

The propellant in a liquid rocket is exactly the same as in a car. such as liquid hydrogen.

2023-11-18 07:01:54 | 世界の皆さんへメール

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion

November 18, 2023: #Next_generation_vehicle #Hydrogen_fuel_engine_vehicle #Hydrogen_rocket

We believe that the next generation of cars should be hydrogen fuel engine cars. The ``mainstream'' fuel in rocket engines is ``liquid fuel,'' which is hydrogen.

In order to promote rocket development, next-generation vehicles should use hydrogen engines to increase development efficiency, just like rockets.

After World War II, the U.S. government and military finally seriously considered liquid-fueled rockets as weapons. began funding its development. The Soviet Union similarly began a space race.

"Missiles and rockets" are the same thing. The only difference is that a ``ballistic missile'' carries a bomb, and a ``rocket'' ``carries'' an artificial satellite.

The propellants in liquid rockets are generally a fuel (such as liquid hydrogen) and an oxidizer (such as liquid oxygen). It's exactly the same as a car. Toyota race cars prove it.

Liquid rockets have two methods for sending propellant into the combustion chamber, such as the gas pressure type and the turbine type. Liquid rockets have the advantage of easier guidance and control than solid rockets.

"Hydrogen rockets" have a common construction, consisting of an engine, an interstage part for separation, and onboard equipment for guidance and attitude control, so it is necessary to increase the size of the propulsion part, separation, and attitude control. The technology is also common.

"TOYOTA" since last year. The hydrogen Corolla (ORC ROOKIE GR Corolla H2 concept) is attracting so much attention that it always comes to mind when you think of ``super durability.''

The "Hydrogen Corolla" has undergone a "major evolution" in the "2023 season" and started running at the "Round 2 NAPAC Fuji SUPER TEC 24 Hour Race."

What constitutes a major evolution is that the hydrogen used as fuel was changed from the previous 70Mpa high-pressure gaseous hydrogen to liquid hydrogen.

This is the first time in the world that a machine using liquid hydrogen is participating in a race.

Simply put, "liquid hydrogen" is "rocket fuel." Liquid hydrogen is also used as fuel for the H-II rocket, which is Japan's representative domestic rocket.

In the case of a rocket, since there is no oxygen in outer space, it also carries liquid oxygen.

However, in the case of the Hydrogen Corolla, hydrogen is burned using oxygen, which is abundant on Earth, so liquid oxygen is not necessary.

China seems to be making next-generation cars ``hydrogen cars.'' This is because the development of hydrogen vehicles is ``linked'' to the development of ``rockets'' (rockets that launch ballistic missiles and satellites).

China seems to be evolving its "flying car" from a car to a "flying rocket." The idea of focusing on "EV" seems to be "outdated".

Does "Tesla" think that by modifying "EV" to "fuel cell vehicle", it will be possible to evolve it into "electric rocket"?

Russia has already put a nuclear-powered rocket into practical use. However, Russia and North Korea should complete "hydrogen engine cars". And we should "conquer" the global automobile industry.

I believe that the precise fuel control technology used in ballistic missiles can be used in hydrogen fuel engine vehicles. Profits from hydrogen-fueled engines can be used to further develop hydrogen rockets (ballistic missiles).

The ``future of the automobile company'' 10 years from now is to be a ``hydrogen engine rocket'' manufacturing company. "Gasoline fueled vehicles" will be commercialized into "hydrogen fueled vehicles" and then "hydrogen rockets."

A wonderful reality awaits engineers at car companies. Building a ``hydrogen-fueled car'' will lead to a ``better life'' than building a ``tank.'' Good luck, hydrogen engineers!

Part One. Citations/reference materials
Missiles and rockets have the same technology; both are banned by the United Nations
What is rocket fuel made of?
liquid fuel rocket
world's first! Race with a "liquid hydrogen engine" that uses the same fuel as a rocket

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on March 4, 2023.

Part 2. Victims of human rights violations in Japan. "Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc."
There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.
There are "innumerable" Chinese and Korean victims.
This was "before the war of WW2" because the Chinese and Koreans were "second-class citizens" of Japan, so the judiciary makes them "idiots".
Everyone, please tell your acquaintances who went to Japan and were arrested for violating the Immigration Law.
It is necessary to demand "governments of each country" to "claim" the Japanese government for "restoration of honor and compensation for damages".
If the government doesn't respond, ask the media for help. "Justice media" will always exist.
You should be a "hero", go for it! !

