Lemuria was an ancient civilization which existed prior to and during the time of Atlantis. Physically, it is believed that Lemuria existed largely in the Southern Pacific, between North America and Asia/Australia. Lemuria is also sometimes referred to as Mu, or the Motherland (of Mu). At its peak of civilization, the Lemurian people were both highly evolved and very spiritual. While concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to find, many people "know" that they have a strong connection to Lemuria.
Lemuria (pronounced /lɨˈmjʊəriə/)[1] is the name of a hypothetical "lost land" variously located in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The concept's 19th century origins lie in attempts to account for discontinuities in biogeography; however, the concept of Lemuria has been rendered obsolete by modern theories of plate tectonics. Although sunken continents do exist — like Zealandia in the Pacific and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Ocean — there is no known geological formation under the Indian or Pacific Oceans that corresponds to the hypothetical Lemuria.
Though Lemuria is no longer considered a valid scientific hypothesis, it has been adopted by writers involved in the occult, as well as some Tamil writers of India. Accounts of Lemuria differ, but all share a common belief that a continent existed in ancient times and sank beneath the ocean as a result of a geological, often cataclysmic, change. There is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
In 1864 the zoologist and biogeographer Philip Sclater wrote an article on "The Mammals of Madagascar" in The Quarterly Journal of Science. Using a classification he referred to as lemurs but which included related primate groups,[2] and puzzled by the presence of their fossils in both Madagascar and India but not in Africa or the Middle East, Sclater proposed that Madagascar and India had once been part of a larger continent. He wrote:
The anomalies of the Mammal fauna of Madagascar can best be explained by supposing that... a large continent occupied parts of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans... that this continent was broken up into islands, of which some have become amalgamated with... Africa, some... with what is now Asia; and that in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands we have existing relics of this great continent, for which... I should propose the name Lemuria![2]
Sclater's theory was hardly unusual for his time. Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, also looking at the relationship between animals in India and Madagascar, had suggested a southern continent about two decades before Sclater, but did not give it a name.[3] The acceptance of Darwinism led scientists to seek to trace the diffusion of species from their points of evolutionary origin. Prior to the acceptance of continental drift, biologists frequently postulated submerged land masses in order to account for populations of land-based species now separated by barriers of water. Similarly, geologists tried to account for striking resemblances of rock formations on different continents. The first systematic attempt was made by Melchior Neumayr in his book Erdgeschichte in 1887. Many hypothetical submerged land bridges and continents were proposed during the 19th century, in order to account for the present distribution of species.
After gaining some acceptance within the scientific community, the concept of Lemuria began to appear in the works of other scholars. Ernst Haeckel, a German Darwinian taxonomist, proposed Lemuria as an explanation for the absence of "missing link" fossil records. According to another source, Haeckel put forward this thesis prior to Sclater (but without using the name 'Lemuria').[4] Locating the origins of the human species on this lost continent, he claimed the fossil record could not be found because it had sunk beneath the sea.
Other scientists hypothesized that Lemuria had extended across parts of the Pacific oceans, seeking to explain distributions of species across Asia and the Americas.
[edit] Superseded
The Lemuria theory disappeared completely from conventional scientific consideration after the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift were accepted by the larger scientific community. According to the theory of plate tectonics (now the only accepted paradigm in geology), Madagascar and India were indeed once part of the same landmass (thus accounting for geological resemblances), but plate movement caused India to break away millions of years ago, and move to its present location. The original landmass broke apart - it did not sink beneath sea level.
In 1999, drilling by the JOIDES Resolution research vessel in the Indian Ocean discovered evidence [5] that a large island, the Kerguelen Plateau, was submerged about 20 million years ago by rising sea levels. Samples showed pollen and fragments of wood in a 90 million-year-old sediment. Although this discovery might encourage scholars to expect similarities in dinosaur fossil evidence, and may contribute to understanding the breakup of the Indian and Australian land masses, it does not support the concept of Lemuria as a land bridge for mammals.
