

"投影は、世界を自分の知らない顔のレプリカに変える。" - C.G.ユング

2021-09-30 19:32:11 | 心理学

"投影は、世界を自分の知らない顔のレプリカに変える。" - C.G.ユング

“Projections change the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face.” – C.G. Jung

The best political, social, and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our

shadow onto others.

— Carl Jung





このような道徳的な自己満足と責任感の欠如ほど、社会を分裂させ、疎外する効果を持つものはなく、相互に投影を取りやめることほど、理解と和解を促進するものはない。" ~カール・ユング著『知られざる自己』72ページ。










自分にできるだけ正直になるために、私はギリシャの古い格言である "持っているものをすべて配れ、そうすれば受け取ることができる "に従って、すべてを注意深く書き留めた。書いているうちに、自分でもびっくりするような反応が出てくることもしばしばあった。私は少しずつ、自分自身と邪魔者を区別することを学んだ。感情的に下品なことや平凡なことが出てきたとき、私は自分自身にこう言い聞かせました。この平凡な自分をいつまでも受け入れる必要はない、それは不必要な屈辱だ」と。本質的なことは、これらの無意識の内容を擬人化することで自分を差別化し、同時に意識と関係させることである。それが、無意識の内容から力を奪う技術です。無意識の内容を擬人化することは、それほど難しいことではありません。というのも、無意識の内容は常にある程度の自律性、つまり自分自身の独立したアイデンティティを持っているからです。その自律性は、自分自身を納得させるには最も不快なものですが、しかし、無意識がそのような形で現れるという事実そのものが、無意識を扱うための最良の手段を与えてくれるのです。


Nothing has a more divisive and alienating effect upon society than this moral complacency and lack of responsibility, and nothing promotes understanding and rapprochement more than the mutual withdrawal of projections." ~Carl Jung; The Undiscovered Self; Page 72.

“The objectivity which I experienced in this dream and in the visions is part of a completed individuation. It signifies detachment from valuation and from what we call emotional ties. In general, emotional ties are very important to human beings. But they still contain projections, and it is essential to withdraw these projections in order to attain to oneself and to objectivity. Emotional relationships are relationships of desire, tainted by coercion and constraint; something is expected from the other person, and that makes him and ourselves unfree. Objective cognition lies hidden behind the attraction of the emotional relationship; it seems to be the central secret. Only through objective cognition is the real conuinctio possible.”
~Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, page 296

“A man likes to believe that he is the master of his soul. But as long as he is unable to control his moods and emotions, or to be conscious of the myriad secret ways in which unconscious factors insinuate themselves into his arrangements and decisions, he is certainly not his own master… Modern (‘civilized’) man protects himself against seeing his own split state by a system of compartments. Certain areas of outer life and of his own behavior are kept, as it were, in separate drawers and are never confronted with one another." ~CG Jung, "Man And His Symbols (the soul of man)." p.86.

"He discovers he is not the master in his own house."
The proper relation of Ego to the Self, the archetype of wholeness:
"It makes a considerable difference whether the mental function is master or servant. The master thinks & feels differently from the servant." ~C.G. Jung, Psychological Types, para. 55

Emotion, incidentally, is not an activity of the individual but something that happens to him. Affects occur usually where adaptation is weakest, and at the same time they reveal the reason for its weakness, namely a certain degree of inferiority and the existence of a lower level of personality. On this lower level with its uncontrolled or scarcely controlled emotions one behaves more or less like a primitive, who is not only the passive victim of his affects but also singularly incapable of moral judgment. ~CG Jung, Aion, para 15

We must become acquainted with our emotional household: we must see our feelings as they actually are, not as we assume they are. This breaks their hypnotic and damaging hold on us. ~Vernon Howard
The Mastery of Self

No one is responsible for your emotional reactions except you. Others can say and do anything they like but what happens inside you is only the result of what you are thinking and feeling. ~don Miguel Ruiz Jr.

Who would have thought that the alchemists, popularly supposed to be searching for gold, were really promising themselves freedom from illusion, exaggerated emotion, passion, excess and all possible vices ~Carl Jung, ETH, Lecture XIII, Page 108.

