踊る!JSDC (Japan Social Dance Club)!

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サマー続き A few more Summer Party Pics

2009年07月15日 | パーティ Parties
東京は梅雨明け~ 夏もいよいよ本番!涼しくお過ごしでしょうか♪



The rainy season is finally over in Tokyo!
Now, the 'real' summer has come, and I hope you're staying nice and cool
Here are some more photos from JSDC summer party of special performances, free dance time, and authentic Bon dance lessons.
I loved watching the Yukata, summer dresses, and aloha shirts that everyone was wearing... the hottest & coolest summer fashion 2009
Again, thanks a million to those who joined the event!
Please check out more pictures at the studio

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