実は、この物体は、アポロ15号が発見した謎の構造物で、その探査として極秘ミッションに赴いたのがアポロ20号なのだという。発見された宇宙船や廃墟、その他のオーパーツについてはNASAは一切のコメントを出していない。しかし1996年3月21日、ワシントンで行われた記者会見の場で、ジョンソン宇宙センターに勤務するケネディ・ジョンストンが「宇宙飛行士たちは月面に存在する遺跡、つまり透明なピラミッドやクリスタル質のドームなどをその目で見ている。」と発言をした。 アポロ20号が発見した月面人工構造物APOLLO 20 ALIEN SPACESHIP ON THE MOON
Extraterrestrial Messages in Mexican Cave (PART 2) | News with Francisco Zea
this is the virgin jungle of veracruz where less than a month ago discovered a cave with assumptions extra terrestrial benefits to arrive until this point we walked for more than five hours or solitary and enigmatica welcomed us in squatting this can be realized is the only way to enter is very difficult in size or less than one meter tall beneath its stone walls full of moss and soil expose these cave paintings with symbols strangers that so far have not been interpreted scientifically here is a face to see your eyes see his nose here it is possible to see again your eye here is your body type of face This type is color according to specialists who came again they mentioned that it was gray gray and this also focuses a lot on the footprint in the footprint and in the hand so you're used to it much symbolism to a house within the cavity we find what according to this specialist could be a shrine now it catches my eye and we do not gave the voice we can consider that there was something there that draws much attention in the antiquity then without even a place of either cult for either issues gastronomic but the subject was something very important and that's why they left it for you and is that these researchers in their first exploration also found with estela are companeros accident and that's how we found it the first stone we came back as not if we were leaving surprised because just like all you just saw we have to go back look for stones engraving of a person which has skinny almond eyes that he is aware that he has three fingers of one person who is stagnant that simple sight is seen that it is once the legend refers to a plate who was here what is I star in the hill and from there come some to some entities here we are talking about beings aliens and what would happen if we pay attention to the legends where we are speak of intra-terrestrial beings ie beings that live in the interior of the land and that this whole area is rich of such stories of this kind legends then do not discard right now in this first research stage none of the hypotheses was that the people say that he was here patia situan was the form of the test it's natural but they say it was here here is the flying saucer another particular feature this golden dust scattered all over the place The most surprising are how we can to find gold leaf particles for example here i have one on my finger index we can say it's a metal that seems to be gold what kind of horrors do we still do not know personal or vox we already have your opinion to an archeologist color as precious metal has been kept close to this rock I think it is not by chance all has a sense, she thinks scientifically there is nothing certain but considers that these traces to look like all natas mean the principle of what can be a great research and another so that wardrobe all for their paradigms of science can be a possibility because it is not well in my case I do not eat like archaeologist I do not close at this time recorded here they remain with figures geometric and strange drawings continue to be a mystery that maintains the question about the possible connection that could have occurred between ancestral civilizations and space to send a written message there are some maps that have decoded but one day they add up to the numbers the realization of jonathan ramos and cuauhtemoc anger called art image news
in a complex system of caves in Mexico an amazing discovery has been made close to the boundaries of Puebla and Rock ruse yada stones have been found and they have engravings on them that seemingly show aliens enough folks the stones might date back to Mayan times and this may be confirmation that contact with aliens and humans was made during ancient times the discovery was made in March but it was only a few days ago when the first images of the strange and gravestones emerged encounter between the Mayan civilization and aliens the stones were found by a group of treasure seekers manuel Rangel v Garros the master detector and Jose OGG way or the jak detector they shared an expedition and accidentally found a carved stone inside a cave three months ago which had alien forms to find the cave the team had to walk for many hours going through undergrowth before they reached three private caves that were between Puebla and Brock ruse surprising discoveries were made and two of the caves and in one of them they found several stones with engravings that suggest there had been a relationship between alien life and humans in the other cave they found metal in the treasure seekers believe that it could be gold one of the stones shows what seems to be the upper part of a spacecraft and also seen on the stones is something that seems to represent an alien there are also many symbols on the stones that have yet to be deciphered local people believe that caves are located close to a place where an alien spacecraft might have become trapped or it could have become embedded in the cave this is the legend that made the group begin to search and they got the help of the landowner and made their first visit three months ago not only did they come across the cave but they also found the engraved stones which feature pictures of figures that are non-human Jose Aguayo said that the ena could not say anything due to the fact that it is not archaeology the Explorers said that after they had looked at the cave using devices but they had not found anything and they were getting ready to leave the cave however one of the team members had an accident and slipped and he was sunk in the water and sand in the car Vidal river it was when they rescued the team member and began to untangle him that they made the discovery he went on to say that the discovery would change his life and it was the first of the carved stones that represented an encounter between man in an alien race later on they found more stones and these showed a spacecraft along with a being that did not look human and what looked to be corn along with other symbols the
Explorer said that the discovery reveals an encounter between the Mayan or Aztec civilization and aliens from another world they said that they had a theory that there are those who were shipwrecked in the cosmos and then rescued and before they left they had left indelible proof of their stay and remote caves hidden from view the engraved stones are said to be numerous and they have engraved designs that are varied but all seemed to show a UFO along with aliens and a tribal leader with what looks to be a sheaf of wheat in his hand the researchers also found pictograms on the walls of the cave which also suggests that there was an ancient alien encounter there is going to be more studies made to find out if the stones are real or fake if they are found to be real it could be proof that aliens do exist and they have visited earth a long time ago
アメリカOSS「戦略事務局」(CIA「中央情報局」の前身)作成機密文書「日本本土への地震兵器による心理的軍事作戦」(「原本資料」全14ページ中10ページから抜粋)によると、「THE FINAL REPORT OF PROJECT SEAL」と書かれた「テキスト資料」のタイトルの意味は、「封印計画の最終報告」というもの。