Control of the emotions is a very important element of self-control in general. Often the concept of self-control conjures up the image of an emotionless, dry, rigid way of life. If a person is in complete control of his emotions, however, he can call forth any emotion he desires and is free to enhance it as he wills. Rather than be controlled by emotions such as love, yearning, or awe, he can control them. One can evoke these emotions and blend them together, painting every aspect of life with a rich palette of feelings. Control of the emotions can thus lead a person to experience a richer blend of feelings in his daily life than the average person generally experiences.
~Aryeh Kaplan --Jewish Meditation

"As a result of my experiment I learned how helpful it can be, from the therapeutic point of view, to find the particular images which lie behind the emotions…
The essential thing is to differentiate oneself from these unconscious contents by personifying them, and at the same time to bring them into relationship with consciousness. That is the technique for stripping them of their power…
I took great care to try to understand every single image, every item of my psychic inventory, …and, above all, to realize them in actual life. That is what we usually neglect to do. We allow the images to rise up, and maybe we wonder about them, but that is all. We do not take the trouble to understand them, let alone draw ethical conclusions from them. This stopping-short conjures up the negative effects of the unconscious. ~CG Jung, MDR, pg. 177-192.

In order to be as honest as possible with myself, I wrote everything down very carefully, following the old Greek maxim: "Give away all that thou hast, then shalt thou receive." Often, as I was writing, I would have peculiar reactions that threw me off. Slowly I learned to distinguish between myself and the interruption. When something emotionally vulgar or banal came up, I would say to myself, "It is perfectly true that I have thought and felt this way at some time or other, but I don't have to think and feel that way now. I need not accept this banality of mine in perpetuity; that is an unnecessary humiliation”. The essential thing is to differentiate oneself from these unconscious contents by personifying them, and at the same time to bring them into relationship with consciousness. That is the technique for stripping them of their power. It is not too difficult to personify them, as they always possess a certain degree of autonomy, a separate identity of their own. Their autonomy is a most uncomfortable thing to reconcile oneself to, and yet the very fact that the unconscious presents itself in that way gives us the best means of handling it.
~CG Jung, MDR, Confrontation with the Unconscious, Pages 185-6.

すべての考えは一つの考えから隠された考えですか? 信念は私たちを隔てるものですか?

2021-09-30 19:30:25 | 心理学


Are all thoughts hidden thoughts from the One Thought?
Are beliefs what separate us?





What is your definition of “one thought”?
And why are you concerned with it?

There is only unity. We create the separation like a fantasy and then we convince ourselves to believe it. The reason you feel the way you do is because of what your thinking like Pieter said.

Oneness/Unity consciousness;
What are the reasons we’re not in oneness/unity consciousness?
It’s a long list.
Have a look around… take a good long honest look at people’s everyday interactions with each other. Observe the patterns of behavior and what do we find?
Political parties at war with each other always fighting and bickering over which politician is wrong and which one is right, fighting over the political topic of the day in endless mud slinging and hateful insults.
We see a huge division in the current global health/virus concerns.
We have churches and religions at war with each other.
We have constant racism issues being broadcast in the media.
We see gender and sexual preferences type debates and the division that is involved with.
Then there are the comparatively lesser topic such as philosophical debates and sports team rivalry, etc.
In short, the he human species is in constant separation, division, and fragmentation on a grand scale.
Why is this?
It’s because we have the capacity as human beings with our differences from the other species such as contemplation… and imagination… and technology… etc, etc.. we’re well equipped to have a well rounded experience on this planet that is in our own way unique to us.
We’re not perfect.
We’re human and not birds or fish.
Big difference.
Birds and fish that we see flying and swimming in perfect coordinated harmony with each other on oneness/unity consciousness are examples of their level of experience on this planet – but it’s not something that we share with them. We have our own thing going on.
Self-realized people are not typically in separation to the degree that the average ego-consciousness lives in... and are not nearly as judgmental, or racist or prejudiced or biased, because they understand the deeper meaning of things and can easily forgive others… “For they know not what they do”…
Complete unity consciousness/oneness is an impossibility. At best, we might get the occasional glimpse into that realm such as when having a mystical experience but that’s about as close as we get… a figment of our imagination.
It still lingers as a fantasy wish-dream for some to worship and it’s a ‘heaven’ for gurus to put out there like a savior figure for their followers to lust after.
Its the seekers who live from the ego that wants it to be “all one”...
It’s not our reality.




