

英国essay代写-How Starbucks Speaks to You

2017-10-12 17:17:43 | 日記
本篇英国essay代写-How Starbucks Speaks to You讲了人类是社会生活,必须沟通和共同努力才能生存,从而形成社区。反过来,某个社区为人类提供了口头和非口头交流的地方。物理空间是社区的一个关键组成部分,居住在这个物理空间的人们的沟通行为将受到一定的影响。星巴克是研究微观社区内物理空间与沟通之间关系的典型地方。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Humans are social beings and they have to communicate and work together in order to survive, thus forming communities. In turn, a certain community provides a place for humans to communicate with one another both verbally and non-verbally. Physical space is a key component in a community and the communication behaviors of people who inhabit in this physical space will be affected by it in one way or another. Starbucks is right a typical place to study the relation between physical space and the communication within a micro-community. It seems that the physical environment has an influence on the psychological behaviors of the customers through time, color and noise and customers and workers act differently during the two observations.
The specific Starbucks coffee shop that I have observed is located on the first floor of a building near the Aderhold Learning Center. The location of the store is just the reason why the great majority of the customers there are students, teachers and employees of Georgia State University. Though this shop is small, every inch of its space is made good use of becuase small round tables, bar tables and display shelves are all in the proper position. The small space and the easiness to get food make the shop a good place for people who want to quickly grab a cup of coffee or a pastry and go during ruch hours. Because this coffee shop is close to GSU and Atl businesses, the morning observation during the rush hours show that the shop is crowded and people keep coming and going all the time. Meanwhile, the place tends to be much quieter with fewer people in the shop during the non-rush hours in the second observation. In the morning, Starbucks coffee shop is very rushed with multiple orders going in and out at the same time. The baristas are also very busy, often walking back and forth throughout the workstation. Compared to the coffee shop in the afternoon, there are much fewer customers and the baristas are much more relaxed. The difference in time causes changes in how people psychologically behave by being rushed in the morning compared to a more laid-back mood in the afternoon.
With time’s influence on the psychological behaviors of the customers being mentioned at length in the above, what follows is the influence of color on the psychological behaviors of the customers. The green Starbucks Coffee billboard makes the shop discernable even from a distance. The mermaid logo and green color carry the message that Starbucks Coffee is a place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. On the psychological level, green represents freshness, hope, safety, comfort, and quietness. When customers see the green visual designs of Starbucks, they feel relaxed and comfortable. The small space as well as the comforting green color makes this shop an ideal place for informal small group talk. Also, small space means a lack of privacy, which can well imply that the talk can't be too serious. Observations both in the morning and afternoon shows that there are groups gossiping and arguing over casual topics. The observations also show that the color and space can cause a certain behavior through psychological changes.
Additionally, the noise change in the environment will further show that noise will really exert impacts on the mood of the customers within. The music in this coffee shop is always smooth and there's always a lot to see on the shelves, which makes the waiting time less boring. However, the case is completely different during the morning observation. During the morning observation, loud music is blasting and people have to speak louder than usual in order to be heard. The baristas have to yell out the names and the sound of machines rambling in the background creates a loud environment that can be heard from a far distance. The noise influences the psychological mood of customers so as to make them more agitated as well. The second observation when the coffee shop becomes quiet and peaceful, however, further proves that noise will play a role in the mood of the customers. The customers all sit quietly engaging in their activities, the music are smooth and calm, and the baristas only quietly call out names. The two observations show that noisy environment has an effect on customers, making them more agitated and louder; while a calm environment will evoke an opposite influence on the customers.
Moreover, Starbucks can speak to the customers in that the qualities of this coffee shop can influence how people interact in the space. In rush hours, typically in the morning, most people are going to work or school in a hurry with sleepy eyes. When they see the fresh and green billboard from a distance, the color invites them to come in and refresh themselves. As soon as they walk in, the small place with a long line and the noisy environment imply that they'd better grab a drink and go. The people who sit on around the small round tables are having casual talks. The loud noise and small space limit the subject of their conversation. And the increasing number of people’s coming to the coffee shop will add to the noise in the environment. What is different is that this coffee shop will become much quieter in the afternoon. There are only a few people during non-ruch hours, which makes the coffee shop look more empty and spacious.
To sum up, the quietness, coffee smell and soft music provide much more privacy, thus making the shop an ideal place for one person to stay alone and enjoy a cozy afternoon. The safe interpersonal space makes people who come in and would like to stay to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. All of these factors of the environment contribute to different psychological behaviors in the Starbucks Coffee Shop, which suggests that physical environment will really affect the psychological behaviors of the customers.


