

Signs Bring faith

2020-08-01 11:01:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Signs Bring faith,文章讲述在凯瑟琳·布拉德肖(Catherine P. Bradshaw)的文章“测量高中的学校氛围:关注安全,敬业度和环境”(2014年)中,作者声称学校的氛围与参与学校活动的人们的行为密切相关。凯瑟琳(Catherine)使用USDOE的模型来衡量学校内的安全性,参与度和环境,他获得了三个结果。该文本针对的是关注学校气候的人们,例如学校决策者,父母和联邦组织。

Signs Bring faith
In Catherine P. Bradshaw’s article “Measuring School Climate in High Schools: A focus on safety, Engagement, and the Environment,” 2014, the author claims that school climate is closely related to the behaviors of people who are involved in school. Catherine used USDOE’s model to measure safety, engagement, and the environment within schools, and he obtained three results. The text is targeted at people who are concerned about school climate, such as school policy-makers, parents, and federal organizations. By measuring and accessing the three main domains proposed by the US Department of Education, the author aims to convince his readers that these three main domains are very important indicators of the school climate and they exert a great influence on students’ behavior and academic success. With its well-constructed argument and clearly argued ideas, the text is persuasive and convincing. It is written in an extremely logical way with the use of reasoning, which can be seen from the following three dimensions.

In order to present to readers the results of measuring school climate, the author followed a logical order. The text begins by giving the readers a general idea of what a school climate is. “School climate is profoundly important to the social, emotional and academic successes of its students and staff.” In regard of this, a growing number of researches have been done to measure the school climate. Then the author introduced “the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Program and the Safe and Supportive Schools Program through the US Department of Education (USDOE).” This is the core concept central to the whole text. The author introduced it with a clear description, making it understandable for his readers what his intentions are and made preparations for the following analysis. However, before the author plunged into illustrating his research based on the USDOE model, he examined other previous studies and pointed their shortcomings. “Despite the evidence indicating that school climate is a multifaceted construct, few measures adequately reflect its multidimensional nature.” After reviewing the school climate and the existing studies, the author proposed another measurement of school climate and went into a detailed analysis. Following that, the author looked at its participants, instrument, demographics and procedures. Much thought was given to data analysis and how to analyze the results. In order to be subjective, the author also analyzed the limitation of this measure. Coming to the last part of the text, the author subsequently gave a conclusion to all the researches in this field and their influences on the school climate. On the whole, the text is complete in its contents, leaving little space for its readers to question the author’s views regarding this matter.

Another reason for good reasoning is that the text is backed up by statistics and hard facts from research. Generally speaking, the text is powerful in its claims. The data that the author cited in the text are official and thus telling. “The date for this project come from Maryland’s Safe and Supportive Schools Initiative (MDS3), which is a joint project of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Sheppard Pratt Health System, and Jones Hopkins University.” When measuring participants, the author provided many numbers and statistics to help readers understand where their participants came from and gave other information of the participants. For example, “Data were collected from 58 Maryland high schools participating in MDS3 during spring 2011 (wave 1) and spring 2012 (wave 2) from 9th to 12th grade students via a Web-based survey.” Another one to vividly illustrate this point is that “Wave 2 student mean age in this sample was 15.93 (SD=1.33) and participating schools again included a diverse population with a minority rate of 45.93% (SD=25.11) and a mean student enrollment of 1468.48 (SD=466.82). Table 2 is clear in each subdomain’s scale thanks to the figures listed in it. The readers can get a straight-forward impression as to which subdomain stands out. By presenting a great number of statistics, the whole text’s analysis holds water.

The author makes a strong appeal to his reader is that the he was successful in selling his views and beliefs by giving some detailed and insightful analysis based on the research and its results. The author not only splashed out all the numbers and studies that he had known, but he scrutinized them carefully, compared the date from MDS3 with others done before and shared his analysis with the readers. “We first conducted exploratory factor analyses (EFA) in Mplus 7.1 using data from wave 1 to examine the 3 proposed scales (engagement, safety and environment) of school climate. We next conducted confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) on the wave 1 data to test the resulting factor structure separately for each of the 3 scales; a CFA was then conducted on the separate wave 2 sample.” From this we can tell that the author treated the data with supreme seriousness. Moreover, to go deep into the research results, the author employed a number of methods to analyze them, such as the exploratory factor analyses (EFA), the confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), the comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) and many other methods.

Based on the three strategies that the author successfully employed, the text is logical and strongly convinced the readers that “taken together these 3 scales and their 13 subdomains provide a comprehensive and efficient tool for measuring school climate among high school students, largely consistent with the USDOE model.” His conclusion is natural from his reasoning and layers of ideas presenting accordingly. Because of his clearly-constructed contents, readers of his target will find what the author tried to deliver more easy to understand and acceptable.


