Yoshi Yano visited a senior care ceter with JSDT members, Yoshiaki Hosoi & Chieri Okada, to give a mini-dance lesson and performance!!


" Hi, everyone! This is Chieri.
I was glad that everyone liked my performance with a lot of acrobatic lifts

I've performed in this kind of setting several times, but every single time, I strongly feel that entertainment could be the best medicine of all for anybody.
It might be easy for us to get, but could be very hard for elderly people or people with disabilities.
I'd be honored if my performance ever makes anyone happy, even just a little bit, and would be thrilled if anyone in this group thought 'I'd stay healthy until I get to see her next performance'.
Someday, I'd like to go back there to perform as a bigger team in a loger event, like 30min.-60min!!"