

「発生した硫酸が下水管を腐食させる」「マンホールが多い場所は要注意」八潮・道路陥没の三つの不運(2025/02/16 06:06 配信記事)

2025-02-16 13:59:00 | 日記

[Original Video] Filmed in Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan with iPhone 12 Pro Max and edited with iMovie.

I cut out as much of the video as possible to ensure no people were visible. I'm hoping to improve my video editing skills to better protect people's privacy in the future.

However, my right to privacy is being violated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and my information is being illegally shared with a large number of people...

[Animation] Filmed in Yashio City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan with iPhone 12 Pro Max and edited with iMovie.

Footage from the Yashio accident site. The footage has been edited to remove any visible people in order to protect privacy.

「発生した硫酸が下水管を腐食させる」「マンホールが多い場所は要注意」 八潮・道路陥没の三つの不運

「発生した硫酸が下水管を腐食させる」「マンホールが多い場所は要注意」 八潮・道路陥没の三つの不運



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