北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2011年01月13日 | 日記
23:25 from web
It was freezing.
I put a pocket body warmer on my back.
It helped me a lot !! I could stand this coldness even if I wore a mini skirt.
23:30 from web
No matter how cold it is , I want to enjoy fashionable clothes.
That's why pocket body warmers are necessities of my life.
23:32 from web
I'm extremely sensitive to the cold.....
I hope spring will come quickly.
23:37 from web
Today I went to a beauty salon to get eye-lash.
Getting beauty was really good feeling.
23:44 from web
Keeping beauty makes me busier....
Actually it takes long time although , I felt happy for being a woman from bottom of my heart.
23:48 from web
I don't want to give up being beautyful mother.
Some of my friends are very very beautyful. I've learned from them.
23:51 from web
I have to get up before 6 o'clock.
Honestly I'm not an early bird.....it's so hard for me !!!!!!
BUt I have to do.
23:51 from web
Ok, Good night !!
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