仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2022年03月25日 | ★STARRY★

Hi again! We had a fun day today with all of the students who came for our special "Easter class" and outdoor activities. Tomorrow, we'll be doing the same thing with a different group of students. First we made an egg rabbit. It looked like this:



His red nose and white feet are very cute! This egg rabbit is a kind of baby, I think. The mother is much bigger. All the students used a mason jar to make another rabbit who is the egg rabbit's mom. Here she is:



Inside the jar, students put the egg and some sweets that we gave them (such as Haribo gummy candy, Chupa Chups lollipops, etc.). You can also see some decorations in the jar or on the jar. After making these rabbits, everyone went to the park to enjoy some nice games. We had a "scavanger hunt" to find colored eggs or animals. Then we did a chicken egg race. It was a little bit like this:



Ha ha... no, I'm joking. We didn't use real chickens! Instead, the students were the "chickens". They raced against each other with an "egg" between their legs. The egg was actually a balloon, though. And lastly, the kids did some "free play". Some played soccer, some did jump-rope, and some enjoyed activities with a big parachute. The weather was beautiful today. It was sunny and pretty warm. At the end, everyone came back inside to eat an ice cream treat if they made it to the finish line in the chicken egg race. Students who found everything in the scavenger hunt got some more candy, too. 




We are looking forward to tomorrow's activities!! I hope to see you there!!!!

- Peter  Bird on emojidex

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