NYのCG Jung財団
バーバラ・ハンナ: 全体性を目指して努力する。
詳しい説明と登録はこちら: https://www.cgjungny.org/barbara-hannah-1891-1986.../
バーバラ・ハンナ: 全体性を目指して努力する。
詳しい説明と登録はこちら: https://www.cgjungny.org/barbara-hannah-1891-1986.../
このワークショップでは、ユング派の分析家、教師、学者、作家であるバーバラ・ハンナの人生における 2 つの流れを追っていきます。 まず、私たちは彼女の「魂の暗い夜」を含む彼女の人生の物語から始めましょう。その後、彼女はチューリッヒのC.G. の玄関口にたどり着きました。 ユング。 そこから、彼女の分析がどのようにして彼女を分析者、分析心理学の分野の先駆者、学者、作家、そして友人としての天職に導いたのかを見ていきます。
次に、私たちはアニムスを使った彼女の作品に特に注意を向けます。アニムスは、女性の内なる精神や無意識を擬人化する元型として彼女が語り、元型的には女性の夢や夢の中に男性的な姿として現れます。 予測。 この生涯にわたる取り組みは、1931 年に C.G. によって行われた講義から始まりました。 ユングはアニマとアニムスについて論じ、その中でアニムスの内部発達に関する概念モデルを提案しました。 その後数十年にわたり、彼女は一連の作品を生み出し、アニムスの問題に直面する女性たちに指針を提供する実践的で洞察力に富んだ方法のツールボックスを作成しました。
連絡時間: このプログラムの認定ニューヨーク ソーシャル ワーカー、精神分析医、クリエイティブ アーツ セラピストの連絡時間は CE の 4 時間です。
CG Jung Foundation of NY
Barbara Hannah: Striving Towards Wholeness
Saturday, June 15th 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET
a Zoom seminar led by Bonnie Damron, PhD, LCSW
Full description and register at: https://www.cgjungny.org/barbara-hannah-1891-1986.../
In this workshop we will follow two currents in the life of Barbara Hannah, Jungian analyst, teacher, scholar, and author. First, we shall begin with her life story, including her “dark night of the soul” after which she found herself in Zurich at the door of C.G. Jung. From there we shall see how her analysis led her into her calling as an analyst, pioneer in the field of analytical psychology, scholar, author, and friend.
Then we shall turn our attention specifically to her work with the animus, which she spoke of as the archetype which personifies the inner spirit or unconscious mind of women, and which typically appears as a masculine figure, or figures, in women’s dreams, and in projections. This life-long work began in 1931 at a lecture given by C.G. Jung on the anima and animus, during which he proposed a conceptual model for the inner development of the animus. Over the decades ahead, she generated a body of work and created a toolbox of practical and insightful methods that provide guidance for women who confront and are confronted by the problem of the animus.
Contact hours: 4 CE contact hours for Licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists for this program.
Barbara Hannah: Striving Towards Wholeness
Saturday, June 15th 10:00 am – 3:00 pm ET
a Zoom seminar led by Bonnie Damron, PhD, LCSW
Full description and register at: https://www.cgjungny.org/barbara-hannah-1891-1986.../
In this workshop we will follow two currents in the life of Barbara Hannah, Jungian analyst, teacher, scholar, and author. First, we shall begin with her life story, including her “dark night of the soul” after which she found herself in Zurich at the door of C.G. Jung. From there we shall see how her analysis led her into her calling as an analyst, pioneer in the field of analytical psychology, scholar, author, and friend.
Then we shall turn our attention specifically to her work with the animus, which she spoke of as the archetype which personifies the inner spirit or unconscious mind of women, and which typically appears as a masculine figure, or figures, in women’s dreams, and in projections. This life-long work began in 1931 at a lecture given by C.G. Jung on the anima and animus, during which he proposed a conceptual model for the inner development of the animus. Over the decades ahead, she generated a body of work and created a toolbox of practical and insightful methods that provide guidance for women who confront and are confronted by the problem of the animus.
Contact hours: 4 CE contact hours for Licensed NYS Social Workers, Psychoanalysts and Creative Arts Therapists for this program.