

怪人二十面相 69

2023-01-02 23:59:17 | 怪人二十面相


"Hey, hey, Master Akechi, what's wrong with you. It's not the time to praise the thief. Shoot, what are you doing. Poor Sakuzou and his wife. Detecitive, don't just stand around, please untie the ropes and take the gags off. Then we can get some clue from them.


Akechi can't be relied on, old Kusakabe started giving the commands like a detective.


"Now, old guy ordered. Untie the ropes."
Akechi gave a strange sign to the detective.


And so the detective who didn't nothing until then, stood straight, took a bunch of ropes out of his pocket and started tying the old Kusakabe's hand on his back.


"Hey! What are you doing? Oh, every one of them is crazy. What do you do with me tied up? You shouldn't tie me up, untie those two on the floor. No, not me."


But the detective didn't care. Without a word, he tied up the old man all the same.


"Hey, crazy man, what are you doing? Oh, it hurts! Master Akechi, what are you laughing at? Stop him. This man must have gone insane. Now, order him set me free. Hey, Master Akechi."


The old man couldn't understand anything anymore. Has everyone gone mad? Otherwise there is no reason to tie up the cliant. And more, the most ridiculous thing is the detective is sneering at him.


"Old man, who are you talking to? You said Akechi, I think."
Akechi himself started talking like this.


"Are you kidding? Master Akechi, you don't forget your own name surely."


"Me? Are you saying I am the Akechi Kogorou?"
Akechi said weirder thing coolly.


"Of course I am. What a silly.."
"Ha ha ha, old man, you are the one being silly. There is no man named Akechi here."


To this, the old man's jaw dropped, he looked like a bewiched man. Being utterly astonished, he couldn't speak.


"Old man, have you met Kogorou Akechi before?"
"No, I haven't. But I saw his photos.

「写真? 写真ではちと心ぼそいですねえ。その写真にぼくが似ているとでもおっしゃるのですか。」

"The photos? It's a litte bit unreliable. Do you say I look like the man in the photo?"


"Old man, you must have forgotten what kind of person Twenty Faces is. Twenty Faces, he is a master of disguise."


"The.. Then you, you are.."
The old man undanstood everything now. He turned pale in alarm.
"Ha ha ha,, now you understand, don't you."


"No, no, that's ridiculous. I read the newspaper. 'Izu Nippo' said Akechi has come here clearly. And the maid of Fujiya said you are him. There was no mistake."


"Still, there were mistakes. Because Kogorou Akechi hasn't come back from abroad yet."
"The newspaper never lies."


"Still, the paper lied. One of the city desk journalists was tricked by me and reported false news to the chief editor."


"Huh, then how about those detectives? It's impossiblle the police has been decieved by a false Akechi."


The old man didn't want to believe that this standing man was the horrible Twenty Faces. He wanted this man to be Kogorou Akechi.

「ハハハ……、ご老人、まだそんなことを考えているのですか。血のめぐりが悪いじゃありませんか。刑事ですって? あ、この男ですか、それから表門裏門の番をしたふたりですか、ハハハ……、なにね、ぼくの子分がちょいと刑事のまねをしただけですよ。」

"Ha ha ha, man, are you thinking like that now? You have to check your blood stream. The detectives? Oh, this man? And those two standing in front of the gates? My subordinates played the detectives, that all."


The old man have tried not to believe, but now he couldn't. The man he thought Kogorou Akechi was no at all the great detecitive but the big thief. It was the one he was so afraid of.


Oh, what a superb idea. The detecitive was really a thief. Old Kusakabe asked a man who was Twenty Faces in reality to guard his tresures.


