

We are on the way to environmental protection

2020-05-27 18:45:50 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- We are on the way to environmental protection。本文讲述随着经济和贸易的全球化,人类历史上一直存在的环境问题成为现代社会最关注的问题之一。资源的过度开发,森林的过度砍伐和娱乐设施的过度建设,这些人类活动逐渐扩大。大多数人不理会自然环境,对环境造成巨大影响。他们的环保意识与快速发展并不一致。面对这些巨大的挑战,与大自然和谐相处还有很长的路要走,我们正在实现自己的梦想。需要弄清环境保护的现状和措施。在这篇研究论文中,提出了三个方面来说明这个问题。此外,还从三个方面对环境保护的进展进行了探讨。接下来,介绍了主要侧重于从USF库数据库中搜索信息的分析方法。最后,有一个关于研究的简单结果和讨论部分。一般来说。我们需要朝着更好的环境前进。

We are on the way to environmental protection

With the globalization of economy and trade, environmental issues which exist all the time around human history become one of the most concerned problems in modern society. Over- exploitation of resources, excessive logging of forests and excessive construction of recreational facilities, those human activities gradually expand. Most people ignore the natural environment, and cause a huge impact on the environment. Their awareness of environmental protection are not consistent with the rapid development. Facing with those big challenges, there is a long way to live harmony with nature and we are on the way to achieve our dream. Current situation and measures to environmental protection needed to be figured out. In this research paper, three aspects are proposed to illustrate the problem. Besides, Discussions of environmental protection progress from three aspects is also given. Next, analysis methods which mainly focus on searching information from USF library database are introduced. Finally, there is a simple results and discussion part about the research. In general. we need to move on toward a better environment.
Literature review
Current situation
First, the worried situation is that most people are not aware of the huge impact that human activities have on environment. With the rapid development of science and technology in real life, for meeting the material needs of fashion life, they are gradually plundering of natural resources and destructive production. And they did not realize the causes of their activities. For example, Excessive emissions of carbon dioxide, excessive discharge of sewage and burning natural gas in human life which leading to an increase of carbon dioxide in the air and into the atmosphere, causing to global warming. The movie "Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore" critics that global warming is real harmful; it will be disastrous effects for humans, and propose solutions that the world should embrace the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon emissions by 30% in developed countries. But the high cost of this program is actually not the consensus; “However, there is a long way to go, the real problem is that people need to make sure the use of resources, so that people can save a lot of costs to provide clean drinking water, sanitation and basic education initiatives.” (Lomborg, 2006). we can know Gore 's purpose is to tell people the reality of global warming and people take a variety of measures to reduce the harm of global warming, or even in the cost of more money.
Second, in order to get better interests, the international big companies also ignore the environmental problems, they discharge of wastewater and waste gas which causes the rising of cancer mortality rates. Natural resources’ development and utilization is through the government or the companies, and the company made the natural resources including biological resources, mineral resources, petroleum resources, marine resources and land resources into goods available for human use. However, some large international companies over-rely on resource wealth that bring them to better benefits, during which, they purchase land and build production lines, create a popular product on the market to get better benefits, such as cosmetic products, continue to illegally emissions and waste in the production process. Thus, near the factory environment has been destroyed, carcinogenic product into human life and lead to an increase in cancer mortality. These acts are criminal acts, causing great harm to humans. (Katz, 2012) the influence of large corporations leads us to over-reliance on its products, and large companies caused great harm to the environment. That is one of the reasons why we need solve problem of environmental pollution.
Third, as for individuals, more than 90% of the students live in indoors like home, office and school, which lead to improve indoor microbial cancer rates and high rates of allergies. Industrial and agricultural pollution is just small part of the environmental pollution. People do not realize that the environmental change around, which are invisible pollutions such as air pollution. And they have no conscious of indoor air pollutions such as shopping malls buildings and schools. Why does indoor air pollution exist? We do not have emissions and waste indoor, people doubts. However, according to the survey that indicates many bacteria in the morning and the afternoon increase quickly in the room, in other words the survival of microorganisms in the room is higher than the outside. Another data shows more than 90 % of the people spend much time living indoors, especially students. Their way of life is basically a dormitory, classrooms and libraries. Thus if we stay indoors for a long time, it will bring Cladosporium herbarum, Alternaria alternata and Aspergillus flavus and so on, (Filipiak, 2007) which will affect the students' health, microorganisms detected carcinogenic and highly allergic to the bacteria, and even endanger life. One solution is that we should open the windows for ventilation to reduce bacterial survival, which will ensure that people's health and the prevention of indoor air pollution.
The progress we have made to a better environment
To begin with, tourism industry are used as an example to demonstrate that the importance of balance between economy and environment, and people’s preference to visit environmental interests. There are many ways of environmental protection, including the adoption of administrative, legal and scientific technologies. Environmental issues affecting human life, one the way to solve the real and potential environmental problems, the sustainable development of economic must be ensured, and a balance between the environmental protection and economy development is a must. By using tourism for example, one the one hand, tourism industry stimulates the development of local economy, but it also including a wide range of economic activities, these activities has important effects on local environmental pollution, for example, tourists littering and damage to local tourist attractions. The series of environmental pollution is an issue of local residents and the tourism industry will face. One solution is that the travel service provider must adapt to the consumer under the condition of tourism development and environmental standards. The rules must be mandatory to comply with the tourists. Luckily, since 1990 s environmental protection became major issues, more and more people have realized that, for example, in the tourism industries, people tend to believe that while improving the economic development of local residents, no pollution of the environment will be the important factors to attract tourists. (Ogonowska, 2013).The damage the environment decreased significantly and green environment has been improved. Tourism industry becomes a pioneer in environmental awareness, In other words, the tourism industry will promote the development of the local residents' environmental awareness.