"1" Provide "false documents" to a foreigner, and the foreigner acquires a "status of residence". And if the foreigner has "illegally worked".
A person who provides "false documents" such as an "employment contract" to a foreigner is innocent.
However, from January 2017, it will be punished by "law revision".
The Chinese and the Philippine embassy staff and diplomats I am 'criminally indicting' are completely innocent. See part 2 for weekdays (Monday to Friday) for details.

``2'' Foreign nationals who have been arrested for ``illegal employment (activities outside of their qualifications'') are ``in most cases'' innocent.***
Reason: The person who "employed" them has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by virtue of "equality under the law," foreigners are innocent.
"Most foreigners" are "deported" with "small" "fines". Foreigners should "claim" the Japanese government for "compensation" of "several million yen" per person.

It is crazy for Koreans to "claim compensation" from the Japanese government for the "comfort women issue" and "requisitioned labor issue." They should claim reparations from the "Korean government". (The Korean government has already received it).

The issue of "violation of the Immigration Control Act" is completely different from the "Japan-Korea Treaty". Therefore, Korean politicians need to "pursue" the Japanese government as a "new Japan-Korea problem". Koreans and Chinese should proudly claim that they are not "Japanese slaves."

Japan's prime minister shouts "rule under the law". They are "talking about Japan" crazy!

Only two countries, South Korea and the United States, have concluded an extradition treaty with Japan.
This is also evidence that Japan does not have a "rule under the law".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

I am "Japanese samurai". Japan should be "friends" with people of any country. "NO War"

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


Daily posts are published in the following program.

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2023-11-18 06:59:28 | 世界の皆さんへメール

長野恭博 オピニオン

2023年11月18日: #次世代車  #水素燃料エンジン車  #水素ロケット








「TOYOTA」は昨年来。「スーパー耐久」と言えば必ず思い浮かべるくらい「注目」を集めているのが、「水素カローラ」(ORC ROOKIE GR Corolla H2 concept)です。

その「水素カローラ」が「2023シーズン」では「大進化」を遂げて、この「第2戦 NAPAC 富士SUPER TEC 24時間レース」から走り出しました。













ミサイルとロケット、技術は同じ 国連では双方禁止











私は「日本の侍です」日本は、どの国人々とも「友達」であるべきです。「NO War」


ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)





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"Hydrogen fueled car" becomes "hydrogen fueled rocket"! The United States cannot win a space war. .

2023-11-17 06:09:30 | 世界の皆さんへメール

To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2023-11-17: Dear Sirs,
China has begun to make serious efforts to popularize hydrogen vehicles. I think China is position-ing EV as a link to hydrogen vehicles. You should study China's strategy.

"Hydrogen fueled vehicle" is related to "hydrogen fueled rocket." U.S. strategy cannot win a space war. Or is the US developing an "electric rocket"?

Why is China rushing to develop "hydrogen cars"? This is because it is related to "rocket devel-opment" in space. The main power of the rocket is the hydrogen fuel engine.

Hydrogen is an excellent propellant for rockets, and will continue to be used for launches from the ground.

Furthermore, future lunar and planetary exploration will require technology to replenish spacecraft with locally produced propellant.

Countries around the world are seriously considering the production and use of hydrogen and oxy-gen, on the premise that water exists in abundance on the moon and planets and can be used. Even if it turns out that there is not much water (omitted).

In the future, we will focus on private-sector-led rocket development and reuse, which are becom-ing global trends, as well as on manned rocket development.

In addition, attention will be paid to how the ``hydrogen utilization technology'' that has been culti-vated to date will be used and further developed.

For example, conventional rocket launches have been operated remotely by setting safety distances on the premise that the worst possible accident will occur.

Future rockets will need to ensure safety in situations where hydrogen is present nearby, assuming that they will be able to return from space, carry people, and operate in large quantities and fre-quently like aircraft.

In China, with support from the government, industries related to hydrogen vehicles, mainly com-mercial vehicles, are starting to emerge one after another in various parts of China.

Although it is said that there is a difference in individual technological levels from developed coun-tries, due to the size of the domestic market, various companies are boldly developing new prod-ucts and the market is expanding rapidly, a phenomenon similar to China's "savage growth." Its power has been proven in EVs as well.

Recently, ``EV fans'' and ``hydrogen fans'' have been engaged in a heated debate on China's auto-mobile-related social networking sites over the future of cars. Chinese society's perspective on hy-drogen vehicles is undergoing a major shift.

There are two main reasons behind China's recent focus on hydrogen vehicles.

First, as EV technology has rapidly evolved and users' perspectives have matured, in a sense, the ``limitations'' (essential advantages and disadvantages) of EVs have become clear.

Second, with the spread of renewable energy such as solar and wind power generation that utilizes the country's vast land, the role of hydrogen as a method of storing electricity has come into focus.

