

Tar Beach & The Dinner Party

2020-05-18 21:51:10 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Tar Beach & The Dinner Party
,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是在“塔尔海滩”(Tar Beach)中,描绘了Faith Ringgold创作的故事被子,在这个世界中,妇女可以自由飞翔。作为长期被压制的性行为,美国的女性渴望解放和自由。被子中所有角色的种族均为黑色,这在一定程度上表明了艺术家的种族身份和她的希望。这种被子的主题不是政治上的正确性,而是包含了混合种族的特征,而是从根本上强调了被子的主题。
Tar Beach & The Dinner Party

In “Tar Beach”, the story quilt by Faith Ringgold, a world where women are freely flying is depicted. As the long-suppressed sex, the females in the US thirsted for liberation and freedom. The race of all the characters in the quilt is black, indicating the racial identity of the artist and her hopes to some extent. Instead of the political correctness by including characters of mixed races, the theme of the quilt is more radically highlighted this way. The most identifiable feature of the work is the flying women in the night sky above the city, showing the desire of the vulnerable gender and racial group for freedom.

There is also boldness expressed by The Dinner Party, by Judy Chicago, due to its scale and form in addition to content. The work shows the seating arrangement of 39 famous females in human and US history. There are three wings in The Dinner Party, each consists of 13 plates, which is also the number of characters in The Last Supper. 13 is a number carrying negative connotations in the western culture, which may be interpreted as Chicago’s effort to break out of the normal in celebration of feminism. The triangular shape is a symbol of feminity, which is also a stable structure that catches the eyes of the viewers instantly. There is less expression of racism in The Dinner Party, since it is inclusive of famous female figures from different races and cultures.

The forms of the artworks themselves are also significant in helping the artists deliver their ideas. Both the quilt and the china used in the artworks are considered to carry “female characteristics” traditionally, since the quilt and china is related to the daily labors and chores of women from different cultures. The use of these objects as a tool for promoting feminism and liberation form a contrast from their actual uses, which serves as an irony, and statement that women should be liberated from these chores. Both works have told an alternative story, the imagination of the ideal by the artists, as their response to the gender and race inequality and injustice in the real world.