理想的な概念で意識を満たすことは、西洋神智学の特徴ですが、影や闇の世界との対決はしません。光の姿を想像することで悟りを開くのではなく、闇を意識化することで悟りを開くのである。~カール・ユング『哲学の木』CW13「アルケミック・スタディーズ」 P.335 P.335



この一節(MDR, p.326)には、これまでの人生の中で最も意識的な人生であると私が考える、一生涯の仕事が凝縮されています」。この文章を本質的に凝縮すると、次のようになります。人間の人生の目的は、意識の創造である。" ~エドワード・エジンガー著『意識の意味』。57ページ




Oneness/Unity consciousness;
What are the reasons we’re not in oneness/unity consciousness?
It’s a long list.
Have a look around… take a good long honest look at people’s everyday interactions with each other. Observe the patterns of behavior and what do we find?
Political parties at war with each other always fighting and bickering over which politician is wrong and which one is right, fighting over the political topic of the day in endless mud slinging and hateful insults.
We see a huge division in the current global health/virus concerns.
We have churches and religions at war with each other.
We have constant racism issues being broadcast in the media.
We see gender and sexual preferences type debates and the division that is involved with.
Then there are the comparatively lesser topic such as philosophical debates and sports team rivalry, etc.
In short, the he human species is in constant separation, division, and fragmentation on a grand scale.
Why is this?
It’s because we have the capacity as human beings with our differences from the other species such as contemplation… and imagination… and technology… etc, etc.. we’re well equipped to have a well rounded experience on this planet that is in our own way unique to us.
We’re not perfect.
We’re human and not birds or fish.
Big difference.
Birds and fish that we see flying and swimming in perfect coordinated harmony with each other on oneness/unity consciousness are examples of their level of experience on this planet – but it’s not something that we share with them. We have our own thing going on.
Self-realized people are not typically in separation to the degree that the average ego-consciousness lives in... and are not nearly as judgmental, or racist or prejudiced or biased, because they understand the deeper meaning of things and can easily forgive others… “For they know not what they do”…
Complete unity consciousness/oneness is an impossibility. At best, we might get the occasional glimpse into that realm such as when having a mystical experience but that’s about as close as we get… a figment of our imagination.
It still lingers as a fantasy wish-dream for some to worship and it’s a ‘heaven’ for gurus to put out there like a savior figure for their followers to lust after.
Its the seekers who live from the ego that wants it to be “all one”...
It’s not our reality.

All beings on this planet have a certain degree of connectivity to the collective of that species and to some degree with the larger context and to the universe… but it’s a tiny connection for humans in our current condition. Tiny.
Wishing it to be different than it is does not change the fact of our current reality.

“As a rule, however, the individual is so unconscious that he altogether fails to see his own potentialities for decision. Instead he is constantly and anxiously looking around for external rules and regulations which can guide him in his perplexity. Aside from the general human inadequacy, a good deal of the blame for this rests with education, which promulgates the old generalizations and says nothing about secrets of private experience. Thus, every effort is made to teach idealistic beliefs or conduct which people know in their hearts they can never live up to, and such ideals are preached by officials who know that they themselves have never lived up to these high standards and never will. What is more, nobody ever questions the value of this kind of teaching.”
~CG Jung, MDR, page 330

How can anyone see straight when he does not even see himself and the darkness he unconsciously carries with him into all his dealings? ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 140

Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung; The Philosophical Tree; CW 13: Alchemical Studies. P.335

The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318

“Man’s task is…to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” ~CG Jung, MDR, p.326.

^^ “This passage (MDR, p.326) distills the work of a lifetime, a life which in my opinion is the most conscious life ever lived. If we condense this statement to its essence we arrive at this: The purpose of human life is the creation of consciousness.” ~Edward Edinger, The Meaning Of Consciousness. Page 57.

