり、「波乱万丈」「人波にもまれる」といった慣用表現に使われたり、「電波」「音波」など物理の世界は「波」だらけだったりする。本書は「文化としての波」をテーマに、たくさんの文献資料をもとにした文章と楽しいイラストで構成。肩の凝らないアート本としても楽しめる、知的好奇心あふれる一冊です。


● 書籍紹介

 『波の地図』原田佳夏・なかひら まい(雷鳥社)








● 著者プロフィール

構成・文 原田佳夏 Yoshika Harada



絵・文 なかひら まい Mai Nakahira

 画家・作家。ユング心理学研究会理事。多摩美術家協会会員。セツ・モードセミナー卒業。著作『スプーの日記』シリーズ三部作(トランスビュー)。古代伝承研究本『名草戸畔 古代紀国の女王伝説』(STUDIO M.O.G)。毎日新聞・大阪本社版連載童話『貝がらの森』(STUDIO M.O.G)。物語創作、伝承研究、絵画、イラスト制作などを通して日夜、独自の視点でモノノケの世界の本質を探求している。





● ユング心理学研究会とは












 ・研究会ホームページ http://jung2012.jimdo.com/

キリスト元型: ユングが見たイエスの生涯 ーエドワード・エディンジャー (著)

2022-01-21 22:58:59 | 心理学

‎ 青土社 (December 25, 2021)

by エドワード・エディンジャー (著), 岸本寛史 (翻訳), 山愛美 (翻訳)







参考までに _The Christian Archetype_, by Edward F. Edinger, published by Inner City Books http://innercitybooks.net, Chapter 1, The Annunciation. 聖書箇所 ルカの福音書1章26節~38節

"Annunciation" page from The Belles Heures of France, Duke of Berry, French(ベリー公ジャン・オブ・フランスの時代)。ベラムにインク、テンペラ、金箔;9 3/8 x 6 5/8 in. 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 in. (23.8 x 16.8 cm), The Cloisters Collection, 1954 (54.1.1). the Metropolitan Museum of Art, date 1409, author: Pol, Jean, and Herman de Limbourg (フランコ・ネザーランド人、フランスで活動、1399年から1416年まで)

序章: https://youtu.be/e8np_vG_4v8
第1章:受胎告知 - https://youtu.be/dCzHshV3lxI
第2章:聖誕祭 - https://youtu.be/eGEs-NPGLNo
第3章:エジプトへの逃避 - https://youtu.be/ctd6rqVLRoo
第4章:バプテスマ - https://youtu.be/cLjPCILHA-E
第5章:エルサレムへの凱旋 - https://youtu.be/-zUGqOzSebk
第6章:最後の晩餐 - https://youtu.be/xfotWF6lgZU
第7章:ゲッセマネ - https://youtu.be/7GqjS-W-_js
第8章: 逮捕と裁判 - https://youtu.be/pcTOScZF6wc
第9章:鞭打ちと嘲笑 - https://youtu.be/9S-8q_Dx79w
第10章;十字架刑 - https://youtu.be/3ffIDbZDugA
第11章;嘆きと埋葬 - https://youtu.be/fwxvZWQXcgA
第12章 復活 - https://youtu.be/aDFztcfJ9Rs

Reference: _The Christian Archetype_, by Edward F. Edinger, published by Inner City Books http://innercitybooks.net, Chapter 1, The Annunciation. Scripture Luke 1:26-38

Thumbnail Credit:
"Annunciation" page from The Belles Heures of Jean of France, Duke of Berry, French. Ink, tempera, and gold leaf on vellum; 9 3/8 x 6 5/8 in. (23.8 x 16.8 cm), The Cloisters Collection, 1954 (54.1.1). the Metropolitan Museum of Art, date 1409, author: Pol, Jean, and Herman de Limbourg (Franco-Netherlandish, active in France, by 1399-1416)

Links to other Chapters:
Introduction: https://youtu.be/e8np_vG_4v8
Chapter 1: The Annunciation - https://youtu.be/dCzHshV3lxI
Chapter 2: The Nativity - https://youtu.be/eGEs-NPGLNo
Chapter 3: Flight into Egypt - https://youtu.be/ctd6rqVLRoo
Chapter 4: Baptism - https://youtu.be/cLjPCILHA-E
Chapter 5: Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem - https://youtu.be/-zUGqOzSebk
Chapter 6: The Last Supper - https://youtu.be/xfotWF6lgZU
Chapter 7: Gethsemane - https://youtu.be/7GqjS-W-_js
Chapter 8: Arrest and Trial - https://youtu.be/pcTOScZF6wc
Chapter 9: Flagellation and Mocking - https://youtu.be/9S-8q_Dx79w
Chapter 10: Crucifixion - https://youtu.be/3ffIDbZDugA
Chapter 11; Lamentation and Entombment - https://youtu.be/fwxvZWQXcgA
Chapter 12: Resurrection - https://youtu.be/aDFztcfJ9Rs