If this continent were to exist, Australia would have to be sideways while attached to half of Antarctica and Madagascar. Sir Lanka would also be attached to Australia while India would need to have drifted more from its current position it is in today. For Australia to be in its current position it is in today, the polar shift theory of a northern boundary in the east would have to be incorporated. There would be a river in between the two continents and it would extend eastward to a larger, now submerged portion of the continent known as Mu.
[edit] Blavatsky, Elliot, and Bramwell
Map of Lemuria superimposed over the modern continents from Scott-Elliott's The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria.Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Helena Blavatsky, who claimed in the 1880s to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean Book of Dzyan by the Mahatmas. According to L. Sprague de Camp, Blavatsky's concept of Lemuria was influenced by other contemporaneous writers on the theme of Lost Continents, notably Ignatius L. Donnelly, American cult leader Thomas Lake Harris and the French writer Louis Jacolliot.[6]
Within Blavatsky's complex cosmology, which includes seven "Root Races", Lemuria was occupied by the "Third Root Race", described as about 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, sexually hermaphroditic, egg-laying, mentally undeveloped and spiritually more pure than the following "Root Races". Before the coming of the Lemurians, the second "Root Race" is said to have dwelled in Hyperborea. After the subsequent creation of mammals, Mme Blavatsky revealed to her readers, some Lemurians turned to bestiality. The gods, aghast at the behavior of these "mindless" men, sank Lemuria into the ocean and created a "Fourth Root Race"—endowed with intellect—on Atlantis.[citation needed]
One of the most elaborate accounts of lost continents was given by the later theosophical author William Scott-Elliot. The English theosophist received his knowledge from Charles Webster Leadbeater, who communicated with the Theosophical Masters by "astral clairvoyance." In 1896 he published The Story of Atlantis, followed in 1904 by The Lost Lemuria, in which he included a map of the continent of Lemuria as stretching from the east coast of Africa across the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.[7]
James Bramwell described Lemuria in his book, Lost Atlantis, as “a continent that occupied a large part of what is now the South Pacific Ocean.”[8] Bramwell described the people of Lemuria in detail and attributed them with being one of the “root-races of humanity.” According to Bramwell, Lemurians are the ancestors of the Atlanteans, who survived the period “of the general racial decadence which affected the Lemurians in the last stages of their evolution.” From “a select division of” the Atlanteans - after their promotion to decadence - Bramwell claims the Aryan race arose. “Lemurians, Atlanteans, and Aryans are root-races of humanity,” according to Bramwell.[9]
[edit] Lemuria and Mount Shasta
In 1894, Frederick Spencer Oliver published A Dweller on Two Planets, which claimed that survivors from a sunken continent called Lemuria were living in or on Mount Shasta in northern California. Oliver claimed the Lemurians lived in a complex of tunnels beneath the mountain and occasionally were seen walking the surface dressed in white robes.
This belief has been repeated by such individuals as the cultist Guy Warren Ballard in the 1930s who formed the I AM Foundation. It is also repeated by followers of the Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood. This list includes such organizations as Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, Church Universal and Triumphant, and The Hearts Center. Nowadays this thesis is also described by Kryon.[citation needed]
[edit] Kumari Kandam and Lemuria
"Lemuria" in Tamil nationalist mysticist literature, connecting Madagascar, South India and Australia (covering most of the Indian Ocean).Kumari Kandam is a legendary sunken kingdom sometimes compared with Lemuria (cf. works of G. Devaneyan, Tamil: ஞானமுத்தன் தேவநேயன்). In Tamil tradition, Kumari Kandam is referred to as the Land of Purity, a sophisticated kingdom of higher learning, located south of Kanyakumari or Cape Comorin. During a violent geologic catastrophe the entire island was submerged under the water. The survivors migrated to the present Indian subcontinent and supposedly sparked the Indus Valley Civilization. This mass of land is often compared to the island of Lemuria.[10]
According to these modernist interpretations of motifs in classical Tamil literature — the epics Cilappatikaram and Manimekalai that describe the submerged city of Puhar[11]— the Dravidians originally came from land south of the present day coast of South India that became submerged by successive floods. There are various claims from Tamil authors that there was a large land mass connecting Madagascar and Australia from the Southwest and Southeast respectively to the present-day Kanyakumari District coast.