China has a monopoly on ``battery materials'' for ``large-scale power storage systems'' for renewa-ble energy. China is not aiming to monopolize "battery materials" for "EVs."

China will abandon “EV”! The ``favorite'' of China's ``next-generation cars'' is ``hydrogen cars.''

I have a "deep-seated view". China is aiming for supremacy in space exploration. To this end, we are promoting the development of a ``hydrogen fuel engine vehicle'' that will lead to a ``hydrogen fuel rocket.''

The aim of China's development of ``hydrogen engine vehicles'' is to connect them to ``hydrogen rocket engines.'' ``Western governments'' should break away from their ``narrow-minded thinking.''

To that end, I continue to advocate for the development of hydrogen fuel engine vehicles. "TOYOTA" should try harder.

The ``heart of compassion'' that seeks to secure jobs for workers through ``hydrogen engine cars'' is ``connected'' to technology for space exploration. Politicians should have a ``wider perspective''.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
China is starting to get serious about hydrogen cars
ISAS and hydrogen
SpaceTransit: Building an innovative new transportation system in space

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!


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2023-11-17 05:48:33 | 世界の皆さんへメール

世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 
























SpaceTransit: 宇宙における革新的な新交通システムの構築











裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。







ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)





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What “Chancellor Scholz” is happy about is devastating for businesses and individual consumers.

2023-11-16 06:44:24 | 世界の皆さんへメール

To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2023-11-16: Dear Sirs,
Germany, which had been an excellent student, finally experienced negative growth. Germany is in a situation where it is the only loser in Europe. If this happens, "the entire EU" will go haywire.

Nord Stream 2 is necessary to avoid the looming deindustrialization, says the AFD member of par-liament.

According to AFD's Steffen Kotlet, the only way for Germany to avoid the impending deindustri-alization is to resume energy supplies from Russia.

Rising gasoline prices will lead to the hollowing out of Germany's industry. U.S. ``fracked gas'' is dangerous and expensive to transport, making it difficult to replace Russian gas.

To ensure competitiveness, Germany should agree to buy gas through the remaining branches of the Nord Stream pipeline, Kotre said.

What ``Chancellor Olaf Scholz'' is happy about is devastating for businesses and individual con-sumers.''

Mr Kotlet was "referring" to the remarks of "Prime Minister Olaf Scholz". He "praises" Germany's "efforts" to "reduce energy dependence on Russia", although it is "self-inflicted".

Mr. Kotre "pointed out." Now more than ever, Germany is "under pressure" to "procure alternative gas sources" in order to obtain "cheap and reliable Russian energy."

Russian gas is profitable and environmentally friendly, but this is not the case with current sources of supply, primarily liquefied natural gas from the United States.

Germany pays "three to four times more" for these "American products," but the gas from the U.S., produced using hydraulic fracturing, does not meet environmental standards.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak once again banned the use of fracking in the country "early af-ter taking office". This means that the development of ``shale gas and shale oil'' cannot proceed in the UK.

However, the UK actually consumes a large amount of natural gas extracted through fracking in the United States, but only a minority of people seem to know this.

In the United States, a new development is occurring in the debate about ``fracking,'' a method of ``efficiently extracting'' natural gas and shale gas.

Following Vermont's ``simply ban'', ``New York'' became the first state in the United States to ``ban'' the ``hydraulic fracturing method'' used to extract natural gas.

Although it may be unavoidable to "import" natural gas mined through fracking in the United States as an emergency "evacuation measure," it is unlikely to gain the understanding of the Ger-man people.

If there is a possibility that US "natural gas" is "dangerous", I think it would be best for Germany to import "cheap Russian natural gas". Energy prices are a matter of life and death for the German economy.

In addition to energy issues, Germany is experiencing a significant decline in the labor force of its own citizens due to sluggish growth in the working population, and this is not being compensated for by an increase in immigration.

Furthermore, there is a shortage of "skilled workers." In Germany, as many of the "baby boomers" born in the 1950s and 1960s have "retired," the proportion of people aged 40 to 64 in the labor force has declined significantly.

To solve this problem, Germany should accept a large number of immigrants. However, directly accepting them into Germany would cause "turmoil" within Germany.

Germany should ``accept'' ``immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, etc.'' in ``special overseas zones'' such as ``Algeria,'' as it has ``proposed to France.''

For more information, see Special zones in Algeria, etc. The only way for developed countries to develop is to build ``special zones'' in ``developing countries'' and achieve ``mutual prosperity.''

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
Germany's economy ``defeated by itself'' due to green push
Germany needs Nord Stream 2 to avoid looming industrial hollowing out - Bundestag member
Britain's deception to ban fracking while relying on it
Weighing health risks and economics: New York state bans ``fracking''

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!



