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12月2日(木)のつぶやき How nature is great

2010年12月03日 | 日記
18:47 from web
It was balmy.
I like such a mild weather.
Everybody seemed to be happy.
19:00 from web
My children like walking , crunching through the fallen leaves.
I looked back on my childhood, I did just as same as they do.
19:04 from web
My mom used to tell me how sweet I had walked in the fallen leaves with such a happy smile.
Now I feel same things towards my children.
19:08 from web
On such time , I feel I'm a "mother-being."
It may be a trivial, small thing, but definitely it makes me happy.
19:11 from web
Happiness is not a destination; it is a method of life.
I agree with this words.
23:12 from goo
I have persistent cough.
It really annoyed me.
I think I should better to go to bed now.
Ok,good night !
by comadam on Twitter

Don't you feel how wonderful colour the autumn leaves have, do you?
We can't make anything in the nature. How great the nature is !!
I cannot help believing it's bacause of God; someome beyond human being.
I'm simply happy I'm here, greateful for the life bestowed us by God.
