GW後半のこどもの日はDo it Jazz ! at metro です!
今回はスペシャルゲストに Dego を迎えての開催です!
● 5月5日(土)Do it JAZZ! × Dego - 2000 Black Japan Tour 2018 - at metro
Date : 2018. 05. 05. SAT.
Venue : METRO,Kyoto
Open : 22:00
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Special DJ:
DEGO (2000black/4hero,from UK)
Masaki Tamura (DoitJAZZ!)
Kazuhiro Inoue (DoitJAZZ!)
SOTA (Back Home / Rokujian)
Torei (SYN-C / SND)
VJ :
Mitsumasa Sakamoto
明 ヶ 粋 ヶ
- | VENUE | -
BF Ebisu Bldg. 82 Simodutsumi-cho kawabata Marutamachi sagaruru Sakyo-ku Kyoto Japan
- | ABOUT | -
自身が主宰するレーベル[2000BLACK]で長年ロンドンのクラブ/ソウル・ ミュージック・シーンを牽引してきた巨匠「Dego」の来日ツアーが決定!UK最重要ユニットの一つ [4 HERO]のメンバーにして、クラブ・シーンにおけるブラック・ミュージックを更新し続け、USのセオ・パリッシと共に第一人者としてUKシーンのキーパーソンに君臨、昨年はそのセオのレーベル[Sound Signature]から盟友KAIDIとのアルバム『A SO WE GWARN』を発表しスマッシュヒットを記録するなど、飽くなきビートの追求とスピリチュアルな音楽への拘り、音楽への深い愛情を反映した21世紀のハイブリッド・ソウル・ミュージックを生み出し続けるDegoが、多くのファンと信頼関係を築いている京都の地にやって来ます!
Dego, a hero of the UK music scene, who has been a major innovator of black music in the club scene, and reigning the scene along with Theo Parrish from the US, is appearing again in Kyoto again since last year to build a bond of trust with his many fans! Having gotten his street cred from being a member of the legendary club jazz scene unit "4 HERO" and making his mark on London music history, right now he's leading the rebel group "2000BLACK" and is a long-time trendsetter and a great artist in the UK club/soul music scene. Dego's album released last year "A SO WE GWARN" starts from drum & bass and broken beat music and went on to include afro, hiphop, jazz, soul, disco to become a grand musical journey, a masterpiece worthy of the reputation of a long-time and well-supported pioneer of the movement, a never seen before hybrid soul music of the 21st century that contains the pursuit of a beat that never gets old, a movement towards spiritual music, and a raw unadultered deep love for music reflected in the work, and was lauded with appraise. As he continues to search for new unforgettable beats while staying true to his roots, please stay tuned and experience new works from Dego!
DEGO (2000black/4hero, from UK)
ロンドンに生まれたDEGOはサウンドシステムや海賊放送でのDJ活動を経て90年にReinforced Recordsの設立に参加、4HEROの一員として実験的なハードコア・ブレイクビーツのリリースを開始。やがて4HEROはDEGOとMARC MACの双頭ユニットとなり、タイムストレッチング等、画期的な手法を編み出し、ドラム&ベースのパイオニアとなる。傑作『PARALLEL UNIVERSE』(94年)、『TWO PAGES』(98年)以降、4HEROはD&Bのフォーマットから脱却し、『CREATING PATTERNS』(01年)、『PLAY WITH THE CHANGES』(07年)で豊潤なクロスオーヴァーサウンドを打ち出す。DEGOはTEK9名義でダウンテンポを追求する等、オープンマインドかつ実験的な制作活動は多岐に及び、98年に自己のレーベル、2000Blackを始動、ブロークンビーツ/ニュージャズの潮流を生む。KAIDI TATHAMらBUGZ IN THE ATTIC周辺と密に交流し、DKD、SILHOUETTE BROWN、2000BLACK各名義による共作アルバムを制作。11年には1st.ソロアルバム『A WHA' HIM DEH PON?』を発表、ジャズ、ファンク、ソウルへの深い愛情を反映した傑作となる。その後も精力的な活動を続け、12年に『TATHAM,MENSAH,LORD & RANKS』を発表。14~15年、盟友KAIDIとの共作をFaltyDLのBlueberry、FLOATING POINTSのEglo、THEO PARRISHのSound Signature等から立て続けにリリース。15年にはDEGO名義の2ndアルバム『THE MORE THINGS STAY THE SAME』を2000Blackから発表、21世紀のハイブリッド・ソウル・ミュージックとして喝采を浴びる。そして17年にはかねてから試行錯誤を重ねてきたライヴ活動をDEGO & THE 2000BLACK FAMILYとして本格化し、名門Jazz Cafeでの公演を成功させる。またDEGO & KAIDIのアルバム『A SO WE GWARN』をSound Signatureから発表、ルーツに深く根差しながらも未来のビートへの飽くなき探求を続け、UKブラック・ミュージックの新しいスタンダードとなる。
