

番組:サイゴン陥落 緊迫の脱出 前編 後編 Last Days in Vietnam

2015-05-23 | 世間
サイゴン陥落 緊迫の脱出 前編


Last Days in Vietnam . American Experience . WGBH | PBS

Last Days in Vietnam | American Experience | PBS

American Experience: "Last Days in Vietnam"



Fall of Saigon - Wikipedia

The Last Days in Saigon — Central Intelligence Agency

The Saddest Day: 30 April 1975 (The Fall of Saigon)

Enemy at the gate: The history-making, chaotic evacuation of Saigon

Forgotten Ship: A Daring Rescue As Saigon Fell

BOOK REVIEW – The Lucky Few: The Fall of Saigon and the Rescue Mission of the USS Kirk - See more at: http://www.navyhistory.org/2014/07/book-review-the-lucky-few-the-fall-of-saigon-and-the-rescue-mission-of-the-uss-kirk/#sthash.6emSIWzY.dpuf

The incredible rescue story of how a South Vietnamese pilot stole a Chinook, flew his family out to sea as Saigon fell and crashed next to a US aircraft carrier

USS Kirk: The Untold Story

Jan Herman, historian and author of The Lucky Few: The Fall of Saigon and the Rescue Mission of the USS Kirk, talked about the USS Kirk’s humanitarian mission to rescue refugees during the fall of Saigon. 
Rescue Mission of the USS Kirk

USS Kirk (FF1087) Operation Frequent Wind gallery

Viet Nam War History|軍事板常見問題 戦史別館

軍事板初心者質問スレまとめ(FAQ) - ヴェトナム戦争

ベトナム難民の米海軍艦長が故郷に錦 - 東京の郊外より -

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