Another piece of literature in Ayyavazhi mythology, specifically Akilathirattu Ammanai speaks of a sunken land about 152 miles south of present day Kanyakumari. It goes on to describe the civilization with exactly 16008 streets
Lemuria was an ancient civilization which existed prior to run during the
time of Atlantis physically
it is believed that Lemuria existed largely in the Southern Pacific between
north america and asia / Australia Lemuria is also sometimes referred to as
move or the motherland of new at its peak of civilization
the lemon people were both highly evolved and very spiritual
while concrete physical evidence of this ancient continent may be difficult to
find many people know that they have a strong connection to Lemuria
approximately , years ago the culture known as Lemuria was thriving
there were also other cultures on earth such as Atlantis which were thriving as
the holy people or the prophets of the Lemurian culture began to be aware that
something was going to be changing
they began receiving information but the earth was going to go through a very
dramatic shift the shift that they were referring to was what you call the Great
you've also called it the destruction of Atlantis these holy people of Lemuria
were very much in touch with the land they were the ancient ancestors of the
native americans they began to be aware that it was very important that the
knowledge from Lemuria be preserved
and so for about two thousand to three thousand years they were preparing for
this great Cataclysm they began spreading their teachings about the
earth and about mankind's history to as many people as they possibly could
they believed that if they could spread this information to as many people as
the information would be stored within the cells of the human partners then it
will never be forgotten
also began to store information in crystals these crystals were taken deep
within the earth to be stored and preserved
these ancient Sumerians also began to create detailed maps that the
underground tunnels that existed between power points on your planet
they also took the time to prepare their plans
they knew that they would receive a sign telling them it was time to go into the
ground before the flood came
so they prepared themselves for these several thousand years to be the sacred
keepers of the records of the earth
they know it was very important that the information they held to be saved for
when the waters receding otherwise the entire history of her and the sacred
teachings of the lamians would have been lost forever
these holy people received the signs
began going on the graph this bird approximately one year before the while
underground they learned to live then use the underground environment for
their assistance they built very supportive and loving communities and
the ground during that year they did the final work involved in preserving some
of the knowledge but then you needed to be preserved
then the flood came all these people who weren't the ground were safe from the
waters even though many many people on the surface of the earth perished when
the waters receded the people emerged from the underground the land they once
knew was now very different
this emergence from the earth is the point at which the Native Americans
creation history begins in a very literal sense they did emerge from the
most of the native peoples have lost the exact literal memory of this emergence
but within the highest ranks of the shins
this knowledge is still passed on now we tell this story from the point of view
of the Native Americans but they were not the only people who went underground
the holy people all around this planet went underground
for instance the Aborigines in Australia and those who were later to become the
Druids in England were all preserving their knowledge underground as well
the Druids were preserving the ancient Atlantean information as worthy
Egyptians but the native peoples of the Pacific area including Asia were
preserving the Lemuria information
these native peoples even today
hold within themselves this sacred knowledge
some of it is conscious but most of it lies in the subconscious
the aim of Japan out one of the tribes that preserve some of the knowledge
there was a great cooperation among all of these peoples on earth to make sure
that the sacred teachings were never lost
the ancient knowledge is rising to consciousness the prophets also knew
that when the new time came after the flood mankind would move away from the
sacred teachings of the prophets knew that there would be a very long period
of time during which the teachings would have to be kept hidden
they knew that one day that cycle would end and the teachings would once again
emerged from each and every person that is what is happening now for all of you
you are drawn to visit places like the Native American sacred parts or Peru or
reach it because you are feeling this ancient knowledge beginning to rise to
the surface within you and you seek to find a vehicle through which that memory
can be activated as the memory is activated in each of you
it will not necessarily take the form of information instead it will simply take
the form of your own spiritual and inner wisdom of the Ancients never had
religion never felt the need to make someone else believe the way they did
that battle happened only after the front of the Ancients all had an inner
wisdom and aninha spirituality but was never discussed or argued about even
though everyone is unique and has his or her own spiritual beliefs ultimately
those beliefs all are the same ideal next releases the belief in a higher
power love and respect for each other and love and respect for the