And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289

Attainment of consciousness is culture in the broadest sense, and self-knowledge is therefore the heart and essence of the process. The Oriental attributes unquestionably divine significance to the self, and according to the Christian view self-knowledge is the road to knowledge of God. ~Carl Jung; MDR; Pages 324-325



"これらすべては、いわゆる意識の統一が幻想であるという事実によって説明されます。それは本当に願望夢なのです。私たちは自分が一つであると思いたがっていますが、そうではありません。私たちは、家の中では本当の主人ではありません。私たちは自分の意志の強さやエネルギー、そして自分ができることを信じたいのですが、いざ実際に対決するとなると、コンプレックスという小さな悪魔に邪魔されて、ある程度までしかできないことがわかります。コンプレックスとは、自分の意思とは関係なく、勝手に動いてしまう傾向のある自律的な団体のことです。私は、個人的な無意識も、集合的な無意識も、未知の数のコンプレックスや断片的な人格から成り立っていると考えています」。~カール・ユング CW18 ¶ 151

「過去2世紀の西洋哲学の発展は、心を自らの領域に隔離し、宇宙との原初的な一体感から切り離すことに成功した。人間自身が宇宙の小宇宙であり、幻影であることをやめ、人間の "アニマ "はもはやアニマ・ムンディ(世界の魂)の実体のあるシンティラ、スパークではなくなった」~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ759。





 3:21 このイエスは、神が聖なる預言者たちの口を通して昔から語られた、万物が新しくなるその時まで、必ず天にとどまることになっています。


You see what you are looking for. Now write a list of the good.

“In this sense you assume that psyche and body are two different principals?”
C.A. Meier; “Absolutely, yes. All this talk of body and soul being one and etc, etc… doesn’t mean a thing. Oneness and totality doesn’t mean a thing
...all this spiritualist, doesn’t interest me at all.”
~C.A. Meier, “C.A. Meier, Remembering Jung” 1976.

“All this is explained by the fact that the so-called unity of consciousness is an illusion. It is really a wish-dream. We like to think that we are one; but we are not, most decidedly not. We are not really masters in our house. We like to believe in our will-power and in our energy and in what we can do; but when it comes to a real show-down we find that we can do it only to a certain extent, because we are hampered by those little devils the complexes. Complexes are autonomous groups of associations that have a tendency to move by themselves, to live their own life apart from our intentions. I hold that our personal unconscious, as well as the collective unconscious, consists of an indefinite, because unknown, number of complexes or fragmentary personalities.” ~Carl Jung, CW18 ¶ 151

“The development of Western philosophy during the last two centuries has succeeded in isolating the mind in its own sphere and in severing it from its primordial oneness with the universe. Man himself has ceased to be the microcosm and eidolon of the cosmos, and his “anima” is no longer the consubstantial scintilla, spark of the Anima Mundi, World Soul” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, para 759.

“Now, all these myth-pictures represent a drama of the human psyche on the further side of consciousness, showing man as both the one to be redeemed and the redeemer.
The first formulation is Christian, the second alchemical. In the first case man attributes the need of redemption to himself and leaves the work of redemption, the actual opus, to the autonomous divine figure; in the latter case man takes upon himself the duty of carrying out the redeeming opus, and attributes the state of suffering and consequent need of redemption to the anima mundi imprisoned in matter. In both cases redemption is a work.
In Christianity it is the life and death of the God-man which, by a unique sacrifice, bring about the reconciliation of man, who craves redemption and is sunk in materiality, with God. The mystical effect of the God-man’s self-sacrifice extends, broadly speaking, to all men, though it is efficacious only for those who submit through faith or are chosen by divine grace; but in the Pauline acceptance it acts as an apocatastasis and extends also to non-human creation in general, which, in its imperfect state, awaits redemption like the merely natural man.” ~CG Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Part 3, Chapter 3.3

怪物と戦う者は、その過程で自分が怪物にならないように気をつけなければならない。 ~ニーチェ -

2021-09-28 08:58:06 | 心理学

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.

~Nietzsche -



~ニーチェ -



聖ゲオルギウスの伝説は、英雄ペルセウスの流れをくみ、このテーマのもとに中世末から近世に様々な作品が描かれた(日本では、八岐大蛇(ヤマタノオロチ)を倒し、草薙 剣(くさなぎのつるぎ)と櫛名田比売(くしなだひめ)を得た須佐之男命(すさのおのみこと)が対応。


ユング心理学辞典P23・ アンドリュウ・サミュエルズ著 その他。



The Rescue of the Princess from the Dragon of St. Georgius

The legend of St. Georgius follows in the footsteps of the hero Perseus, and this theme was depicted in various works from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period (in Japan, it corresponds to Susano-no-mikoto, who defeated the Yamata-no-orochi (the eight-forked serpent) and obtained the Kusanagi sword and Kushinada-hime.

