

Analysis of skin color bias

2020-09-17 18:27:05 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Analysis of skin color bias,文章讲述对于儿童,无可否认,我们对他们的进一步发展始终怀有非常关爱的态度。但是,在美国的18和19世纪,由于种族主义的蔓延,非洲儿童失去了家园,甚至失去了自由。当时,人们经常知道的这个词是黑鬼。更糟的是,不断出现的现象是偏见,歧视,暴力甚至迫害。很难想象非洲有多少可爱又聪明的孩子成为翅膀折断的天使。从现实世界中举几个简单的例子来看,美国黑人的地位一直很低而且不平等。尽管美国声称是一个大国,目前对儿童持非常友好的态度,但黑人儿童仍然受到歧视的影响。在美国,黑人居住的地方通常被称为黑人贫民区,同时也是贫困地区的定义。此外,无论身在何处,大多数白人总是对优越感有一种感觉。


When it comes to children, there is no denying that we are always having a very loving and caring attitude towards them for their further development. However, in the 18th and 19th century of America, the African children lost their homes and even lost their freedom due to the spread of racism. At that time, the word which was known rather frequently was the nigger. What is worse, the phenomenon which was arisen continually was prejudice, discrimination, violence and even persecution. It cannot be imagined how many lovely and smart children became angels with broken wings in Africa. To take a few simple examples from the real world, the status of the blacks in the United States has always been very low and unequal. Even though the United States claims to be a big power which holds a very loving and amiable attitude towards the children at present, black children are still be affected by discrimination. In the United States, the places where blacks stayed are often known as the black ghetto, also the definition of the poor area at the same time. In addition, wherever that may be, most white are always having a kind of feeling about superiority.

  In the mid-November, as the National League of Cities, the biggest organization in the United States, which adheres to dedicate to the promotion and development of the blacks’ economy and society, pointed out that although the political status of American blacks has been improved to a great extent, the current economic situation between blacks and whites remains a large gap, which manifests itself very often as all aspects of the blacks’ lives in its annual report on the living conditions of the black.

  According to some surveys and analyses, the overall status of American blacks, including social status and economic status, is only equal to the 73% of whites. Compared with the survey of 2004, the figure remains basically the same. That is to say, in the course of the past year, the status of the black has not got any improvement at all. In 2005, the unemployment rate of blacks was 10.8%, while the unemployment rate of whites is only 4.7%. Some scholars pointed out that in New York and Chicago, the unemployment rate of black man is as high as 50%. There is no doubt that high unemployment rate will inevitably bring undesirable state of the economy. Above all, the blacks cannot enjoy equal treatment to some extent.

  Anyway, it is necessary that we should look for some reasons from the aspects of our own in order to eliminate this kind of inequality. In the meanwhile, those who are not only the blacks but also the other ethnic groups who subjeted to the unequal treatment should start from themselves and strengthen and enhance their quality so that people from other races have nothing to say.




