(明報 2006.07.13 14:11HKT)
Police arrest HK man for allegedly threatening Japanese officials
(South China Morning Post 2006.07.13 Updated: 18:01HKT)
Updated at 6.01pm:
Hong Kong police said on Thursday they had arrested a 24-year-old man for allegedly sending threatening letters to senior Japanese officials.
A spokesman said the arrest was made on Wednesday.
“Initial inquiries revealed that the man was suspected in connection with a case in which some threatening letters were sent from Hong Kong to senior Government Officials of Japan,” the spokesman said.
But he did not elaborate whether the man has any connection with the threat to Japan’s chief cabinet secretary Shinzo Abe.
Last week, Mr Abe claimed he had separately received letters from Hong Kong that threatened his life.
The letters ? which included enclosed knife blades ? warned him against visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which honours Japan’s war dead.
Visits to the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese officials infuriate many Chinese and others in Asia. This is because the shrine is also the burial ground for Japanese war criminals ? responsible for major atrocities in Asia during World War II.
The Japanese official is tipped to become its next prime minister.
“Inquiries by the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau are proceeding,” the police spokesman added.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Junko FOX"
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: 安倍官房長官にまた脅迫状、香港から?
> ちょっと整理してみました。紛らわしいので報道も混同してますが、
> 首相官邸(内閣府経由) 香港消印7月3日 航空便で6日到着
> 警視庁神田署
> 警視庁丸の内署?
> 産経新聞東京本社
> 読売新聞東京本社
> 山口県下関市の安倍晋三事務所 消印日付不明 8日午前到着
> 東京の安倍晋三事務所?
> 文面(日本語)
> 「将来の安倍晋三総理に伝える 靖国参拝するな!参拝すれば天罰下れ!
> 天誅!!」
> カッターナイフの刃を同封。約10センチ、幅約1・8センチ
> テープで張り付け
> エアメール用の封筒 脅迫文はA4判の紙に手書き
> この他、私が注目したのは「差出人の住所氏名が“封筒の裏”に記載
> されていた点。日本人は普通、裏に書く。ガイジンは普通、表の左上。
> 香港人も表の左上が多いように思うけど。
(明報 2006.07.13 14:11HKT)
Police arrest HK man for allegedly threatening Japanese officials
(South China Morning Post 2006.07.13 Updated: 18:01HKT)
Updated at 6.01pm:
Hong Kong police said on Thursday they had arrested a 24-year-old man for allegedly sending threatening letters to senior Japanese officials.
A spokesman said the arrest was made on Wednesday.
“Initial inquiries revealed that the man was suspected in connection with a case in which some threatening letters were sent from Hong Kong to senior Government Officials of Japan,” the spokesman said.
But he did not elaborate whether the man has any connection with the threat to Japan’s chief cabinet secretary Shinzo Abe.
Last week, Mr Abe claimed he had separately received letters from Hong Kong that threatened his life.
The letters ? which included enclosed knife blades ? warned him against visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which honours Japan’s war dead.
Visits to the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese officials infuriate many Chinese and others in Asia. This is because the shrine is also the burial ground for Japanese war criminals ? responsible for major atrocities in Asia during World War II.
The Japanese official is tipped to become its next prime minister.
“Inquiries by the Organised Crime and Triad Bureau are proceeding,” the police spokesman added.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Junko FOX"
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: 安倍官房長官にまた脅迫状、香港から?
> ちょっと整理してみました。紛らわしいので報道も混同してますが、
> 首相官邸(内閣府経由) 香港消印7月3日 航空便で6日到着
> 警視庁神田署
> 警視庁丸の内署?
> 産経新聞東京本社
> 読売新聞東京本社
> 山口県下関市の安倍晋三事務所 消印日付不明 8日午前到着
> 東京の安倍晋三事務所?
> 文面(日本語)
> 「将来の安倍晋三総理に伝える 靖国参拝するな!参拝すれば天罰下れ!
> 天誅!!」
> カッターナイフの刃を同封。約10センチ、幅約1・8センチ
> テープで張り付け
> エアメール用の封筒 脅迫文はA4判の紙に手書き
> この他、私が注目したのは「差出人の住所氏名が“封筒の裏”に記載
> されていた点。日本人は普通、裏に書く。ガイジンは普通、表の左上。
> 香港人も表の左上が多いように思うけど。