

Essay代写:The problems of urban sprawl

2017-11-15 16:05:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The problems of urban sprawl,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了城市扩张带来的问题。城市扩张给人类带来方便的同时,也带来了不少环境和社会问题,而且这些问题影响着人们的生活。例如大量耕地被建筑物和道路取代,车辆的增长,导致车辆废气和温室气体破坏大气,使全球变暖。
The urban sprawl is the spread of city buildings into an area that used to be countryside, or the area in which this has happened. There are some land holders who want to make large profit .These land holders want to attract people, built a lot of buildings and make the transportation facilities .Although urban sprawl bring human conveniently, it also makes both environmental and social problems, furthermore, these issues influence people’s lives. In order to deal with these problems, some business cooperation tries to use technological to cope with these problems completely. In this essay I will argue that only limit the urban sprawl combine with the technological solutions can solve these problems and point out the technological solutions can not deal with the whole social and ecological problems effetely.
Some business cooperation tries to use technological solutions to solve the problem caused by urban sprawl. There are many buildings and roads replace to the farmland, the vehicle emissions and green house gases destroy the atmosphere, and it led to global warming (Gonzalez, 2005). Business groups such as the Global Climate Coalition, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the International Chamber of Commerce advocate to use technology to solve the climate change, for an instance, WBCSD wants to use electrically powered cars to reduce green house gases (Gonzalez, 2005). However, these technological solutions can not solve ecological problems effetely. For example nuclear energy can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it also has significant environmental costs, and the radiation of nuclear is dangers to public health and environmental. This measures only change the way of environmental costs, moreover, there is no effective technological solution has been found by far, it will takes too much time and resources to develop the technological (Gonzalez, 2005).
The urban spread faster and it caused many social and ecological impacts which advanced technology can not cope with. The development of city cause the numbers of car has increased rapidly, as well as the direction of vehicle’s consumption (Martin, 2007). In otherwise, the high requirement of motorization led the social polarization is outstanding. For instance some policy results poorer people getting poorer transport options, in addition to increase emissions, urban sprawl decrease the farmland and increase materials consumption,(Martin, 2007). Advanced technological solutions can reduce the emissions; however it can not limit the amounts of car. There are few technological solutions available for the issues of land diversity, the less and less space and the disadvantaged group (Martin, 2007).
In the urban sprawl, although there are many technology solutions have been found; over consumption of resources also caused many social and environmental problems. The consumption of car has increased sharply, and more roads have been build, the less farmland people have. The negative environmental impacts have direct damage public health (Freund, 2005). Although there are many advanced medicine, however many disease have no way to treat. Thus the technological solution is not reliable.
In regard to the ecological problems, advanced technology solutions can reduce the damage which caused by urban sprawl, however it can not stop the climate change, technological solution is a way to relieve environmental pressure. The same, social issues also can not be solved radically by technological solution, thought there are many scientific method can bring convenience to human, however it may influence people’s health. Thus, people can not rely on them all the time to solve these problems, on if human can controlling the urban sprawl. For instance, urge the government establish a political to limit the personal cars and deforestation (Gonzalez, 2005).
The same, it is partly true that advanced technological can bring some conveniences to human, for an instance, some medicine can treat ill. But it can not solve the problem which there is not enough farmland (Gonzalez, 2005). Thus, technological can not adequately solve the social and ecological problems which caused by urban sprawl.
The essay has prove how urban sprawl causes environmental problems and social issues, and argued that technological solution can not solve these problems completely., although technological solutions can cope with part of problems which caused by urban sprawl, however it can not solve the problems that the mankind faces effetely, the best way is limit the urban sprawl combine with the technological, people can not rely to the technological way however human can use it reasonable.
Freund, P., and Martin, G., “Fast Cars/Fast Foods: Hyper consumption and its Health and Environmental Consequences”, Frontiers of Sociology, The 37th World Congress of the International Institute of sociology, Stockholm, Sweden,5-9 July 2005
Gonzalez, G .A, 2005, “Urban Sprawl, Global Warming and The Limits of Ecological Modernization”, Environmental Politics, 14:3, pp.34-362.
Martin, G, 2007, “Motorization, Social Ecology and China”, Area, Vol.39:1, pp.66-73.
Word count: 918

