

Green visual communication

2020-05-20 00:03:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Green visual communication,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绿色视觉传达。美国设计理论家贝南克在其著作《面向现实世界的设计》中更唤醒了巴巴,强调设计应考虑利用有限的地球资源,保护环境和服务地球。这在当时引起了很多争议。后来,随着科学技术的发展和人类物质文明、精神文明的不断提高,人类对生存环境的意识不断恶化,可利用资源枯竭,经济的进一步发展受到严重制约,这些问题直接影响到再生产人类文明的发展,从而提出了可持续发展的战略,并建立了一个引起了世界各国的高度重视。旨在保护环境、保护有限资源和保护人类健康的绿色浪潮正在全球兴起。在这股绿色浪潮的推动下,相应绿色产品的开发设计方法成为设计师们关注的焦点。德国于1987年推出“绿色环保”计划,在生产和使用过程中满足环保要求,对生态环境和人体健康无害的产品,均被授予绿色环保产品委员会。随后,美国、日本、加拿大等国也相继建立了绿色标志认证体系,以确保消费者认识到产品的环保性质,鼓励绿色产品的生产。到本世纪末,美国掀起了一股“绿色消费主义”浪潮,并席卷全球。在我国,“品质”的主题是“绿色消费”,倡导消费者选择绿色产品来帮助公众健康,它涉及的领域很多,如绿色包装、绿色农业、绿色冰箱、绿色建筑等。一起来看看吧

