福岡市東区香椎浜にある語学スクール クロスカルチャーコミュニケーションセンター「シーフォー」です。
先週末は、子供達がずっと楽しみにしていた "SUMMER BBQ"でした!
今回、一緒に参加した クリスティーヌ先生 が英語でブログを書いてくれましたよ\(^o^)/
This year again, CCCC organized a barbecue at a beach house.
We had activities and fun, in spite of the crushing heat.
First, Aya reminded us the vital security rules: drink a lot, safety first! and immediately report any problem to a teacher.

I have been amazed by the children who actively tried to speak in English all the time, were kind to each other and well educated all day.
The 7 children in the elder team faced the challenge to ask me 5 questions each at the station and in the train.
This was a great opportunity to get to know us better. Their questions were sometimes unexpected: “Do you like gorillas?”, “What sweet do you like?”, “Where are you from?”….Some questions lead to short conversations.
Once on the spot, BBQ time!

The children were at ease asking for chicken, beef, pork or drinks in English.
“Please” and “thank you” came quite naturally.
The best point was that they knew I can speak Japanese but they really tried to use as much English as possible. Well done folks!

In such a heat, when everybody was full, all we wanted was to go in the water!
Max and Emi animated the activities.

The children enjoyed playing with the teachers, no matter what language was used. That is true communication!
Some children made a starfish collection.

Many played in the sea.

Being cooler, we played “Drip drip splash” and “Beach fish flag” games.

But any game is not as fun as a swim!

CCCC team was glad to pass a day with their students in a different environment.
There were no injuries or delays to report.
We all came back home happy and tired, just like summer days should be!

先週末は、子供達がずっと楽しみにしていた "SUMMER BBQ"でした!
今回、一緒に参加した クリスティーヌ先生 が英語でブログを書いてくれましたよ\(^o^)/
This year again, CCCC organized a barbecue at a beach house.
We had activities and fun, in spite of the crushing heat.
First, Aya reminded us the vital security rules: drink a lot, safety first! and immediately report any problem to a teacher.

I have been amazed by the children who actively tried to speak in English all the time, were kind to each other and well educated all day.
The 7 children in the elder team faced the challenge to ask me 5 questions each at the station and in the train.
This was a great opportunity to get to know us better. Their questions were sometimes unexpected: “Do you like gorillas?”, “What sweet do you like?”, “Where are you from?”….Some questions lead to short conversations.
Once on the spot, BBQ time!

The children were at ease asking for chicken, beef, pork or drinks in English.
“Please” and “thank you” came quite naturally.
The best point was that they knew I can speak Japanese but they really tried to use as much English as possible. Well done folks!

In such a heat, when everybody was full, all we wanted was to go in the water!
Max and Emi animated the activities.

The children enjoyed playing with the teachers, no matter what language was used. That is true communication!
Some children made a starfish collection.

Many played in the sea.

Being cooler, we played “Drip drip splash” and “Beach fish flag” games.

But any game is not as fun as a swim!

CCCC team was glad to pass a day with their students in a different environment.
There were no injuries or delays to report.
We all came back home happy and tired, just like summer days should be!
