

作业代写:The decline of pioneer literature

2018-02-28 16:05:39 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The decline of pioneer literature,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了先锋文学的衰落。在新时期文学二十年的历程中,先锋小说以特征鲜明的文学思潮与语言实验性的创作倾向,在形式追求与探索的路上,比其它思潮与流派都走得更远,并产生了深远的影响。先锋小说一向以晦涩难懂著称,不同于以往的小说形式,它强调的是小说的形式试验,注重小说语言的“游戏化”和结构的不守成规以及叙述的“感觉化”。对先锋小说的选择是出于审美的尝试,同样放弃这种形式也是一样的原因。

The obvious military connotation of Vanguard is precisely the point that the vanguard has some angles and tendencies from the consciousness of the more generalized modernity--the strong combat consciousness, the glorification of non-compliance, the quest for courage, and the certainty that the time and the inner nature must prevail over tradition on a more general level. In view of these characteristics of vanguard literature, this paper analyzes the causes of pioneer literature's predicament and decline from three aspects of aesthetic perspective, the relationship between mainstream literature and marginal literature, and the overcoming of mainstream literature.

Pioneer Literature appeared in the literary world with the experiment of its language and the novel form, which caused a stir. Avant-garde literature is regarded as heresy by mainstream literature, which is related to the cultural Vogue and aesthetics at this time, as well as to readers ' acceptance of reading. China's pioneer literature appeared in the the early 1980s, at this time the literary world is a relatively active new period after May Fourth, Western literary and artistic thought theory, modernist works of great influx. Ma Yuan, Gefei, Sun Dew, Xue, Yu Hua, Su Tong and other writers lead the trend of the times, the language of the experiment, the form of novel to create a large number of experimental nature of the novel. Because the reader is familiar with the usual literary form, it produces aesthetic inertia, regards pioneer literature as a new reading experience, tries to break the aesthetic balance and pursues a new aesthetic form. Pioneer literature in the beginning of the rise in the literary world, caused a great response. Pioneer novels, which have always been famous for their obscure and difficult to understand, are different from the previous ones, it emphasizes the form experiment of the novel, pays attention to the "game" of the novel language and the conservative regulation of the structure and the "sensation" of the narration. The choice of avant-garde novels is an aesthetic attempt, as is the same reason for abandoning this form.

Avant-garde literature is regarded as heresy by mainstream literature and is on the edge. The mainstream literature and the marginal literary history have intrinsic connection, the marginal literature in the mainstream will eventually be absorbed by the mainstream, the mainstream transformation. The mainstream literature contains a variety of marginal literature, the possibility of occurrence, in a certain period, with the maturity of certain social and historical conditions, the new heretical literature will inevitably arise in the mainstream literature. In the 20 World 80 's Vanguard novel, and at this time the mainstream discourse's narration form completely contradicts, the novel narration does not take the plot as the main, in the novel also does not have the clear protagonist, but is the unrestrained imagination, the language experiment.​

Mainstream literature has a strong tolerance and introspection consciousness, in the emergence of heretical literature, the public's aesthetic tendency will be the first choice, and mainstream literature will quickly overcome their own not accepted by the public aesthetic form, with its inclusive quickly swallowed heretical literature. Change into the mainstream discourse.

Avant-garde originated from the romantic utopia and its messianic fanaticism, and it follows the development route in essence similar to its earlier and broader concept of modernity. This similarity certainly stems from the fact that both of the origins are linear irreversible time concepts, and as a result, they also face all the insurmountable dilemmas and contradictions involved in such a concept of time. No avant-garde trait, in any historical change form, is implied or even foreseen in the broader context of the concept of modernity.

Avant-garde is or should be conscious of walking in front of the times. This awareness not only adds a sense of mission to the representatives of the avant-garde, but also gives them the privilege and responsibility of being leaders. To be a pioneer is to be part of the elite, and although unlike the ruling classes or ruling groups of the past, this elite is engaged in a platform of complete anti-elitism, its ultimate utopian goal is for all people to enjoy all the benefits of life on an equal footing.

Avant-garde as an art concept has become broad enough, it no longer refers to a new genre, but refers to all the new schools, the rejection of the past and the worship of new things. Vanguard has the double significance, careful consideration, any kind of mainstream literature once was one kind of vanguard literature, the vanguard means one kind of innovation, one kind of experiment, a kind of development. Experienced from the vanguard to the mainstream of the process, can precipitate down the essence, gradually form a literary tradition.


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