
This is my life after 50 years old
No one can stop me

Oct. 20th Last NOVA in Yotsukaido

2023-10-20 23:04:44 | Learning English

Finally NOVA Yotsukaido school, that once I'd gone since 2015 to 2022, will be closed next weekend.
For now I've been in recess term after 2022 to 2027 but I'll be forced to transfer to the other school

(in Yukarigaoka) automatically.




Oct. 16th That Bitch on The Way to Work

2023-10-16 20:59:14 | Running


I ran 5km after work. 

By the way, I nearly got run over by a car which a young woman drove,

on the way to my office this morning.

I should have complained to that bitch at that time!


Oct. 15th Free Open Day at Gym

2023-10-15 21:34:01 | Weight Training



Today the gym was opened for free because of the gym's special day.

I’m really lucky!
I added extra 5 kg weight plates on the Rotary tolsor.

Today's Workout Menu
*Chest press (Pectral muscle) 93kg   9repx4set
*Fly (Pectral muscle) 107kg   9repx4set   
*Shoulder press (Shoulder,Deltoid)   77kg   10repx4set
*Ratpulldown (Latissimus dorsi) 73kg  9repx4set
*Leg press (Hamstring) 73kg 15repx3set

*Rotary tolsor (Rectus abdominis) 59→64kg  10repx3set


Oct. 11th Workout at Home

2023-10-11 21:36:40 | Weight Training

After work I do a short workout at home on Wednesday.


Today's Workout Menu at home
+Dips (Triceps brachii muscle) +35kg  12repx5set
+Dumbbell press (Pectral muscle)  65kg(32.5kgx2)  16repx5set


Oct. 10th Escape from GPS

2023-10-10 20:45:04 | Running

I ran 5km after work.

My Garmin watch is slow to catch GPS.

It couldn't  catch me today too.

So I escaped from pursuing of GPS on purpose.
