北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年09月30日 | 日記
11:45 from web
Hello! It seemes that autumn has begun.
I love gentle breeze in this season.
I feel happy for no reason.
13:01 from web
This morning I accidentally spilt my liquid foundation on the floor !
Sad thing was I spoiled my favorite short-sleeved blouse. Oh,noooo!!
13:04 from web
It is stained skin colour....
I washed it again and again...but it's difficult to get rid of it.
I feel like crying !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 当直医はつらいよ2

2010年09月30日 | 日記






 South 大阪仕込みの巻き舌




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エレママ 今ごろ知った妻の一面

2010年09月29日 | 日記













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2010年09月29日 | 日記
14:22 from web
It's sunny and nice autumun weather though it rained hardly last night.
This morning I could hardly get up. Still sleepy..haha
14:26 from web
After I drove my children to the school, I went for shopping.
While I was doing it, my mother-in-law called me.<cont>
14:31 from web
.... finally I had to chat with her for one and half hour !
Long, long long ....talking. As if it last forever...(haha)
14:47 from web
I've felt tired....I needed energy to talk with such a powerful woman.
I think she is a nice person.
14:50 from web
As a neighbor or an acquaintance, she is OK.
But talking about the realationship between daughter-in law and mother-in-law is different !
14:55 from web
Do you think it's universal theme ?
I don't know what's like in other country.
16:18 from goo
エレママ 育児戦争日記 褒めて伸ばす学力 #goo_chau_0725 http://bit.ly/dtMlWi
23:57 from web
It's almost midnight.
Time flies !
Everyone has 24hours a day. I should not complain about it.
23:59 from web
Tomorrow I have other fish to fly !
So I need to take a good rest.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年09月28日 | 日記
13:49 from web
Hello !
It has become cloudy.
According to the weather forecast it's likely to rain in the evening.
I hope my daughter not to get wet.
13:53 from web
My housekeeper is working now.
My youngest daughter follows her and imitate her movement.
Child is funny, don't you think ?
13:54 from web
Now they are good friends !
She has a strong attachment for my housekeeper.
22:28 from web
It's raining heavily in Osaka.
My hubby has not come home yet. Maybe on his way home.
I feel sorry for him.
23:53 from web
I sometimes bring words which my grandma told me to my mind.
She said that you never envied and not compared yourself with other people.
23:56 from web
Be yourself. As everyone is of great value in their own way, you should be proud of yourself.
23:58 from web
We're all ahead and behind at different points in our lives.
I have to remember it !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 育児戦争日記 褒めて伸ばす学力

2010年09月28日 | 日記










にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 女磨きへにほんブログ村にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへにほんブログ村





2010年09月27日 | 日記
20:18 from web
Good evening!
Did you have a good holiday?
It was fine autumun weather.
It was hot during day time,but it became cold after sun set.
20:29 from web
I'm sure it's getting colder.
I'm going to busy rearranging our wardrobe for the new season.
I have a big wardrobe.I feel dizzy already!
20:31 from web
I'm going to ask my housekeeper to help me.
That's dood idea. Clothes for five people....(sigh)
Obviously I need a help !
20:51 from web
Today we cleaned our place thoroughly.
I aired out the room and made my children tydy up their room.
My son is very good at wiping <cont>
20:55 from web
...the floor with a wet rag !
Amazing !!
As dust is more visible on the wooden floor, it's so helpful.
Even if we have housekeeper, <cont>
20:57 from web
...it's not enough.
She can't do everything by herself perfect.
It can't be helped. She is 72-year-old,not so young.
21:01 from web
According to feng shui, it's good to keep our place clean.
I don't believe it so much though, I don't know why sometimes I mind it.
21:11 from web
I didn't feel up to making dinner today.
I wanted to eat out, but my hubby didn't.
He had a party at classy resutaurant yesterday.
21:14 from web
So, he wanted to eat home-made simple food.
I understood it and he is getting fat actually.(haha)
But I was exhausted.
21:19 from web
Finally he told me that he made dinner! Wow !! It's sooooo nice for us.
Thank you !! Of course we could enjoy his cooking. Mmm, not bad.
21:24 from web
It'll start new week from tomorrow.
I'll try to do my best.
Wish you be always filled with happiness.
OK, good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年09月26日 | 日記
09:11 from web
Good morning !
I've just back home.
I drove my hubby to the station to get on Shinkansen.
He has a meeting of surgery at Sizuoka prefecture.
09:21 from web
It has got cold suddenly.
We never expect such coldness.
Can you imagine ? 2days ago, it was like summer.
Big disfferences !
09:26 from web
It is the time when we catch cold easily.
We have to be careful.
But it's too late for me ! I've felt a cold coming on already.(haha)
22:17 from web
I've just taken a bath.
I feel calm after soaking in the warm water.
It makes me relax ! How pleasant thing it is !
22:31 from web
After my kids go to sleep, I'm able to have free time at last.
This is my favorite time of day.
That's why I like night time.(haha)
22:35 from web
I know I can take my time when I get up early.
Actually I get up 6:00am. It gives me a hard time.
I think I can't be a morning person !
22:38 from web
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
One of my friesnds told me that I should do that <cont>
22:41 from web
...if I really want to get a beautiful skin.
Yes, I know well...(haha)
I should better to quit keeping late hours.
22:45 from web
Oh, my hubby has come back home now!
Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm going to stay in bed till late in the morning.
Sweet dreams !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年09月25日 | 日記
23:17 from web
Good evening !
I didn't have time to tweet today.
Time flies !! It's almost the end of this day.
23:28 from web
There was a festival at my daughter's school.
The bazzaar was held in class rooms.
We , mothers organized it.
23:35 from web
..I was glad to be able to join bazaar and be of some help.
We had really good time.
I'm sure it'll become happy memory.
23:45 from web
I feel that raising up children makes me grow up so much.
Although it's hard, I've been learning many things from them.
Wonderful !!
23:52 from web
When I see my children is sleeping soundly, I feel happy.
I'm proud of being their mother.
To be honest I want to say thnk you to them.
23:55 from web
I feel so grateful that I can say " thank you" !
23:59 from web
I want to have sweet dreams.
I hope you do,too.
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter


2010年09月24日 | 日記
15:16 from web
Hello !
A heavy rain and flood warning were issued this morning.
I woke up 3:00am thanks to rumbles of thunder. I was scared.
15:19 from web
My daughter's school's festival was put off until tomorrow because there were weather warnings.
I hope it will be fine !
17:14 from web
My housekeeper has cleaned our house thoroughly.
Wow, great !
For a couple of hours ,it's OK.(haha)
17:20 from web
...I bet my place will be a disaster area soon !
I ask my children to put the toys away and not to put papers and clothes on the floor!
17:22 from web
I hope I don't need to shout ! (haha)
I want to be a gentle mother.
23:05 from web
Happiness is always decided by your own heart.
It's very important thing.
23:19 from web
I don't want to miss chances for trying new things.
It's better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.
23:24 from web
Life is a once -in-a-lifetime journey given to us by God.
So I want to cherish every day.
23:25 from web
OK, good night !
by comadam on Twitter