二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (B-Bankiopsis)
Bactronophorus (m.) Tapparone-Canefri, 1877, 9: 290, new name for Calobates Gould, 1862, 8: 283, non J. J. Kaup, 1829, 1: 33 (Aves), nec C. J. Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1838, 1, Tabl.méth.: 53, name only; 1832, livr. 91e: pl. 538 (Aves); Teredinidae. bactrono-, Gr. bactron,to, L. baculus, a staff (Liddell & Scott, 1953); phorus, (1) Gr. phorus, o, that which is brought in, tribute (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (2) adj. A, in Gr. comp.,-bearing, -carrying (Stearn, 1983), or (3) may be badly formed in part from L. foris, a gate or door (Jaeger, 1959). (i)持ち込まれたもの、貢物の杖、(ii)杖を持っているもの、または(iii)門、戸forisから不正確に形成されたものか(戸の棒);フナクイムシ科ヒルギフナクイムシ属
baicalensis baical, Russ. Oz. Baikal; -ensis, L. adj. B suff., indicating origin or place (Brown, 1956). バイカル湖の
balaustinus ① N.L. balausta, any fruit which resembles the pomegranate in having a firm rind and pulpy, many seeded-flesh (Neilson et al., 1959), ② L. balaustium, n., [Gr.balaustion, to], flower of the wild pomegranate (Brown, 1956); -inus, suff. added to noun stems to form adjectives meaning belonging to, like (Stearn, 1983). (i) 硬い外皮と繊維質で多数の種のある果肉を持った柘榴に似た果実のような、(ii) 野生の柘榴の花のような Example: Tellina balaustina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 676.
Tellina balaustina Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes, A-F00220033 (after Linnean Society of London, http://linnean-online.org/17252/).
balthicus ① From “Habitat in M. Balthico” (Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677), ② possibly from M.L. Mare Balticum, ③ from L. (Pliny) Baltica Scandinavia (Neilson et al., 1959). (i) バルト海の、リンネの綴りM. Balthicoから、(ii) 中世ラテン語のバルト海Mare Balticumから、(iii) プリニウスのバルチック・スカンジナビアから Example: Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677 (Macoma).
Bankia (f.) Gray, 1842, Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus., ed. 44: 76 (fide Turner, 1966: 89; Vokes, 1980: 192), type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 188) Teredo bipalmulata Lamarck, 1801: 129; Teredinidae. [Bankia Gray, 1840, ed. 42: 154, nomen nudum (fide Vokes, 1980: 192)]. Bank, from the proper name Bank (Emerson & Jacobson, 1976); -ia, L. adj. suff. to form a noun, means characteristic of (Sterns, 1983). バンク氏(女史)の(もの);フナクイムシ科オオフナクイムシ属
Bankiella (f.) Bartsch, 1921, 34: 25-26, type species (OD) Bankia mexicana Bartsch, 1921, 34: 27-28; Teredinidae. Bankia Gray, 1842; -ella, L. adj. A suff., used to form diminutives (Sterns, 1983). 姫オオフナクイムシ属(小さなBankia);フナクイムシ科
Bankiopsis (f.) Clench & Turner, 1946, 2(19): 11, 16, type species (OD) Bankia (Bankiopsis) caribbea Clench & Turner, 1946, 2(19): 16, pl. 10, figs. 1-4; Teredinidae. Bankia Gray, 1842; Gr. opsis,h, a sight, appearance (Liddell & Scott, 1953). オオフナクイムシ属に似たもの;フナクイムシ科
Bactronophorus (m.) Tapparone-Canefri, 1877, 9: 290, new name for Calobates Gould, 1862, 8: 283, non J. J. Kaup, 1829, 1: 33 (Aves), nec C. J. Temminck in Temminck & Laugier, 1838, 1, Tabl.méth.: 53, name only; 1832, livr. 91e: pl. 538 (Aves); Teredinidae. bactrono-, Gr. bactron,to, L. baculus, a staff (Liddell & Scott, 1953); phorus, (1) Gr. phorus, o, that which is brought in, tribute (Liddell & Scott, 1953), (2) adj. A, in Gr. comp.,-bearing, -carrying (Stearn, 1983), or (3) may be badly formed in part from L. foris, a gate or door (Jaeger, 1959). (i)持ち込まれたもの、貢物の杖、(ii)杖を持っているもの、または(iii)門、戸forisから不正確に形成されたものか(戸の棒);フナクイムシ科ヒルギフナクイムシ属
baicalensis baical, Russ. Oz. Baikal; -ensis, L. adj. B suff., indicating origin or place (Brown, 1956). バイカル湖の
balaustinus ① N.L. balausta, any fruit which resembles the pomegranate in having a firm rind and pulpy, many seeded-flesh (Neilson et al., 1959), ② L. balaustium, n., [Gr.balaustion, to], flower of the wild pomegranate (Brown, 1956); -inus, suff. added to noun stems to form adjectives meaning belonging to, like (Stearn, 1983). (i) 硬い外皮と繊維質で多数の種のある果肉を持った柘榴に似た果実のような、(ii) 野生の柘榴の花のような Example: Tellina balaustina Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 676.
Tellina balaustina Linnaeus, 1758, one of syntypes, A-F00220033 (after Linnean Society of London, http://linnean-online.org/17252/).
balthicus ① From “Habitat in M. Balthico” (Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677), ② possibly from M.L. Mare Balticum, ③ from L. (Pliny) Baltica Scandinavia (Neilson et al., 1959). (i) バルト海の、リンネの綴りM. Balthicoから、(ii) 中世ラテン語のバルト海Mare Balticumから、(iii) プリニウスのバルチック・スカンジナビアから Example: Tellina balthica Linnaeus, 1758, ed. 10, 1: 677 (Macoma).
Bankia (f.) Gray, 1842, Syn. Cont. Brit. Mus., ed. 44: 76 (fide Turner, 1966: 89; Vokes, 1980: 192), type species (SD Gray, 1847, pt. 15, for 1847: 188) Teredo bipalmulata Lamarck, 1801: 129; Teredinidae. [Bankia Gray, 1840, ed. 42: 154, nomen nudum (fide Vokes, 1980: 192)]. Bank, from the proper name Bank (Emerson & Jacobson, 1976); -ia, L. adj. suff. to form a noun, means characteristic of (Sterns, 1983). バンク氏(女史)の(もの);フナクイムシ科オオフナクイムシ属
Bankiella (f.) Bartsch, 1921, 34: 25-26, type species (OD) Bankia mexicana Bartsch, 1921, 34: 27-28; Teredinidae. Bankia Gray, 1842; -ella, L. adj. A suff., used to form diminutives (Sterns, 1983). 姫オオフナクイムシ属(小さなBankia);フナクイムシ科
Bankiopsis (f.) Clench & Turner, 1946, 2(19): 11, 16, type species (OD) Bankia (Bankiopsis) caribbea Clench & Turner, 1946, 2(19): 16, pl. 10, figs. 1-4; Teredinidae. Bankia Gray, 1842; Gr. opsis,h, a sight, appearance (Liddell & Scott, 1953). オオフナクイムシ属に似たもの;フナクイムシ科