
海水魚飼育を中心に飼育方法や意見交換の場。小型水槽嗜好。ECOSYSTEM ECOMINIで挑戦中 

おしえてよ7。ZEOVIT SYSTEMて ・コーラルフィッシュ・アクアテイラーズ・アクアラグナさん

2010-02-28 07:20:34 | サンゴ水槽
サンゴの色揚げに重要なゼオライトフィルターのことをもっと知りたいのでYAHOO USAで調べていますと 

Jens Kallmeyer という方が解説しておられますので考察してみませんか?




Why did so many earlier trials with Zeolites in seawater end unsuccessfully, even though they worked perfectly in freshwater? The answer is easy: The Zeolites commonly used in freshwater adsorb ammonium, which is a desirable function in fresh, AND seawater. However, Zeolites do prefer calcium. Now, you can imagine what happens in seawater! There is usually little to no calcium in normal freshwater, so the Zeolites absorb ammonium. Because there is a lot of calcium in seawater and because these specific Zeolites prefer calcium, the calcium values drop instantly, with sometimes catastrophic results. In the earlier days, when marine aquarists experimented with freshwater Zeolites, they ended up with very low calcium concentrations of less than 200 mg/l.




In new tanks, a little powerhead with a cartridge full of Zeolite can have a very positive effect on the stability of the tank. As ammonium is oxidized to nitrite, a reduction of ammonium levels reduces the nitrite peak in the start-up phase considerably. As the excess ammonium is taken out of the system before it is oxidized and starts causing problems, the Zeolite filter acts as a buffer which stabilizes the nitrogen cycle in the tank. In such a case, the Zeolites have to be changed every few days and no carbon source is added.



The major advantage of these filters is also their major danger: They remove ammonium very rapidly and extremely efficiently. Although ammonium concentrations are never high (at least they should not be), it is a very important component in the nitrogen cycle. By removing it almost completely, all other processes will be influenced as well. When these filters entered the market, some people underestimated their effects on the overall chemistry of the tank. In rather old tanks with higher nutrient concentrations, the corals were well adapted to these conditions and the sudden drop caused massive die-off of colonies that had been growing well over decades. The corals starved and became susceptible to parasites and diseases. If the corals did not starve to death, the parasites killed them. It seems that tanks that have started with Zeolite filtration run very well and without major problems, while old established tanks are much more sensitive to it.