Is one of the earliest put forward green design idea in the 1960 s, American design theorists wake more baba in Mr Bernanke he published "the design for the real world," stressed design should consider the use of the limited earth resources, to protect the environment and the service of the earth. This caused a lot of controversy at the time. Later, with the development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of human material civilization and spiritual civilization, human consciousness to the survival environment worsening, available resources depleted, the further development of the economy suffered serious constraints, these problems directly affect the reproduction of human civilization, and thus puts forward the strategy of sustainable development, and has set up a has drawn great attention of many countries in the world. A green wave that aims to protect the environment, protect limited resources and protect human health is emerging globally. Under the impetus of this green tide, the development and design methods of corresponding green products have become the focus of designers. Germany in 1987 launched a "bule" plan, to meet the requirements of environmental protection in the process of the production and use, and harmless to the ecological environment and human health products, are awarded to the product of green environmental protection committee. Subsequently, the United States, Japan, Canada and other countries also established the green sign certification system to ensure consumers to recognize the environmental nature of products and encourage the production of green products. By the end of the century, there was a wave of "green consumerism" in the United States, which then swept the world. In our country "."quality of the theme is" green consumption ", advocated consumers to choose green products to help the public health, it involves the field of many, such as green packaging, green agriculture, green refrigerators, and green building, etc.
Visual communication is the communication between people using the form of "seeing", and it is the way of expressing communication through visual language. By plane, space, dynamic of three parts, it involves the areas are: flat part of the logo design, packaging design, graphic design, layout design, advertising design, corporate image design, etc.; Space section display design, window design, store design, industrial modeling design, indicator system design, building facade design, etc. Dynamic part multimedia design, animation design, web design, etc. Different regions, different skin color, age, gender, language of people, through visual and media of information communicate, emotional communication, communication of culture, the visual observation and experience, can cross each other the language barrier, can eliminate the blocking of the text, obtain the visual consensus and understanding of "figure". Famous artist Chen has put forward the concept of "vision", through the visual effect of expression to convey information, closely grasp the pulse of the society and culture, leading the public aesthetic fashion trend, thus to improve the quality of life of the masses.
Green visual communication is based on resource conservation and environmental protection for the purpose of design ideas and methods, it emphasizes the protection of natural ecology, make full use of resources, be kind to the environment, pay attention to humanistic care, this makes the visual communication is not only a green initiative and proposed that it should be a real civilization and the direction of future development. The principle of green visual communication: people-oriented, embodied in the material civilization, as well as in the construction of spiritual civilization. For example: green advertisement, green sign, green network, green film and TV, etc., all to a certain extent follow the "green vision communication idea" advocate new fashion. Take the green advertising and green network as an example to illustrate.
The so-called "green advertising" refers to when to promote the enterprise products to focus and emphasize its green features, prompt track of green enterprises and products, from the aspects such as time, space, environment create a whole ecological environment, the pursuit of the perfect combination of product and nature. It was born with a series of concepts such as "green ratings" and "green income". "Green advertising" prominent feature is the attention to corporate social responsibility, psychological and gratitude mentality enterprise return to society, emphasize enterprise advertising extol the traditional ethics and code of ethics, set up good enterprise social image. The tone of the advertising appeal also jumps from the more emotional and committed words to a more rational and moral expression. The theory of integrated marketing communications and advertising communication theory "new campaign" is the intellectual support for green advertising, their common characteristic is: emphasis on advertising should be based on respect for advertisers benefit return, through harmonious with humanities spirit of advertising communication, realize the advertising object with overall interests as the core of the survival situation of ultimate concern. This kind of humanistic advertising theory will seek to reduce the "advertising conflict" in the advertising campaign, which means the rise of "green advertising". The main reasons for its emergence are:
"Advertisement conflict" is happening constantly, the interest group is tense, lack of sincerity and love to each other. The spirit of "green advertising" is the pursuit of the interests of harmony, harmony, the overall harmony of the new way of advertising communication, on the basis of the final pursuit is object of advertisers, advertising media, advertising, overall benefit maximization. There are numerous cases of such advertising conflicts, and the advertising fraud consumers' behavior is not only increasing, but also growing. All the movie stars such as home, using their own star power, trumpeting the false advertising, false products, recently has the title of "civilian idol" famous crosstalk performer guo degang did the hidden secret discharge of oil tea, consumer is widespread, guo degang is to explain, advertising media is squealed, advertisers may benefit from it, how to coordinate the interests between the interest groups from all sides, has become a topic around is not the past.
In the numerous advertisements, the appearance of the content, the distribution channel bad, the violation of the relevant laws and conditions, reduced the advertising content of health, the amount of bad information,. As a new form of advertisement broadcast, green advertisement promotes the health of advertisement content, accords with relevant laws and regulations, and promotes the harmonious development of society. The green advertisement concept realizes the green of the broadcast content, reflects the commercial spirit of the advertising enterprise and the humanistic spirit in the social development of our country. Secondly, green advertising realizes the effectiveness of broadcast mode. In original broadcast advertising content, there are some false medical device or drug ads, although the country has put forward the measures of constraint, but because of the diversity of network, virtual sex and lack of in Internet advertising legislation in our country, the current our country has not strictly defined network false illegal advertisement, so the effect is not obvious, there are a lot of false information is spread through various network channels. Through the idea of green network, the author has intensified the crackdown of false information on the Internet, further improved the relevant laws and regulations, and guaranteed the legal rights and interests of consumers.
The basic meaning of green advertising is to promote the health and harmony of advertising, and to reduce the conflict between advertising, which is in line with the development goal of harmonious society in China in recent years. Under the background of complex material and information in today's society, many enterprises pay more and more attention to economic benefits, ignore the healthy development of advertising design and content, caused the conflict between advertisers and consumers, in order to avoid the generation of this phenomenon, launched the green concept of visual communication, through the green concept of visual communication in the implementation of advertising, effectively coordinate the conflict between consumers and advertisers, and realize the healthy development of advertising, promoting the sustainable development of the advertising enterprise goals.
According to the above, in the information age, the meaning of green vision communication. Green visual communication, and realized visual information security, health, promotes the development of social civilization, raising the quality of the social civilization, and promote the healthy development of our country citizen moral thought. The green visual communication realizes the harmonious development of the society, promotes the progress of the green information age, and brings new and healthy visual experience to people.

