北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2012年03月18日 | 日記
09:45 from web
It's been raining in Osaka.The forcast says it's going to be rainy all day long. It depresses me.今日の大阪は雨。天気予報では一日中、雨ですって。憂鬱になっちゃう。

09:51 from web
I have lots of things today.I'm picking up my kids at their school , after lunch taking them to swimming class and going to a library.

09:56 from web
And one more big event. My mother-in-law is visitting us in this eveing ! Of course I'm going to be a good daughter-in-law(*^_^*)

10:00 from web

10:12 from web
I'm taking TOEIC tomorrow. But I can't think of that at the moment(>_<)明日はいよいよTOEICの日。だけど、今はそれどころじゃないよぉ(涙)

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