
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Oct. 22nd I Love Boots!

2023-10-22 21:28:55 | Daily Life

I love boots! I’ve had boots since I was a college student.

Because my current ones were broken, I bought  new ones.
These boots are made by Stefano Rossi in Italy and made

of real leather.

I bought rain shoes while I was at it. 
Rain shoes make me feel happy even in the rainy days.


Today's Workout Menu
*Chest press (Pectral muscle) 93kg   9repx4set
*Fly (Pectral muscle) 107kg   9repx4set   
*Shoulder press (Shoulder,Deltoid)   77kg   10repx4set
*Ratpulldown (Latissimus dorsi) 73kg  9repx4set
*Leg press (Hamstring) 73→79kg 10repx3set

*Rotary tolsor (Rectus abdominis) 59→64kg  10repx3set
