

マジェンダ・ピクシー5/31:5月から6月への移行  2

2009-06-01 10:26:07 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
Even though many of you do not necessarily feel this yourselves, we can see the great growth that took place amongst you as a collective during the month of May.
So much happened that was 'behind the scenes' as it were. Shiftings that shall lead to universal understanding – a collective coming together, moving into the frequency of the higher dimensions of telepathic union and love.
The move into the month of June will be somewhat different for those moving in alignment with higher frequencies. A settling down into what seems like a slower pace – it is indeed a time of relaxation and heart activation even within the context of one's continued Lightwork.
Many of you will move into positions of new territory and new opportunity, new openings shall come your way. This is the time of new relationships, new jobs, new activities.
The heart shall be opened and so many of you shall enter a bliss state. That which you learned from the challenges of May will be put into use in surprising ways in June.
Transition - May into June 2009
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