北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


11月29日(月)のつぶやき I like autumn sky

2010年11月30日 | 日記
23:03 from web
Good evening.
It was begginig to feel like winter in this morning.
It was sunny , but temperature didn't rise so much.
23:08 from web
We had a gathering at my daughter's school.
The purpose of it was having good time with students , teachers and their parents.
23:17 from web
All elementary 3 students' parent (mostly mother, but there were a few father ) came to a field of school. Wow so many !
23:21 from web
We enjoyed an obstacle race.
It was really exciting !
But honestly it was hard for older people(comparing to students)!
23:23 from web
Begginig of the race, one of the teacher jumped the gun.
Teacher...!!!! You shouldn't have done it !
It maked us laugh.
23:26 from web
My daughter's class teacher ran like a deer.
It's natural. He is a triathelete !!!!!!
Very professional.
23:32 from web
Some of the mothers are one time athelete.
It seemed unfair.(haha)
But everybody ran a full speed in the race.
23:34 from web
Happily my daughter's class won the first prize.
Feeling nice !
I like "No.1."
23:38 from web
To tell the truth, I have sore muscles already.
But it's much better having it three days later.(haha)
I'm sure I'm still young!
23:43 from web
Actually I don't have as much energy as I used to.
Yes, I get too little excercise.
I'm going to try to do it more!
23:44 from web
Ok, it's time to say good night !
by comadam on Twitter

I like autumn sky.
It's very clear and beautiful.
The breeze passing through me was ever so refreshing.
Looking up the sky,I feel as if someone gently watched me over.
I'm very sure love and generousity exist all the time wherever you are.

How about going to the mountain to enjoy the autumn leaves?

11月28日(日)のつぶやき Sparkling Night

2010年11月29日 | 日記

23:32 from web
Good evening.
I stayed at PORTOPIA HOTEL in KOBE last night.
I came back home late at night.
I must confess I spend luxury time.
23:42 from web
Definitely I could pumper myself.
Spending the time like this at home?
No, it's impossible at the moment.
23:43 from web
I've been worn out at the moment.
Raising up children is really tough !!
23:47 from web
It was simply happy thing that I could be away home !
Inside the hotel, there were full of X'mas decoration.
Very fantastic !
23:54 from web
It will start another new week from tomorrow.
I hope everyone will have a good one.
23:54 from web
Ok, sweet dreams.
by comadam on Twitter

It was sprkling Night.
I like this place, this time.
I was enchanted with the night view. Awesome!!

I love the word "sparkle" and I need "something sparkling" in my life.
Life without it is like life without love.

11月27日(土)のつぶやき Where do you wan to go?

2010年11月28日 | 日記

08:56 from web
Good morning.
I've slept well.
Feeling good. Lovely morning.....
08:58 from web
I'm drinking a cup of coffee.
Mmm, never better.
I'm beggining to be able to think.
09:50 from web
Wow...it's so noisy !
Children are playing with each other.
It is going to be worn me out .
13:56 from web
My hubby has called me up.
He told me to come to Kobe ! He's attending a meeting there.
Wow ! It's so nice to stay five-star hotel.
13:58 from web
I have to be in a hurry to ready.
Definitely I bring my favorite dress.
Ok, I'll fly to Kobe.
See you !!
13:59 from web
Have a nice weekend !
by comadam on Twitter

Where do I want to go?? I ask myself sometimes.
Past, now, future....The life is like a journey.
But only one time.
I know there are many way of going forward.
I want to believe my choise is right.
No matter how scenery it is, I bet I'll enjoy it !

Where do you want to go??
I'msure your future is also bright.

11月26日(金)のつぶやき There are always flowers in your mind

2010年11月27日 | 日記
10:21 from web
It's balmy for this season.
Everyone's face seemes to be bright somehow.
Feeling nice !
10:27 from web
I 'm having lunch with my friends today.
So I want to get changed something better clothes.
I have to decide ! Decision..decision !
23:00 from web
Tonight my hubby doesn't come back.
It's OK as he has work.
I really had a good time with my friends.
23:04 from web
I met my friends who are both dentist's wife .
I would say they are very good wives and mother. Plus very beautiful!
23:05 from web
Do you think it's simply great ??
I learned a lot from them as a mother, as a woman !
23:27 from web
I dream always that I'll become sparkle woman.
I really hope to be mature , attractive woman.
23:28 from web
OK, I think I need beauty sleep now.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.(Henri Matisse)
His words encourage me so much. It awakened my soul.
I want to see beautiful things all the time, burning them into my mind.

11月25日(木)のつぶやき The purpose of our lives....

2010年11月26日 | 日記
20:16 from web
It's night already.
Time flies.
How short a day is !
22:05 from web
It's 10:00pm.
My hubby has come back.
He hasn't had dinner yet. Sounds very hard worker?
22:13 from web
One of my friend who is a dentist asked me "I want to ask your husband how to get rid of stress?" Even I don't know. Just ask him directly!
22:17 from web
My hubby is good at changing his mood.
Eat properly, sleep well, speak and laugh a lot....
It seemes to be the key of happy life.
22:24 from web
I guess dentist's work is as much hard as a surgeon's.
I'm worried he seemes to feel down now.
I'll send him a messeage to cheer him up !
23:44 from web
Ok, good night everyone !
by comadam on Twitter

The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
The life is not race. There's no meaning to compare with you and other people.
When I notice it, the flower in my mind opens up my petals of life.
I feel lie is beautiful !

