北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 


5月19日(水)のつぶやき 英語バージョン

2010年05月20日 | 日記
08:27 from web
Good morning! It's cloudy, and It will be going to rain.
I feel down on such day.
No,I shouldn't say that.
Try to use positive word !
08:31 from web
My makeup is perfect??
Today I put Eau de Toilette de "BVGARI "
I think I'll have a good day now !!
OK.I have to go. Chao !!
13:52 from web
Back home....
I skipped my lunch..
Though I thought I was OK once, now I'mfeeling terrible !
I think I need something to eat.(haha)
14:18 from web
I've had nice sandwiches !
Hunger is the best sauce.
As I just ate, I want to take a break.
If it's possible, I want to take a nap!(haha)
14:22 from web
Today,my housekeeper doesn't come.
So I have to clean up the kitchen.
I feel like being lazay now.(haha) <cont>
14:25 from web
If I don't do it now, when will I do it??
I should have motivation !
OK. I have to get going! :-)
15:30 from web
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young. <cont>
15:32 from web
....The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford said good words.
I want to keep learning whole through my life.
15:48 from web
I don't want to miss the chances.
Why I don't even try it ??
Sometimes I lose my confident , but I should try it !
Because life is short.
23:34 from web
I want to have more free time.
The life wids kids are fun . But I have to give up many things.
I should have studied harder !(haha)
23:36 from web
I should have studied harder when I had no kids !
Now I don't have enough time !!
23:43 from web
I am influenced easily by my mood.
Though my hubby is very very kind to me...
sometimes I show my temper for no reason !
23:44 from web
I am influenced easily by my mood.
Though my hubby is very very kind to me...
sometimes I show my temper .
Poor my darling !
23:45 from web
I am influenced easily by my mood.
Though my hubby is very very kind to me...
sometimes I show my temper .
23:49 from web
PC doesn't work properly.
It really annoys me....tired.
OK. I'll go to bed !Good night !
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