The UNEP organization of America is my second example which focus on the improvement of awareness of environmental protection. Due to the environmental destruction, global warming, and melting glaciers and rising sea levels, more and more people are worried about environmental problems in modern society. The environment is the foundation of human existence, if serious environmental damage humans do not rescue it, and humans will inevitably perish. For example, the exploitation of forest resources will lead to enhanced greenhouse effect, thereby causing the polar ice caps to melt, flooding the human city. Now supposing humans has realized the important of environmental protection, but how to save the environment is critical for human to rethinking. One rule is that humans and the environment can coexist, and implementing of environmental education and taking practical action is required. In other words, human beings should rational use of natural resources, do not waste natural resources and coordinate measures to resource development and environmental protection. In that way human resources could be sustainable so as to allow humans to live long on the earth. Many organizations in the world continue to do that. UNEP is one of the organizations, UNEP ‘s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) established a program in 1993. This project is to improve the region's capacity to manage the environment and ways to continue to develop. UNEP mainly involved in environmental education, awareness creation and training programs for environmental protection duties. So while organizing suppress the development of industrial pollution and the improvement of people's environmental awareness and even the development of various educational levels, such as elementary, high school and college even training institutions Each class of people should raise environmental awareness (Pradhan, 2003). UNEP’s actions prove the human determination, and strengthen the government’s intervention plan to improve environmental protection.
City planning is another way to improve for environmental protection. In the future of urban development, rational distribution and comprehensive arrangements for the city is needed. These aspects are important measures to improve human life and environmental protection. If human has built a better social environment, they can realize the benefits of green the environment. The urban planning is not only are a necessity to healthy body, but also can combine the environment and life together to green environmental protection, which will reach a goal of sustainable development. City Planning gradually formed in the 1920s, and later in the 1970s due to the intervention of the federal government, environmental protection projects have brought many opponents of sound, but the idea of humanity gradually has been changed with the government. Many people realized the importance of environmental protection, and such cooperation can improve the economy and the environment. On the other hand, the federal government maybe can learn by others’ example. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions and illegal discharge of urban factories; these two can improve water recycling and conservation of resources. (Daniels, 2009). Basis of environmental planning is to save resources and reduce environmental pollution, and ease tensions between humans and the environment. Every country should learn from the U.S. Environmental Planning. Environment is the most important part in a human life, we should protect the environment and to build a beautiful city.
The research review sought to answer the following questions: 1.What is the current situation of environmental protection? 2. What have we done and which aspects should we aim to environmental protection? The answers are in the literature review I mentioned above.
Analysis approach
As for the analysis approach, firstly, a topic is needed. After meditating, environmental protection is on my list. Searching in the USF library database and some terms such as “environmental protection” “awareness of environmental protection” and “measures to environmental protection” are used to search the information. Actually, there are lots of information for me to choose, because students are required to gather six sources, one of which is from textbook, three of which are academic from nature, and two maximum general internet sources who narrow down my chooses.
However, the range of information is wide, a more specific content need to be decided. The current situation such as the bad impact on environmental change and the measures are two key point to decide. According to the title, I can know roughly about the paper, then the abstract of the paper will guide me to the major content. Of course, the source of the article will be a criterion. Most high quality academic journals are my priority compared with unknown magazines, because high efficiency and good quality is my first consideration during my work process. Some articles also are excluded even after reading the abstract and content. That means the title and abstract just give a little guide about the article, what really needed is to read the whole content after narrowing down the information. Luckily, it does not take too much time to find the required materials.
Results and discussions
In the research, my key points are to know the current situation and measures which already were taken or are going to be taken. There is a common concern in the articles that most people do not realize the severity of environmental problems and have no idea to environmental protection. Some big company are chasing for interests in the cost of excessive consumption natural resources and they put little emphasize on environmental protection. As for individuals, they spend too much time indoor, which is bad for their health.
Some measures are also found during the process. Recently, with the development of tourism, people come to realize the severity of the environmental problems at the cost of damage to local environment. That is, tourism industry can help promote tourist’ awareness. Some organizations are also found to educate and spread the knowledge of environmental protection while city planning become another way to that by rational planning.
However, in the essay, because the limitation of the resources and the methods, there must be some imperfect on the issue, the aspects which are listed above is not wide and just a part of the whole issue. But trying is deserved in the process because working out the problem is an interesting experience.
From what mentioned above, we know clearly that people began to realize the importance of environmental protection and they are trying to figure out to solve this problem. Some measures like city planning can give us suggestions on our future direction. It is still a long way and we need fight for it.
This research paper describes some kinds of pollution such as large companies’ ignorance on the environment, invisible and indoor pollution, and analysis their effects to human society which cause widely air pollution and increase the rate of human diseases. Solutions are given to environment protection, the tourism is the pioneer to increase people’s awareness to environmental protection and the organization of America establish an example for other country to protect environment. Pollution happen around our life every second, and we can find pollution almost everywhere. But US pollution has been controlled the lowest level, it is worth other country learn how to control pollution. Pollution has such so many bad effects, such as resulting in bad healthy, destroying the environment, leading animal to become extinct. In the future work, government should make some policy to stop the companies’ pollution, and take actions to save the environment. Everyone can do his or her best to save the environment, we are one the way to the environment protection and the world will be better easier.

