踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

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温泉旅行 One Night Onsen Trip

2008年03月14日 | パーティ Parties
貸切バスで箱根までノンビリと移動♪ そして到着したらすぐにホテルのダンスホールへ!。
来年もお楽しみに~ ご参加頂いた皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。

JSDC had an annual one night onsen(hotspring) trip to Hakone on March 8th & 9th♪
A big bus just for our group took us to the hotel, and we headed straight to the hotel dance hall!
After dancing for a few hours, we had buffet style dinner, relaxed in hotsprings, then got all togther at one of the cottage-type rooms and danced till late night
The next day was full of sightseeing, visiting Ashinoko Lake, Pola museum, and other places, with cool fresh air in Hakone.
Thank you so much for everyone who joined the event, and next year, see you in Nikko (tentative plan).


いつも応援ありがとうThank you for reading JSDC blog
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