

無いない尽くし;二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (arenicola-argentatus)

2018-03-05 07:57:51 | 日記





二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera - Lexicon generum bivalvium (arenicola-argentatus)

arenicola L. arena, -ae, f., sand (Marchant & Charles, 1952); -cola, (1) L., c, inhabitant, dweller (Stearn, 1983), (2) adj. A, f., dwelling in (Stearn, 1983). 砂の住人、砂に住んでいる Example: Cardium arenicola Reeve, 1845, 2: Cardium pl. 16, fig. 78, Trachycardium (Vasticardium), Ticao, Philippines. キヌザルガイ

Cardium arenicola Reeve, 1845, pl. 16, fig. 78 キヌザルガイ.

Arenomya (f.) Winckworth, 1930, Proceedings of the Malacoloogical Society of London, 19: 15 (fide Vokes, 1980: 180), type species (OD) Mya arenaria Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 670; Myidae. L. arena, -ae, f., sand (Marchant & Charles, 1952); Mya Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 670. 砂のエゾオオノガイ属;エゾオオノガイ科オオノガイ属

arenosus L. adj. A, sandy (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 砂の Example: Pandora arenosa Conrad, 1834, 7(1): 130-131; Conrad, 1838: 2-3, pl. 1, fig. 3.

areolatus L. aleola, -ae, f., dim. of area, a little open space, Plin. (Marchant & Charles, 1952); -atus, L. ending to form adj. from nouns (Stearn, 1983). 小空間の Example: Limopsis areolata Yokoyama, 1922, 44(1): 194, pl. 17, figs. 6-7.

Limopsis areolata Yokoyama, 1922, 44(1): 194, pl. 17, figs. 6-7.

argentatus L. adj. A, plated or ornamented with silver (W. Smith & Lockwood, 1983) 銀メッキされた、銀で飾られた. Example: Chama argentata Kuroda & Habe in Habe, 1958, 7(1): 31, Tosa Bay, Japan, type species of Amphichama Habe, 1961. ウンモザル