北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年10月29日 | 日記
17:52 from web
It's rainy and very cold day.
I want to go somewhere hot place. Hwaii would be perfect !
17:54 from web
It has become colder as the sun set.
I need a cup of tea. Specially hot one !!
17:57 from web
Today was busy day. Actually , every day is busy for me.(haha)
My mom told me try not to say such thing !
18:00 from web
Yes, I know.
There's no meaning to say so, and busy woman don't look elegant !
18:04 from web
I want to control the time. I don't want to be controled by it.
18:06 from web
Control your destiny,
or someone else will.(Jack Welch)
I think it's similar to control your time.
18:08 from web
Tomorrow is Halloween. My children can't wait.
They are excited already.(haha)
So do I.(haha)
18:11 from web
I enjoyed preparing for tomorrow.
My housekeeper helped me a lot.
She is very sweet woman.
23:46 from web
My hubby has finished dinner and gone straight to the bed.
He seemes to be exhausted.
23:50 from web
Now I know the reason why I have become a night-owl.
It's because of him.(haha) Maybe I should not better to wait for him to come back.
23:57 from web
My body feels so tired.
It's almost midnight.
I want to get a good night rest.
Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter
