北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年08月31日 | 日記
18:52 from web
Good evening.
Today I was very busy.
Taking care of three children is really hard even though I have housekeeper.
18:55 from web
My youngest daughter has caught cold.
She's been in bad mood.
It annoyed me very much. Awful !
19:06 from web
I felt general fatigue.
I had sore throat and sniffed all day.
I felt as though I were coming down with a cold.
Darn it !
19:07 from web
A cold may develop into all kinds of illness !
21:33 from web
Time flies like an arrow.
The day after tomorrow, my daughter's school begins after the holiday.
21:36 from web
Time is flying never to return !
Everybody knows it. But we often forget about it !
21:45 from web
I feel each day is too short....
21:49 from web
Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.(Mahatma Gandhi)
His words impress me so much.
21:50 from web
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年08月30日 | 日記
09:38 from web
Good morning !
It's hot and sunny.
I don't want to go out as it's too hot !
My hubby is still sleeping.
Should I get him up??
09:52 from web
He told me that he wanted to sleep in.
Last week he performed so many surgeries.
I know he is exhausted.
He will get annoyed <cont>
09:55 from web
...if I wake him up !
I want him to sleep soundly.
Yes, I'm a gentle woman ! (hehe)
21:37 from web
Oh ! There's earthquake in Kumamoto in Kyushu.
We often have it in Japan.
If we wouldn't have it , Japan is a more comfortable country .
21:46 from web
What did not happen in one thousand years could happen in the next moment.(Jewish proverb) We often feel it as we experienced disaster.
21:57 from web
Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age.
Nothing does- except wrinkles.(Abigail Van Buren)
It sure is !! <cont>
22:00 from web
...You need to cultivate yourself and keep making effort to be better woman if you want to be more attractive woman. I'll do that !
22:06 from web
Ok, I'm watching TV with my hubby a little bit.
After that I'll go to bed .
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 夏の終わりを告げる花火

2010年08月29日 | 日記











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2010年08月29日 | 日記
17:53 from web
Hello !
It was very busy day.
We went to primary school for open day.
Really good school !!
17:56 from web
It's around 6'oclock.
I have to prepare for the dinner.
It's my pleasure to do that for my family.
Family means so much to me.
22:13 from web
Back home.
We went to see the fire works.
It was spectacular !!
22:19 from web
Fireworks make me feel like it's summer.
22:38 from web
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.(Albert Einstein)
22:49 from web
I think it's important to think about future and past thing.
But you don't forget about you live now.
I believe now is the great time.<cont>
22:51 from web
..To tell the truth,I have a lot of things on my mind.
But worry never helps me.
So, I try to make the most of the time now !
22:51 from web
Ok, have a lovely weekend !
Good night.
by comadam on Twitter


2010年08月28日 | 日記
12:39 from web
Hello! It's so hot.
I'm dead.
I really miss cool weather.
I hope autumn will come quickly!
12:41 from web
If you plan to visit Japan, you should better to avoid Summer.
Never worse.
It's too hot.
12:47 from web
I feel it's hot in Japan, compare to Singapore...I could say much hotter !
Crazy !!
20:52 from web
At last my children has gone to bed !
I feel happy at this moment.
20:54 from web
I'll take a bath.
I want to take a good care of my body.
Sounds nice??
23:22 from web
I am on a diet.
As I want to get back into shape, I eat like a bird these days.
Once I've got to used to it, I feel it's comfortable for me.
23:24 from web
Moderation in eating is the best medicine.
Yes, indeed !!
23:33 from web
I eat diet rich in vegetables.
I cut down on alcohol. My diet seemes to work.
Yeeees !!
I will keep myself in good shape.
23:39 from web
Action speaks louder than words.
I know it well. Easy to say, hard to do !
23:44 from web
I think I want to go to bed now.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年08月27日 | 日記
06:26 from web
Good morning!
I wonder what the weather like today.
Lools like it's going to be a hot day.
06:26 from web
Actually we could use a little rain around here.
06:31 from web
It's 6:30 AM now.
I'll have a cup of coffee !
I love its pleasant aroma.
07:06 from web
Oh, I should get my hubby up !
Otherwise he is going to be late.
23:50 from web
Experience is a good school.
But the fees are high.(Heinrich Heine)
23:53 from web
Yes,experince is the best teacher.
Failure is success if you learn from it !
23:57 from web
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 孫のノックアウト・パンチ

2010年08月26日 | 日記











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2010年08月26日 | 日記
08:10 from web
Good morning !
I didn't feel like getting up.
But I need to take care of my family.
So I have to get up !
08:13 from web
Take a deep breath ! Let it out !
I've got to wake up.
I should get the children up.
Have a nice day.
13:59 from web
I went to see the doctor to have physicak check-up.
Because I needed to undergo further test of cancer of the breast.
14:03 from web
...After two weeks , I'll get the result.
At the moment, the doctor told me that I didn't need to worry about it.
So I expect it'll be OK.
14:50 from web
If I had cancer... that's horrible,horrible !!
Do you think physical check-up is important, don't you?
14:51 from web
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst !
23:49 from web
Being entirely honest with yourself is a good excersise.(Sigmund Freud)
I want to be like this.
It's important to listen to yourself.
23:58 from web
OK, I hope tomorrow will be a good day !
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter


2010年08月25日 | 日記
12:43 from web
Hello ! It's soooo hot !
I can't live without air conditioner.
12:50 from web
I couldn't sleep well last night.
I don't know how many times I woke up.
I lost sleep over my problem.
16:32 from web
After lunch I feel drowsy... I couldn't resist with my sleepiness.
I dozed off little bit. (hehe)
Maybe overslept....
16:33 from web
Still I feel sleep.
I need a cup of coffee !
23:54 from web
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night.
It was really hard to get back to sleep.
I want to get a good night's rest.
23:59 from web
Ok, Sweet dreams.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年08月24日 | 日記
06:26 from web
Good morning ! Looks like it's going to be a hot day !
Anyway I'll take a shower....!
09:30 from web
Many things weigh on my mind.
I'm ill at ease....
Whatever will be, will be !
Be happy !! Take it easy...!
09:32 from web
Ok, I'll have a cup of coffee with my housekeeper.
Then I'll feel better.
19:15 from web
I have to prepare for dinner.
I'll make una- don (a bowl of eel on rice)tonight.
My stamina is running out.
It is said that eel <cont>
19:17 from web
...is good for your health espeacially when you feel week in Japan.
I really need it !!(haha)
19:20 from web
Do you know charcoal-broiled eel is so yammy.
You must try it !
23:56 from web
I feel happy when I see my children's smiles.
My family means so much to me.
23:57 from web
I'm getting into bed now.
I hope I'll have sweet dreams.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter