北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


Today's tweets 8th May Mother's Day

2011年05月09日 | 日記
Hello, this is Maria Sakurai.
How was your Sunday?

It was Mother's Day
Yes, I'm a mother of 3 children !!
MY hubby took us to a beach. My children enjoyed shellfish gathering.
But I didn't feel like doing it.
I've been tired since I got pregnant
Just sitting by beach was enogh for me.
I liked sea breeze

At night, he took us to a fancy restaurant.
Every dishes were so nice. We could spend happy time.

I was greateful for my hubby and children's short trip gift.
It was simply wonderful Mother's Day

Thank you for reading my tweets
See you soon! Bye.