that is the very basic foundation of spirituality that was the spirituality
of the Ancients and that is the spirituality that is awakening within
it doesn't matter whether you are Buddhist Shinto or Christian
all that matters is that basic foundation of spirituality belief in a
higher power love and respect for each other and love and respect for the it is
really good simple as you travel for these hallowed sparks you get back in
touch with the that's our spirituality gets awakened within you
do not underestimate the power of the experiences you have while you are on
this trail
they wake up
something that was lying asleep for quite a long time
reincarnation alee you are those ancient lemorians you are fulfilling your
agreements by being here now and helping in the awakening you all carry those
memories within you honor that and trust that you do have them within you the
question that has been asked to us so many times is what's going to happen now
is there going to be another Cataclysm like the club
how is this new awareness going to be activated on earth you are all working
very hard on an energetic level so that you will not bring about another
we do not perceive that you are going to experience another flood or destructive
earthquake this time the change is going to happen within you you are going to
experience in a sense your own personal internal earthquake your own crumbling
of belief systems that no longer serve you
so in a sense there is going to be destruction and the ending of our cycle
but it's not going to take place around you in the physical world
it's going to take place in an even more powerful place within you
so do not fear if all things you can t begin falling away
do not fear if all relationships and no longer be the same
most of all do not fear exploring the unknown for the deeper you go within the
more profound to you are going to experience this know that all that
happens to you
even the things that may be disturbing is part of your own personal release of
the old as you are releasing the old you will be exposed the new ideas they may
feel strange or foreign to you but just keep yourself open and allow whatever is
there to come to you before you assume that it is not for you stay open and
during this tour the ancient energies that you are exposed to are going to
accelerate this process even more for it is time now for the awakening to happen
you have all chosen to be the pioneers who help to led to the planet in this
there is a very powerful site in santa fe called a mandala to describe what the
energy is like there is very difficult
so please bear with us angela is one of the places on earth that integrates the
star energy and the ancient earth energy
so when
visit there you may feel strong that energy but at the same time you may feel
the presence of the earth mother very strongly to it is very important left on
each planet very sacred spot swept integrate both the star in the planet
vandal is one such place there are many for instance in Japan you have monkey
drama so as you are walking through and you feel your feet planted firmly on the
ground at the same time
feel your star connection one of the themes of your time in sedona has been
grounding you allowed yourself to take a very difficult type
you succeeded because you allowed the earth to support you
you became one with the earth from the earth you through strength and it is the
strength of is now going to help you as you go to the second part of the top the
energy of Santa Fe is going to be different but it is very closely
connected to what you experience this morning when the Tories over you will
see how they fit together
the Native Americans do something called the rain dance today much of the
significance of that certainly has been lost today
the belief is that the dance makes it rain
however in the ancient days the rain dance was very much like what you
experience with proud
Native Americans with to train dogs because they
I wanted it to but because they could sense the energy of the environment they
come on
celebrate the way there is a subtle difference
we hope we have explained it you experience the feeling of being one with
the earth
it was very important to bring up that ancient knowledge
what is the significance of the snake people
the snake people are very very ancient they existed approximately to
years ago they were descendants of the lemorians in particular
descendants of the original record keepers of Lemuria the snake in terms of
symbology has always been used on earth to mean
wisdom so you find many cultures around Earth in which the snake as a symbol
plays a very important role now today you were taken to a place called
Montezuma's well the myth is that that was one of the emergence points of the
ancient Sumerian / Native American sedona is one of the places that was
first inhabited by the people who were keeping the records after they emerged
their civilization lived mostly high in the cliffs at that time said owner was a
Jane violence
so they had to live on higher ground
this original group that came from beneath the earth lived here
of course there are created so there were many generations here
the snake people are descendants of those original ones from beneath the
now you all seen the large amount of quartz crystal that is in the red rock
and you all know that quartz crystal can hold information and knowledge said
owner was chosen as an emergence point because of all the quartz crystal in the
it would be very easy to use all the quartz crystal in the rock to hold the
knowledge of Lemuria
so the snake people living in this area were committed to programming that
