
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Aug. 5th__For the First Time in A Month

2024-08-05 20:43:06 | Running

I ran for the first time in a month for 3.5km today.

Corona virus damaged to breathing function, but I could run

longer distance than I expected.

1ヶ月ぶりに仕事帰りにジョグってきた。 3.5km。





May. 6th__Running 20kg and Weight Training on the Last Day

2024-05-06 20:29:41 | Running


Today is the last day of my 10 days of holiday.

I ran 5km to the gym and ran 15km from the gym to Sakura station.

Today's Workout Menu at Yotsukaido gym

*Bench press(Pectral muscle)  85kg 5set
*hammer curl(biceps)  20kg 3set
*concentration curl(biceps)20kg 3set
*Shoulder press (Shoulder,Deltoid)  3set

*Running  20km



Apr. 8th__Running 10km and New Protein

2024-04-08 21:12:44 | Running

I ran 10km after work after long time.

I bought this protein at Donki for only 1980 yen,

though other tastes were over 1000 yen more expensive .


Jan. 15th__Running for 5km

2024-01-15 21:16:45 | Running

All of a sudden, It has gotten so cold lately!

If I stand still outside, I can't stand cold.

So I ran for 5km to get warm after work.


Jan. 3rd__Running 22km to Tsudanuma

2024-01-03 21:11:18 | Running

Today was the 6th days of my winter holiday.

I ran 22 km from Yotsukaido to Tsudanuma where I had lived for four years

when I was a university student.

As I used up all my energy, I took a train the way back.