The monster (dragon) that the hero fights to rescue the captive woman was considered by Jung to be basically a hyper-personal fearsome mother, while Neumann considered it to be both a haha (nature) and a fearsome father (culture: collective consciousness). In other words, this battle negates the fixed old value standard (the father) and lays out the incestuous regression of rebirth, allowing for the union of the captive woman ("tamashii") with the murder of the fearful mother. This is a development of the ancient fertility ritual, whereby the hero makes the creativity of the soul his own. (Neumann 1954)

Jungian Dictionary of Psychology, p. 23, by Andrew Samuels and others.

This is a machine translation from Japanese.





2021-09-26 17:01:16 | 心理学

Գոհար Մնացականյան

- C.G.ユング『人間とその象徴』206ページ。

Passion that goes beyond the natural measure of love ultimately aims at the mystery of becoming whole, and this is why one feels, when he has fallen passionately in love, that becoming one with the other person is the only worthwhile goal of one's life.
- C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols, p. 206.



そのため、多くのカップルは一人の人間のように行動し、相手と長所と短所を交換しながら、償いの期間を過ごします。そして、ある時点で、最も魅力的に見えた相手の特性(シャドウのソリューションの一部)が、最も魅力的でない、問題の一部であることに気づくかもしれません。「彼はとても強くて指揮力があります」は 「彼はとてもパワー・フリークだ」になります。また、「彼女はとても繊細で育ちがいい」が「彼女はとても感情的で依存的だ」になります。
- コニー・ツヴァイク『シャドー・ボクシング ロマンチックなパートナーとの格闘
アート 吉井千恵

We long for wholeness, a greater unity that stems from meeting the Beloved, our other half. Eros, our archetypal longing, causes us to reach for that which is missing; our desire is organized around this radiant absence. 
We yearn to melt into the Beloved, to find there the missing piece, to lose ourselves in a paradise of everlasting love. 
As the god [Eros] spreads its wings of desire, it blinds us to the reality of what is there. Romance leads us through dark alleys to the meeting with the Other, the stranger who appears in our most intimate moments to sabotage our feelings of familiarity, safety, and love.
When two people meet and feel a deep connection with one another, their hearts open like flowers. Through projection, the unconscious mind expels both positive and negative traits, attributing them to other people, whereby they can become conscious. Because by definition the unconscious is hidden, like the dark side of the moon, we need to discover indirect ways to catch glimpses of it. 
Projection is a primary way of doing so.
Projection is like shooting an invisible arrow. Each of us carries a kind of archer’s quiver strapped onto our backs. Every so often an arrow shoots out unpredictably, and we say something nasty or we fall in love. When we turn around to find out where the arrow came from, the quiver moves out of sight.
If the receiver has a soft spot to receive the projection, it sticks. For instance, if we project our anger onto a dissatisfied mate or our seductive charms onto a good-looking stranger, then we hit the target and the projection holds. From then on the sender and receiver are linked in a mysterious alliance, which could feel like erotic passion, intense disgust, or unbearable envy.
We might wonder why the sender shoots these arrows into others. 
When we were very young, we had a 360-degree personality, which radiated energy from all directions. But the adults around us could not tolerate this much exuberance. They unintentionally but inevitably betrayed us by shaming and humiliating us for certain feelings, such as vulnerability, or behaviors, such as competition, which we then learned to hide. Our teachers may have scolded us for daydreaming, or our priests may have imposed terrible guilt for our sexual feelings. These denied, disowned parts of our souls — anger or depression, jealousy or resentment, intellectuality or sensuality, athletic or artistic ability — get exiled into the dark. 
As a result, the full circle of energy that was our birthright is sliced away piece by piece, leaving only a thin, ‘proper’ facade to greet the world. When we begin dating, the shadow goes in search of its lost traits in others in an effort to recover the full range of our personality — the gold in the dark side. 
Within the minutes of the first contact, the shadow scans for a love fit, looking for the ‘one.’ When we find romance and fall in love, our unconscious fantasy image of the Other often is a composite of familiar parental qualities, which we inherited through identification, and our own neglected traits, which we banished into shadow through repression. When we feel a harmonic match with another person, a magical feeling of familiarity, the Fit, a part of us begins to believe that our soul’s dream of acceptance and belonging can be fulfilled.
Without our knowing it, the shadow is at work attempting to recreate early childhood relationship patterns with a secret mission — to heal old wounds and feel loved.
At the same time as we send projections, we also carry them for others. The receivers’ shadows also try to heal old wounds through being seen deeply, feeling adored or respected. But those who receive the arrows of projection pay as steep a price as those who send them: being seen via projection is not being seen authentically. For example, women who carry Aphrodite energy speak about the pain of feeling objectified as an image of beauty. At the level of soul they often feel unseen and misunderstood. 

