

卒業式;二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (auriculiferus-auritus)

2018-03-16 07:03:08 | 日記

二枚貝属名辞典 A lexicon of bivalve genera – Lexicon generum bivalvium (auriculiferus-auritus)

auriculiferus L. auricula, -ae, f., dim. of auris, little ear, external ear; -ferus, L. adj. A, wild, uncultivated (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 野生の可愛らしい(小さな)耳、外耳 Example: Cucullaea auriculifera Lamarck, 1801: 116, ref. Chemnitz, 7: 174, pl. 53, figs. 526-528 ヌノメアカガイ(= C. labiata Lightfoot, 1786) [= Arca labiata Lightfoot, 1786, A Catalogue of the Portland Museum: 185, lot no. 3947]
a b c
a-c: Chemnitz, pl. 53, figs. 526-528.

aurifluus L. adj. A, flowing with gold (Lewis, 1984). 金に富む Example: Pectunculus aurifluus Reeve, 1843b (Mar.), 1: Pectunculus pl. 4, figs. 17a-b, Capul Id., Philippines; Reeve, 1843a (Oct.), pt. 11, for 1843: 34.

Pectunculus aurifluus sensu Reeve, 1843, pl. 4, f. 17a-b.

Auriscalpium (n.) Megerle von Muehlfeld, 1811, 5(1): 46, type species (M) Solen anatinus sensu Linnaeus, 1767, ed. 12, 1(2): 1115, Gen. 304, Solen sp. 8 [= Laternula [Röding, 1798], (2): 155; Laternulidae. Etymology unknown (Herrmannsen, 1846, 1: 96) [L. auris, f., is, an ear; calpium, ?.] 語源不詳(耳aurisに関係があるか);オキナガイ科

auritoides aurito-, Limopsis aurita (Brocchi, 1814); -ides, , the shape, form, figure (Liddell & Scott, 1953) 形. Example: Limopsis auritoides Yokoyama, 1920, 39(6): 171-172, pl. 18, figs. 12-13.

Limopsis auritoides Yokoyama, 1920, pl. 18, figs. 12-13.

auritus L. adj. A, long-eared (Marchant & Charles, 1952). 長い耳の Example: Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814: 485-486, pl. 11, figs. 9a-b (Limopsis).

Arca aurita Brocchi, 1814, pl. 11, figs. 9a-b.