1. Lomborg, Bjørn. "Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore." Project Syndicate RSS. Project Syndicate RSS, 5 Sept. 2006. Sun. 30 Mar. 2014. .
2. Katz, Rebecca S. "Environmental Pollution: Corporate Crime And Cancer Mortality." Contemporary Justice Review 15.1 (2012): 97-125. Academic Search Premier. Sun. 30 Mar. 2014.
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4. Sustainable tourism and the emergence of new environmental norms.Ogonowska, Malgorzata, and Dominique Torre. "Sustainable Tourism And The Emergence Of New Environmental Norms." European Journal Of Tourism Research 6.2 (2013): 141-153. Hospitality & Tourism Complete. Sun. 30 Mar. 2014.
5. Promoting Regional Cooperation on Environmental Education and Training in the Asia-Pacific: The Role and Contributions of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).Pradhan, Mahesh. International Review For Environmental Strategies 4.1 (2003): 45-58. Business Source Premier. Sun. 30 Mar. 2014.
6. A Trail Across Time: American Environmental Planning From City Beautiful to Sustainability. Daniels, Thomas L. "A Trail Across Time: American Environmental Planning From City Beautiful To Sustainability." Journal Of The American Planning Association 75.2 (2009): 178-192. Business Source Premier. Sun. 30 Mar. 2014.

