"Or he might, in fact, have gone out again after he came in the night before?"
"I do not think so. His bed had been slept in, and the night porter would have remembered any one going out at that hour."
"A very just observation, madame. We may take it, then, that he left early on the following morning—and that is reassuring from one point of view. He is not likely to have fallen a victim to any Apache assault at that hour. His baggage, now, was it all left behind?"
Mrs. Halliday seemed rather reluctant to answer, but at last she said:—-
"No—he must have taken one small suit-case with him."
"H'm," said Poirot thoughtfully, "I wonder where he was that evening. If we knew that, we should know a great deal. Whom did he meet?—there lies the mystery. Madame, myself I do not of necessity accept the view of the police; with them is it always 'Cherchez la femme.' Yet it is clear that something occurred that night to alter your husband's plans. You say he asked for letters on returning to the hotel. Did he receive any?"
「ふむ。」ポアロは考えながら言った。「彼はその夜どこにいたんでしょう。それが分かれば、大変助かるのです。彼は誰に会ったか? そこに謎があります。奥さん、私は警察の考えを受け入れるものではありません。彼らはいつでも、『ことの裏に女あり』ですからね。それでも、その夜なにかが起きて、ご主人の予定が変わってしまったのは明らかです。ホテルに戻って手紙かなにか来ていないか尋ねたとおっしゃいましたね。何か受け取ったのですか?」
"One only, and that must have been the one I wrote him on the day he left England."
Poirot remained sunk in thought for a full minute, then he rose briskly to his feet.
"Well, madame, the solution of the mystery lies in Paris, and to find it I myself journey to Paris on the instant."
"It is all a long time ago, monsieur."
"Yes, yes. Nevertheless, it is there that we must seek."
He turned to leave the room, but paused with his hand on the door.
"Tell me, madame, do you ever remember your husband mentioning the phrase, 'The Big Four'?"
"The Big Four," she repeated thoughtfully. "No, I can't say I do."