knowledge into the rocks
this is why so many people are now drawn to sedona anyone who has a lemorian
connection will naturally be drawn here all of you at one time or another belong
to the snake people tribe
are there any ruins of memory and temples in the set own area there are
some physical remains of those temples but they are so eroded now that you
really couldn't recognize them as remains of the temple
however energetically those temples still exists
they can only the access on the inner planes through your dream state or
through your meditations
but they are still very active
that's another reason why people feel so drawn to come to sedona they have
traveled here in other states of consciousness so even though their
physical bodies haven't been here
they feel familiar with it there are many mauryan temples here in two
is there any connection between those who survive the Great Flood and
what a wonderful and creative question no one has ever asked this before and it
is one of the particular areas of interest for us we assume that a good
number of you have read the prism of Lara
but we will attend to keep it very simple in case you have the people who
went underground during the flood quickly associated with what we call the
sirens or the side Ian energy
they're simple was the snake they were the keepers of knowledge to life as to
whether there were people who survived the flood on the surface the arms is yes
you have a bit of story about a man named know
bubble building off that story is very true with one exception
there was not just one know about many people around the planet food bill talks
or votes to survive the from so when the flood finally receiving there were those
who have gone underground in there were those who had stayed above ground and
yet there was contact on those of state of our ground there were two factions
there was one faction that we would say was oriented toward the energy from
series those people had a lot of men time
desire for peace and knowledge but there was another faction that was more
aligned with what we would call the Lyran influence they were the ones who
wanted power
some of those people were the ones in powerful positions in Atlantis now we're
talking about those who stayed above ground for the most part those who went
underground were all of one orientation Native Americans have remained separate
to preserve the knowledge
all through history you have happen flick between the knowledge papers and
those hungry for power that still happens today
so as soon as the floods receded the conflict started again
that is why the people who are now considered Native American did not
integrate themselves with the rest of the world
they kept themselves separate in order to assure that the knowledge would be
they allowed the power struggle to continue while they simply SAT back and
tried to preserve the knowledge you can see that is happening now that the cycle
is finishing because so many of you now are beginning to realize how important
that spiritual knowledge is as more and more of you beginners spiritual search
those in power will have to change their ways because they won't be able to
manipulate people anymore
so your individual search for your own spiritual truth eventually effects the
entire planet
this time on your planet that you are calling a new age is the completion of
many thousands of years of conflict we perceive that the conflict will be
how long did people live underground how long were their lives when the flood
receded about half of those who weren't ground emerged have stayed in the ground
because they were not quite sure it was safe to emerge
those who emerged saw that conflict was already beginning on the surface once
again so they retreated and kept to themselves they refuse
become part of that conflict that's why today there is such a division between
Western society and the native peoples the Native Americans do not want to play
the game of conflict the people who stayed in the ground remained there for
several more generations at one point half of the half emerged but there was
still a group will remain underground they are still there
they are the people you call the in earth people they have evolved quite
rapidly over the past several thousand years they have built their own society
totally independent of yours and in a sense they have mutated to allow
themselves to adapt to life below the surface they do not want to play the
game of conflict either their life vests are quite long of life's and averaging
approximately to years they do not drop created the rate you do so
there is no population frogmen in terms of the longevity of people during the
period of the flood their lifespan was longer than yours
it really depended upon the genetic characteristics of the individual if a
person had a genetic makeup
based on a strong extraterrestrial back ground
he had a longer lifespan this information is spoken about very clearly
in the Bible
it is given that the ages of certain biblical figures are well over years
like Moses some are given quite long lifetimes
those records are out there over time as you all have evolved away from being a
part of the earth
your life stands have gotten shorter
this is because when you are one with the earth you channel the life force of
the earth and it rejuvenates you but when you cut yourself off from your life
force you deteriorate faster
this is why Native Americans have such long lifespans and yo jist who live up
in the Himalayas do too
they have as much as they could get their connections with earth your
lifespan will grow longer the more you reconnect with the earth as your
consciousness changes your life and will grow