ヨガで穏やかな気持ちを・・・Let’s have calm in yoga!


プロセスが楽しいパン作り!The process of baking bread is fun!

2012-06-11 16:46:03 | 日記

不思議な部屋へ! Going to the unusual room!

I really love breads,so I joined the session of baking bread like a bakery with Yogini,M-san!Natural yeast breads image is so expensive but the process of baking bread takes a lot of time and energy very much.I understood that it cost them a lot.
工程写真をどうぞ。Here is the process photos.
酵母菌作成に約5日。To grow yeast takes about5days!
発効種作成に5日。To grow leavened with yeast for 5 days!

ここで20分置く。Leave it for 20 mins.
Kneading it into dough for 20 mins and check it out!
Leave it for 3-6hours till like left side.

オーブンで約27分焼く!Bakig it for about 27 mins in the oven.
香りも良い!Smell so good!
こねるのも大変大変・へこむと言いつつ瞑想でもあった。放置時間はガールズトーク!そしてMさんが言うには、毎回気温・湿度などの条件で同じようにいかないから楽しいと。ヨガなのよ。良い時間をありがとうございました。 そうそうパン作っている時も、私の姿勢が良いと言われた。
To knead dough was hard very much and yielded as meditation.Leavning dough was gilrs chat time. And M-san told us that baking bread was fun because it was affected by the temperature and the humidity and each time was different.
Wow!It is yoga!Thank you for great time! When I was baking bread, the others said my posture was good.

