

"Palestinian refugees" are looking for a "place to live". I propose that they be relocated as

2025-01-26 04:52:27 | 世界の皆さんへメール


Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

January 26, 2025: Sunday edition.
President Trump should realistically find a solution. Israeli military attacks continued in the Gaza Strip on the 10th, and more than 46,000 people have died so far.

On January 9th, the special envoy for the Middle East of the incoming Trump administration in the United States indicated that there will be progress before the new administration takes office on the 20th of this month, and Secretary of State Blinken also stated on the 8th during his visit to France that "we are close to an agreement." No one believes it!

Israel's true intention is to expel Palestinians from Palestine. I don't think the Palestinians are clinging to "Palestinian land" anymore. They are looking for a place where they can survive.

I have proposed building a "special zone" in "Australia" and "immigrating" "Palestinian refugees" to the "Australian special zone" as "temporary immigrants".

However, the Labor Party and Liberal Party of "Australia" seem to be "against it." They don't seem to like my "special zone" proposal to "FB etc." So I propose a "Philippine special zone."

The "Philippine special zone" is the same concept, just the location has changed from "Australia" to "Philippines." It's the same as the "Mexican border special zone" and the "Algerian special zone."

"Palestinian refugees" are looking for a "place to survive." I propose that they be relocated to the "Philippine special zone" as "temporary immigrants."

Please discuss my proposal with the "Israeli government, the Philippine government, and Palestinian representatives" to relocate the "residents" of the "Gaza Strip" to the "Philippine special zone." Thank you.

"If an agreement is reached," the "Philippine special zone" will be built from now on. "Palestinian refugees" will be able to live as "temporary immigrants" from the construction of the "special zone."

The Trump administration should get the Israeli government to promise not to attack the Gaza Strip until the Palestinian refugees in Gaza have been relocated to the Philippine Special Zone.

The Philippine government should accept the construction of the Special Zone. The British government should "accept" the construction of a British "Special Zone" in the Philippines. Thank you.

The UK should accept my proposal and hold a "general election to hear the will of the British people on whether or not to build a "Special Zone" in the Philippines. Thank you.

The Israeli government and Jewish organizations around the world should "fully support" the relocation of Palestinians to the Philippine Special Zone. Thank you.

"Temporary immigrants" in the Philippine Special Zone are limited to living in the "Special Zone". Temporary immigrants are employed at "low wages". However, "food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education expenses" are free.

The Philippine Special Zone is jointly operated by the British and Philippine governments. Temporary immigrants learn English and British culture and customs while working. Once they have acquired these skills, they can receive a work visa for the UK or the Philippines.

British companies will relocate some of their UK factories to the Special Zone. Companies from all over the world, not just the UK, will build factories there.

The reason is that the Philippine Special Zone, like other areas on the Mexican border and Algeria, has lower wages than China. Temporary immigrants' food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, and education are free, but companies only have to pay their wages.

Products produced in the Special Zone will be exported from the Philippine Special Zone to Asia, America, and the whole world. The Philippines will become the world's factory.

I'm sure President Trump will realize the Philippine Special Zone for the sake of Israel and the Palestinians, and for the security of the South China Sea.

Part 1 References
Israeli military attacks Gaza Strip and bombs Yemeni rebels

I'll write again tomorrow.

Part 2: Immigration Law Violation Cases, Sunday Edition

Chapter 7: When I was released from prison after completing my sentence, I read the newspaper and found out that a similar incident had occurred at the Philippine Embassy.

Philippine diplomats, embassy staff, and Filipino drivers have suffered the same damage as me.

I have also filed a criminal accusation against this case.

I and the Chinese in the 2010 immigration law violation case, and the Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats in 2013, were punished for the same reason.

I have submitted my complaint and the complaints of the Chinese and Filipinos to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office, and the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.

However, all of them were rejected. If the prosecutor accepts and rejects the case, I can request the Prosecutor's Review Board to prosecute, but I have no way to oppose the rejection.

I also appealed to political parties and Diet members. But they were all ignored.

A city council member accompanied me to the Democratic Party's legal advisor. However, the advisor's answer was that if the "principal offense" is found guilty, then the "crime of aiding and abetting" is established. Is he really a lawyer?

The Democratic Party's legal advisor says that all those who graduated from the Legal Training and Research Institute have the same answer. This is proof that Japan is not "governed under the law".

I asked the Japan Bar Association for support. They said that the JFBA does not have the "power" to solve the problem. Japan's "judicial system" is crazy.

I have "emailed" "political parties and Diet members", as well as "the Prime Minister's Office and the Human Rights Bureau" on "Facebook and (X)", but they are still ignoring me.

This case is an arbitrary misapplication of the law by police officers, prosecutors, and judges. (It is an illegal act).

The charges are "Abuse of the authority of a special public official" and "Crimes of False Complaints".

In my "personal opinion," the prosecutors "concealed" the "criminal complaint" and "criminal accusation" by their "authority." Therefore, the "statute of limitations" has been suspended.

"Chapter 8." This case is "legally" an "error in the application of law."
"Errors in the application of law" are not subject to "requests for retrial" under the "Criminal Procedure Law."

However, if the "crime of the inspectors and police officers involved in the case" is "proven," a request for retrial can be made.

1. The charge against the "special public officials" in this case is "abuse of the authority of special public officials."
They "arrested" us even though there was "no suspicion of a crime." And they even "detained" us. (There is a precedent for grand jury decisions.)
2. And it is "the crime of false accusation." It is a fact that they "indicted" us and even found us guilty in a "trial" in order to make us criminals.

Requests for retrial can be made by us or by the prosecutors.
I believe that the prosecution should admit guilt and make a request for a retrial.

I will not give up. It has been 15 years since the incident.

The only country that can resolve this case is the United States.
When Trump was the former president, he promised me.

He replied with a signed letter saying, "I will resolve this in a way that satisfies you."

I hope that this time he will keep his promise.

President Trump, let's work together to "revive the Rust Belt" and create a "special zone on the Mexican border."

And let's cross the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean in two hours with the "American Linear Canal Railway," a freight train dedicated to containers that will replenish the Panama Canal.

People around the world, please support us.

Part 3. Construction of a special zone. It's a new business model.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. "US-Russia-China" three-nation military alliance and war show
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 5. Ukraine War
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 6. Japan's infamous judicial system and human rights violations
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Development of virus detectors for coronavirus and other viruses

Part 8. North Korea's abduction and missile issues

Part 9. One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicle Promotion

Part 10. Nagano Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power Plant: CO2 Free & SDGs

Thank you.

Yasuhiro Nagano

Past articles can be viewed at the blog below.


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