The shadow’s aim of completion via the new partner explains why opposites attract — optimists and pessimists, pursuers and distancers, extroverts and introverts, artists and scientists, pragmatists and spiritual seekers together make one whole. 
Consequently, many couples operate like one person, trading strengths and weaknesses with the Other throughout a period of compensation. Then they may discover, at some point down the road, that just those traits in the partner that seemed the most attractive — part of the shadow’s solution — become the least attractive, part of the problem. “He’s so strong and commanding” becomes “He’s such a power freak.” Or “She’s so sensitive and nurturing” becomes “She’s so overly emotional and dependent.”
Because we have rejected these qualities in ourselves, at some deep level we are repelled by them in the other person.
Shadow-work can transform the painful consequences of romantic blindness, so that eyes blinded by Persona can see more deeply into soul. By reexamining relationships from romance to marriage in the context of the shadow’s hidden needs, eventually we can move from shadow-boxing with the Other to shadow-dancing with the Beloved. 
We can pierce the veil of illusory projection and see our partner with clear perception. Then we will discover that the Beloved is both the solution and the problem; the Beloved is the answer and the question to be asked again and again.
Who do we spend our entire life loving?
- Connie Zweig, Shadow-Boxing: Wrestling with Romantic Partners
Art: Chie Yoshii



2021-09-25 13:12:45 | 心理学

Re-vision、Vol。 1993年16日

ユングがシンクロニシティの意味するところを理解する最良の方法は、彼自身の人生の例によるものだと思います。 超心理学の父であるJ.B.ラインへの手紙の中で、ユングはシンクロニシティである事件について説明しました。 彼は言いました(私は彼を言い換えています)、「私は女性と一緒に森の中を歩いていました
彼女の最も重要な夢を私に言っていた人。 夢の中で、彼女は大きならせん階段のある古い家族の家にいました。 夢の中で、彼女は階段のふもとにいて、幽霊のようなキツネがゆっくりと階段を下りて彼女に向かって移動するのを見ていました。」 ユングは、「その瞬間、本物のキツネが森から出て、しばらくの間、私たちの前を歩いた」と語った。 本物のキツネが登場すると、夢のイメージが実現しました。 このような偶然は不気味です。
夢と目覚めの人生は重なっています。 それはシンクロニシティの不気味な瞬間です。


Synchronicity and the Tao: Mysticism, Metaphor, Morphic Fields, and the Quest for Meaning
Journal article by Jean Shinoda Bolen
Re-vision, Vol. 16, 1993

I think that the best way to under-stand what Jung meant by synchronicity is by examples from his own life. In a letter to J. B. Rhine, the father of
parapsychology, Jung described an incident that was a synchronicity. He
said (I am paraphrasing him), “I was walking in the woods with a woman
who was telling me her most significant dream. In the dream, she was in
her old family home that had a large spiral staircase. In the dream, she was
at the foot of the stairs watching a ghostly fox move slowly down the
stairs towards her.” Jung said, “At that moment a real fox stepped out of
the woods and, for a time, walked ahead of us.” When a real fox entered
the scene, the dream image materialized. Coincidences like this are eerie. Dream
and waking life overlap; it is an un-canny moment of synchronicity.


