本篇英国paper代写-Black People In The Process Of American Suburbanization讲了在美国的大都市地区,郊区人口不仅超过了中心城市,还超出了大都市以外的农村人口。一般来说,美国基本上是郊区化的国家。然而,黑人的空间分布格局与整体格局有很大差异,也就是黑人集中在中心城市,而郊区黑人的比例异常低。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。
I have found that in the metropolitan areas of the United States, suburban populations not only exceed that of the central city, but also the rural population outside the metropolitan area. In general, the United States is basically a country marked by suburbanization. However, the spatial distribution pattern of blacks has a very different character from the overall pattern, that is, blacks are concentrated in central cities, while the percentage of blacks in suburbs is abnormally low. In addition, blacks living in suburbs show more serious segregation than those who lived in the central cities.
The major theories to explain such phenomenon in the 1970s and 1980s were the ecological expansion theory and the dual housing market model. The former believed that low suburbanization and segregation of blacks are associated with the ecology of urban spatial distribution. Segregation is part of the normal life of the metropolitan area (Stearns and Logan 29). The latter think that real estate agents provide two different housing markets for blacks and whites, leading to black apartheid (Stearns and Logan 28). On the basis of these two theoretical models, the spatial fusion theory and the stratification model was formed after the 1990s. The spatial fusion theory holds that the movement of the place of residence appears with the individual's cultural integration and social mobility. The stratification model thinks that in the housing market, there are behaviors that impede the free movement of minorities. They are less likely to migrate to the suburbs, although they have the same family structure and the same needs and preferences (Alba and JohnR. Logan 433). The origin of the theoretical model can be traced back to the Chicago School of Human Ecology theory in the 1920s, which studies the urban space structure and its causes. Robert E. Park is the founder of the Chicago School. He pointed out that in the context of urban communities a variety of forces play a role and these forces will change gradually the city's population and social institutions into a unique order (Park 1).
There are many other reasons for the distribution patterns of blacks in the American metropolitan area. When large-scale suburbanization was undertaken by whites in the 1920s, the vast majority of blacks were still in the southern villages with low levels of urbanization. And they were not able to suburbanize simultaneously with whites.
What are possible reasons for black racial segregation in the process of American suburbanization?
a.Overall methodology
I will combine literature review, survey, questionnaire and case study.
b.Identify and describe variables & data
The five variables are educational background, social class, economical status, attitude of the white community of the black people. The last variable is the current living address. The data is collected by survey, and questionnaire.
c.Data analysis
The data of the first three variables are analyzed as social background. Then they are used to find a relationship between social background and current living address. Attitude is analyzed as the psychological factors to explain current living address.
Robert E. Park, et al., The City, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1967, p. 1.
Linda Brewster Stearns and John R. Log an, “The Racial Structuring of the Housing Market and
Segregation in Suburban Areas, "Social Forces, vol. 65, no. 1 (Se p. 1986), p. 29.
Richard D.Alba and JohnR. Logan, Variations on Two Themes: Racial and Ethnic Patterns in the Attainment of Suburban Residence, "p.433
I have found that in the metropolitan areas of the United States, suburban populations not only exceed that of the central city, but also the rural population outside the metropolitan area. In general, the United States is basically a country marked by suburbanization. However, the spatial distribution pattern of blacks has a very different character from the overall pattern, that is, blacks are concentrated in central cities, while the percentage of blacks in suburbs is abnormally low. In addition, blacks living in suburbs show more serious segregation than those who lived in the central cities.
The major theories to explain such phenomenon in the 1970s and 1980s were the ecological expansion theory and the dual housing market model. The former believed that low suburbanization and segregation of blacks are associated with the ecology of urban spatial distribution. Segregation is part of the normal life of the metropolitan area (Stearns and Logan 29). The latter think that real estate agents provide two different housing markets for blacks and whites, leading to black apartheid (Stearns and Logan 28). On the basis of these two theoretical models, the spatial fusion theory and the stratification model was formed after the 1990s. The spatial fusion theory holds that the movement of the place of residence appears with the individual's cultural integration and social mobility. The stratification model thinks that in the housing market, there are behaviors that impede the free movement of minorities. They are less likely to migrate to the suburbs, although they have the same family structure and the same needs and preferences (Alba and JohnR. Logan 433). The origin of the theoretical model can be traced back to the Chicago School of Human Ecology theory in the 1920s, which studies the urban space structure and its causes. Robert E. Park is the founder of the Chicago School. He pointed out that in the context of urban communities a variety of forces play a role and these forces will change gradually the city's population and social institutions into a unique order (Park 1).
There are many other reasons for the distribution patterns of blacks in the American metropolitan area. When large-scale suburbanization was undertaken by whites in the 1920s, the vast majority of blacks were still in the southern villages with low levels of urbanization. And they were not able to suburbanize simultaneously with whites.
What are possible reasons for black racial segregation in the process of American suburbanization?
a.Overall methodology
I will combine literature review, survey, questionnaire and case study.
b.Identify and describe variables & data
The five variables are educational background, social class, economical status, attitude of the white community of the black people. The last variable is the current living address. The data is collected by survey, and questionnaire.
c.Data analysis
The data of the first three variables are analyzed as social background. Then they are used to find a relationship between social background and current living address. Attitude is analyzed as the psychological factors to explain current living address.
Robert E. Park, et al., The City, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1967, p. 1.
Linda Brewster Stearns and John R. Log an, “The Racial Structuring of the Housing Market and
Segregation in Suburban Areas, "Social Forces, vol. 65, no. 1 (Se p. 1986), p. 29.
Richard D.Alba and JohnR. Logan, Variations on Two Themes: Racial and Ethnic Patterns in the Attainment of Suburban Residence, "p.433