11月24日(水)のつぶやき I feel lonly for no reason....

2010年11月25日 | 日記

Hello !
It's getting cold.
I wear underclothes for winter.
15:09 from web
My daughter has no school today.
Because yesterday she had an event at school despite of public holiday.
They put on a play.
15:10 from web
They did very well.
Good memory for both the students and their parents.
15:15 from web
She is asking me to take her somewhere nice place.
Ok, I've got it. It might be meant "shopping !" (haha)
Then I have to finish some housework.

Tonight we enjoyed Beaujolais Nouveau again !
Very fresh and fruty.....It was really young taste !
23:50 from web
I can't imagine the life without wine !!
Even a glass of wine , deffinitely it makes me cheerful and talkative.(haha)
23:56 from web
My hubby already went to bed.
As he was very tired , alcohol seemed to hit him so fast.
I wanted to drink more with him...boring !
23:58 from web
Well, it's high time I went to bed.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter
Hankyu Railway

When it's getting dark, I feel lonly for no reason.
Twilight makes me sad somehow.
Do you think is it strange??
Getting off the train, I'm wondering why I'm here.
I wish I colud go somewhere to the end of the world by this train.

エレママ 私学小学校ママ便り  学習発表会の巻

2010年11月24日 | 日記





        友達になるために 人は出会うんだよ
       どこのどんな人とも きっとわかり合えるさ
        友達になるために 人は出会うんだよ
        同じようなやさしさ 求め合っているのさ

          君と君と君と君と 君と君と君と君と
           君と君と君と君と 君と友達

                   (作詞・新沢としひこ 作曲・中川ひろたか)




にほんブログ村 美容ブログ 女磨きへにほんブログ村にほんブログ村 ライフスタイルブログ 自分磨きへにほんブログ村





11月23日(火)のつぶやき Enjoy the autumn leaves !

2010年11月24日 | 日記
23:48 from web
It's really nice today.
Many people go to the moutains to enjoy the autumn lleaves.
23:55 from web
There were students' presentation in the holl at achool.
It touched me so much.
Children's power was great !!
I thanked to this chance.

23:59 from web
Ok, Good night !
by comadam on Twitter
The leaves are starting to change.
It is said that this year's autumn leaves are extreamely beautiful.
And we haven't had a chance to see such glorious autumn scenery for these 50years.
I'm really proud of my country Japan for its beauty of nature.
Today we could see the maple leaves which has changed red at my daughter's achool.
I want to share it with you !!
 Falling leaves covered with the ground. Fantastic carpet

Seemes to be aframe

I like the autumn sky also. It's very clear and the air is crisp !


2010年11月23日 | 日記
10:42 from web
It has rained early in the morning.
Now it's murky.
On such a day in this season, it makes feel chilly and lonely somehow.
10:45 from web
I have an apoointment at 12:00 to see a doctor.
So, I have to get changed my clothes neately and put some make-up.
10:48 from web
Actually it doesn't matter what to wear.
But I feel comfortable when I wear favorite clothes.
So I will do for myself !
10:50 from web
Do you think it's important , don't you?
Ok, I have to go now.
See you later !
15:57 from web
Back home.
The rain is falling even harder.
The traffic was quite heavy. I saw several car accidents on the road.
16:00 from web
Usually I like driving a car, but except on this situation !
18:20 from web
Now I'm making roast beef.
To tell the truth, as I had big lunch I don't feel like cooking !
I'm not hungry at all .What to do??
18:22 from web
But no choice !
I have to do it.
Hungry monsters will act up soon !(haha)
20:59 from web
My hubby comes back much earlier than usual and he takes care of children. Wow, it's so nice ! Mmm, helpful ! Thnak you , darling !
23:58 from web
Ok, it's time to say good night !
by comadam on Twitter

エレママ 秋のマダムランチは和食ではんなりと・・・懐石料理「さくらえ」

2010年11月21日 | グルメ

なお店ご興味のある方はこちらをクリックしてね桜会 さくらえ - 岡町/懐石・会席料理 [食べログ] 桜会 さくらえ - 岡町/懐石・会席料理 [食べログ]



      あえもの お品のよい味わいにうっとり・・・

    いかにも手のこんだお料理。 お家なら揚げ餅を作った時点で終了ね(笑)

     お刺身 ウニのように見えるにはメレンゲ状にしたお醤油 こんなの初めて!!!!!


    盛り合わせ 見て見て!!!! とっても綺麗でしょ?

       ご飯と汁物 ご飯の中にはジャガバターが・・おもしろい取り合わせです。

 <iframe marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" src="http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry.parts?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sakurae.com%2F" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="230" width="500"></iframe>



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