El 06Ene1872 nació en Moscú el compositor y pianista ruso #AlexanderScriabin, uno de los mayores exponentes del postromanticismo y el atonalismo libre; un místico muy influyente en su época, atraido por la filosofía que asociaba la música a los colores. https://t.co/TeS4lp5daE pic.twitter.com/DgAonAUBIX
— Victor Cadet (@victorcadet) January 6, 2024
Piano: Leif Ove Andsnes 🎹
Composer: Alexander Scriabin
Piano: Leif Ove Andsnes 🎹
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
Erich Kunzel
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Composer Lyricist: Dmitri Shostakovich
Dmitri Shostakovich: Suite from The Golden Age (Russian Dance) / Sir Simon Rattle, conductor · Berliner Philharmoniker / Recorded at the Berlin Philharmonie, 31 December 2017.
The Berliner Philharmoniker's Digital Concert Hall
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Christopher Lyndon-Gee (Conductor)
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
Conductor: Kazuki Yamada
Orchestra: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
John Williams
Boston Pops Orchestra
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
Artist, Orchestra: Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt
Artist, Conductor: Howard Griffiths
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
Vladimir Ashkenazy
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
ロシアとキルギス民謡の主題による序曲 Op. 115
Bernard Haitink
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich
【W.A. Mozart - Una donna quindici anni - Despina's Aria - Cosi fan tutte】数え年で15歳の節目…中学校の立志式にプロダンサー登場
Despina - Maria Taxidou
Conductor - Michael Zlabinger
Stage Director - Stephen Carr
Production of Daegu Opera House 2017
Una donna quindici anni
(女も 十五歳にもなれば)
⚠️ 大昔の(ヨーロッパの)十五歳です。日本でも「十五でねえやは 嫁に行き」という歌がありますが…ただし、下のとおり、いくつか(かなり)説があるようです… ⚠️
Una donna a quindici anni
dée saper ogni gran moda,
dove il diavolo ha la coda,
cosa è bene e mal cos'è;
dée saper le maliziette
che innamorano gli amanti:
finger riso, finger pianti,
inventar i bei perché;
dée in un momento
dar retta a cento;
colle pupille
parlar con mille;
dar speme a tutti,
sien belli o brutti;
saper nascondersi
senza confondersi;
senza arrossire
saper mentire;
e, qual regina
dall'alto soglio,
col «posso e voglio»
farsi ubbidir.
(Par ch'abbian gusto
di tal dottrina.
Viva Despina
che sa servir!)
A woman at fifteen
must know every great fashion,
where the devil has his tail,
what is good and what is bad;
must know the little tricks
that make lovers fall in love:
to pretend to laugh, to pretend to cry,
to invent beautiful whys;
must in a moment
give attention to a hundred;
with her eyes
speak to a thousand;
give hope to everyone,
whether they are beautiful or ugly;
know how to hide
without getting confused;
without blushing
know how to lie;
and, like a queen
from the high throne,
with "I can and I want"
make herself obeyed.
(It seems they have a taste
for such doctrine.
Long live Despina
who knows how to serve!)
15 歳の女性は
100 人の人に気を配り、
1000 人に語りかけ、