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時計が出来ました New JSDC Clock

2008年08月09日 | P スタジオ P Studio

JSDC original clock is almost ready!!
The clock is made of marble board with handpainted JSDC logo.
The secret is that our logo designer is also a popular marble board clock designer
I first met her last year, when I was shopping for my friend's birthday.
She was doing her clock exhibits in Shibuya and I fell in love with one of her clocks (& her personality!) at the moment I steped into this nice and small space filled with colorful clocks.
Even after getting this beautiful clock for my friend that day, I continued visiting her wherever she had her new exhibit, to talk her into making a big clock for the JSDC new studio, the logo, and now, this original clock.
Please check out the sample clock at the studio♪
We are going to start selling them very soon

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