C・G・ユングの夢セミナー パウリの夢ー C・G・ユング (著),

2022-01-21 00:15:55 | 心理学

C・G・ユングの夢セミナー パウリの夢 Tankobon Hardcover – July 22, 2021

by C・G・ユング (著), 河合 俊雄 (監修), スザンヌ・ギーザ― (編集), 猪股 剛  (翻訳), 宮澤 淳滋 (翻訳), 鹿野 友章 (翻訳), & 1 more



2022-01-16 12:45:14 | 心理学


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 ※ 前回までのこのシリーズの内容については、こちらで報告をしています。


       司会進行:海野裕美子(同) 資料協力:山口正男(同)
    第5回:2月3日(木)20:00 〜 22:00 (開場19:45)
  ■ テキスト: C.G.ユング「心理学と宗教」
      村本詔司訳『心理学と宗教』人文書院、1989.4 所収            
   ・ 適宜、英語原文、ドイツ語訳文も参照します。
   ・ テキストを読んでいない方でも、資料を見ながらの進行なので参加可能です。
   ・ シリーズ途中からでの参加でも全く問題ありません。お気軽にご参加ください。
  ■ 会場:オンライン開催(zoomミーティングルーム形式)
  ■ 会費:1,000円

  ■ 参加申し込みページ https://jungstudy20220203.peatix.com
  ■ 主催:ユング心理学研究会 http://jung2012.jimdo.com/
  ■ 問い合わせ:研究会事務局 jungtokyo_info@yahoo.co.jp


2022-01-07 16:59:20 | 心理学


Գոհար Մնացականյան 分析心理学 理論と実践


- ルカによる福音書』2章11節



一方、キリストは神の真の姿であり、その似姿に倣って私たちの内なる人は造られ、目に見えず、体もなく、腐敗せず、不死である。私たちの中の神像は、"prudentia, iustitia, moderatio, virtus, sapientia et disciplineina"(先見性、正義、節度、勇気、知恵、規律)を通じて明らかにされます。






この統合の範囲は、「descensus ad inferos」、(地獄への降下)すなわちキリストの魂が地獄に降下し、その救済の業が死者をも包含することによって示唆されている。心理学的には、集合的無意識の統合がこれに相当し、個性化のプロセスの本質的な部分を形成している。

聖アウグスティヌスは、「それゆえ、我々の目的は我々の完成でなければならないが、我々の完成はキリストである」と述べている。このため、キリストは "王 "とも呼ばれる。彼の花嫁(スポンサ)は人間の魂であり、それは「内側に隠された霊的な神秘のうちに御言葉と結合され、二人が一つの肉体となる」もので、キリストと教会の神秘的結婚に対応する。
- C.G.ユング「キリスト、自己の象徴」。CW 9ii: アイオン 自己の現象学への研究、pars.CW 9ii: Aion: Researchches into the Phenomenology of the Self, pars. 69-72.

- C.G.ユング、ウィリアム・ラシャット牧師への書簡(1955年6月29日)。C.G.ユング書簡集1951-1961、第2巻、p.268。




- C.G.ユング、ヴェルナー・ニーデラー牧師への手紙(1951年3月26日)、14頁。
Art: ミヒャエル・トレビル「ベツレヘムの小さな町よ



Գոհար Մնացականյան 分析心理学 理論と実践

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
- Gospel of Luke, v. 2:11

He [Christ] is in us and we in him. His kingdom is the pearl of great price, the treasure buried in the field, the grain of mustard seed which will become a great tree, and the heavenly city.
As Christ is in us, so also is his heavenly kingdom.

Christ exemplifies the archetype of the self. He represents a totality of a divine or heavenly kind [“the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way,” Ephesians 1:23], a glorified man, a son of God ‘sine macula peccati’ [without a stain of sin], unspotted by sin. As Adam secundus he corresponds to the first Adam before the Fall, when the latter was still a pure image of God, of which Tertullian says: “And this therefore is to be considered as the image of God in man, that the human spirit has the same motions and senses as God has, though not in the same way as God has them.” Origen is very much more explicit: The imago Dei imprinted on the soul, not on the body, is an image of an image, “for my soul is not directly the image of God, but is made after the likeness of the former image.”