Crossing the boundaries of soul, jazz, boogie, jungle, drum and bass, breakbeat, techno, hip hop, brazilian and broken beat, Dego has made an immeasurable influence on the UK dance and electronica music scene spanning the 90s and early noughties. Words like ‘pioneer’, ‘visionary’ and ‘tastemaker’ are often used to describe him.
“Dego is one the most influential figures in music in this city and in this country,” says BBC Radio 1’s Benji B. “He has always been a forward-thinking force, a progressive and positive supporter of new music and has always created his own lane with his own sound.”
Absorbing a lifetime’s worth of soul, reggae and hip-hop growing up in North-West London, Dego was a sound system selector before he had left school and a pirate radio DJ not long after. Developing as a producer, his first releases were at the dawn of the 1990s as part of 4hero, dance music pioneers for whom jungle and drum n’ bass was their work’s exoskeleton, shooting off into techno and jazz. Their sound was freely infused with myriad musical influences and a wealth of renegade London spirit, supported along the way by all-star guests like Larry Mizell, Roy Ayers and Terry Callier. They turned out a slew of albums – among them 1994’s Parallel Universe, the Mercury Prize-nominated Two Pages in 1998 and 2001’s Creating Patterns - each one a thrilling statement of musicianship, a shade ahead of the pulse of modern British black music and a deft balance of the avant-garde and daring futurism.
At the start of the 2000s Dego, Phil Asher, IG Culture and a cast of other likeminded Londoners started Co-Op at the Velvet Rooms, a clubland home for a fresh new scene that was emerging. The sound of the club was maybe best captured in 4hero’s ‘Hold It Down’, a Dego-written minor hit. His 2000BLACK label, meanwhile, was gallantly carving out its own niche via a series of singles, albums and compilations, its output an uncompromising concoction of house, techno and soul, or just London boogie for short. Then his first solo album A Wha’ Him Deh Pon?, a storming, sprawling twenty-track opus, won across-the-board acclaim in 2011.
After a spell working in New York in the mid-2000s, Dego returned to his London roots and picked up where he left off. A reinvigorated 2000BLACK put out the Tatham, Mensah, Lord & Ranks long player, an exemplary piece of teamwork with frequent collaborators Kaidi Tatham, Matt Lord and Akwasi Mensah. And in 2013 and 2014 Dego embarked on a string of hotly received 12” releases: a diverse three-tracker on Italian imprint Neroli; a one-two punch combo of EPs for Eglo and Brooklyn producer Falty DL’s Blueberry Records; and another deadly triple-header on Theo Parrish’s Sound Signature.
Dego’s sound might be difficult to pin down – naturally morphing into something else when you think you’ve got it figured out – but what remains consistent is his vivid awareness of the wisdom in leaving genres out of the picture and letting the music itself do the dirty work.
- | ENTRANCE | -
Door (当日) : 3000 yen
ADV (前売) : 2500 yen
チケットぴあ(Pコード : 111-916)
ローソンチケット(Lコード : 55077)
e+ にて3/24より発売開始