Christ, on the other hand, is the true image of God, after whose likeness our inner man is made, invisible, incorporeal, incorrupt, and immortal. The God-image in us reveals itself through “prudentia, iustitia, moderatio, virtus, sapientia et disciplina” [foresight, justice, moderation, courage, wisdom, and discipline].

St. Augustine distinguishes between the God-image which is Christ and the image which is implanted in man as a means or possibility of becoming like God.

The God-image is not in the corporeal man, but in the ‘anima rationalis,’ the possession of which distinguishes man from animals.

[The rational soul, the seat of mind and will, is contrasted with the ‘anima irrationallis,’ powers of appetite and sense-perceptions which are common to humans and animals]. “The God-image is within, not in the body. Where the understanding is, where the mind is, where the power of investigating truth is, there God has his image.” Therefore we should remind ourselves, says Augustine, that we are fashioned after the image of God nowhere save in the understanding: “but where man knows himself to be made after the image of God, there he knows there is something more in him than is given to the beasts.”

From this it is clear that the God image is, so to speak, identical with the ‘anima rationalis.’ The latter is the higher spiritual man, the ‘homo coelestis’ [the celestial man] of St Paul. [“The first man is of the earth and is earthly, the second man is of heaven and is heavenly,” 1st Corinthians 15:47].

Like Adam before the Fall, Christ is an embodiment of the God-image, whose totality is specially emphasized by St. Augustine. “The Word,” he says, “took on complete manhood, as it were in its fulness: the soul and body of a man. And if you would have me put it more exactly, since even a beast of the field has a ‘soul’ and a body, when I say a human soul and human flesh, I mean he took upon him a complete human soul.” The God-image in man was not destroyed by the Fall but was only damaged and corrupted (“deformed”), and can be restored through God’s grace.

The scope of the integration is suggested by the ‘descensus ad inferos,’ the descent of Christ’s soul to hell, its work of redemption embracing even the dead. The psychological equivalent of this is the integration of the collective unconscious which forms an essential part of the individuation process.

St. Augustine says: “Therefore our end must be our perfection, but our perfection is Christ,” since he is the perfect God-image. For this reason he is also called “King.” His bride (sponsa) is the human soul, which “in an inwardly hidden spiritual mystery is joined to the Word, that two may be in one flesh,” to correspond with the mystic marriage of Christ and the Church.
- C.G. Jung, Christ, A Symbol of the Self. CW 9ii: Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self, pars. 69-72.

The life of Christ is identical in us, from the psychological point of view, with the unconscious tendency toward individuation. That is what forces us to live life completely, an adventure which is often as heroic as it is tragic. Without error and sin there is no experience of grace, that is, no union of God and man.
- C.G. Jung, Letter to Pastor William Lachat (29 June 1955). C.G. Jung Letters 1951-1961, Vol. 2, p. 268.


The psychological “merit” (or rather, significance) of Christ consists in the fact that, as the “firstling,” he is the prototype of the perfect, the integral man. This image, as history testifies, is numinous and can therefore be answered only by another numinosity. It touches the imago Dei, the archetype of the self in us, and thereby awakens it. The self is then “constellated” and by virtue of its numinosity compels man towards wholeness, i.e., towards the integration of the unconscious or the subordination of the ego to a holistic “will,” which is rightly conceived to be “God’s will.”

Perfection in the psychological sense means the “completeness,” not the perfection of man. Wholeness cannot be conscious, since it also embraces the unconscious. Hence at least half of it is a transcendental state, mystical and numinous.

Individuation is a transcendental goal, an incarnation of the man.
The only part of this we can understand rationally is the holistic religious striving of consciousness, i.e., the ‘religiose observare’ of the holistic impulses in the unconscious, but not the existential reality of wholeness or of the self, which is prefigured by ‘being in Christ.’
- C.G. Jung, Letter to Pastor Werner Niederer (26 March 1951), p. 14.
Art: Michael Torevell, O Little Town of Bethlehem

1.ヌーメンの、またはヌーメンに関連する; 超自然的。
3.霊的に高められた; 荘厳な。







1. Of or relating to a numen; supernatural.
2. Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence: a numinous place.
3. Spiritually elevated; sublime.
4. arousing spiritual or religious emotions
5. mysterious or awe-inspiring Latin numen divine will

The term numinosity isn’t too well-known beyond the academic study of religion and anthropology.

In a sense numinosity is like the more familiar term luminosity.

But numinosity refers to a subtle, spiritual light instead of an outwardly visible light such as the luminosity of the moon.

While numinosity and luminosity may coexist, they remain somehow different.
"The sprinkling of Holy Water was the most numinous moment in the Mass"

"After meditation, Jenny is often filled with great feelings of numinosity."
by Jennifire October 10, 2008