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2023-11-16 06:42:51 | 世界の皆さんへメール

世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 



迫り来る産業空洞化を回避するにはNord Stream 2が必要 だと、「AFD」の連邦議会議員は主張している。




















ドイツ、迫り来る産業空洞化を回避するにはNord Stream 2が必要 - 連邦議会議員











裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。







ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)





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I think this will eliminate conflicts with French citizens.

2023-11-15 06:58:36 | 世界の皆さんへメール

To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2023-11-15: Dear Sirs,
[Lie on a national scale] One-third of France is Muslim. That's ridiculous. The French misunder-stand the proportion of Muslims in the population.

A national census is fraught with danger in an environment where identities are so divided. Lack of knowledge of population data is equally dangerous, and can sometimes fuel fears.

Immigrants make up about 9% of France's population, but the roots of the people who make up society are even more diverse than that number. The mechanism lies in France's birthright doctrine.

Children of immigrants born in France are automatically granted French citizenship when they be-come adults, provided they meet certain conditions, such as living in the country for at least five years.

Looking at the breakdown of the immigrant population, one-third of the total come from Europe, such as Portugal and Italy, while about half, or 44%, are from Africa.

Among them, many are from North African countries that were former French colonies, such as Algeria (13% of the total) and Morocco (12%).

Many workers from Algeria, which was a French colony until 1962, came to France and supported France's postwar reconstruction. It also accepts approximately 20,000 refugees each year, includ-ing many from Syria and other countries.

In 2005, dissatisfaction among the immigrant community exploded when two North African immi-grant boys were chased by police on the outskirts of Paris, ran into an electrical substation, and were electrocuted.

Riots broke out across France, cars were burned on the streets, and the French government de-clared a state of emergency. The result gave an impression of a disconnect with the immigrant soci-ety.

``From here'' is ``my proposal.'' Africa may become the ``richest continent'' on earth. ``It'' ``departs'' from ``the special zone of Algeria.''

France needs immigrants. African people want jobs. However, French citizens do not want to ac-cept immigrants from Africa and other countries.

That is why I am proposing to create a "special zone" in Algeria. Immigrants from Africa heading to France are accepted as "workers" in the "special zone of Algeria."

Immigrants are called ``temporary immigrants,'' and their residence is limited to ``special zones.'' I think this will eliminate conflicts with French citizens.

In the ``Special Zone,'' students learn ``French'' and ``French lifestyle customs'' while working. If you meet certain conditions, you will be granted a "French work visa" instead of a "temporary immigrant".

France's national power is weakening due to a labor shortage. Africa's poor need jobs. Algeria aims to become an "industrial country." Please understand. It works well.

The African poor work in the "Special Zone of Algeria". This alone would make Algeria's "GDP" huge.

In addition to the workers working in the factories, there will be ``production and sales'' of ``per-ishable products'' to be supplied to the residents of the special zone.

Industries in African countries are developing mainly in "special zones." Eventually, there will be no more poor people aiming for Europe.

In the future, the Algerian special zone will have "satellites" in African countries. Africa will be-come a rich continent.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
[National lie] One-third of France is Muslim?
We will introduce the perspective of the world's leading authority on demographics, who has just published ``U.S. Department of Defense Demographic Consultant's Very Long-Term Forecast of Humanity'' (authored by Jennifer D. Shuba, published by Diamond). (Translation: Satsuki Kuriki)

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!


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I think this will eliminate conflicts with French citizens.

2023-11-15 06:58:36 | 世界の皆さんへメール

To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2023-11-15: Dear Sirs,
[Lie on a national scale] One-third of France is Muslim. That's ridiculous. The French misunder-stand the proportion of Muslims in the population.

A national census is fraught with danger in an environment where identities are so divided. Lack of knowledge of population data is equally dangerous, and can sometimes fuel fears.

Immigrants make up about 9% of France's population, but the roots of the people who make up society are even more diverse than that number. The mechanism lies in France's birthright doctrine.

Children of immigrants born in France are automatically granted French citizenship when they be-come adults, provided they meet certain conditions, such as living in the country for at least five years.

Looking at the breakdown of the immigrant population, one-third of the total come from Europe, such as Portugal and Italy, while about half, or 44%, are from Africa.

Among them, many are from North African countries that were former French colonies, such as Algeria (13% of the total) and Morocco (12%).

Many workers from Algeria, which was a French colony until 1962, came to France and supported France's postwar reconstruction. It also accepts approximately 20,000 refugees each year, includ-ing many from Syria and other countries.

In 2005, dissatisfaction among the immigrant community exploded when two North African immi-grant boys were chased by police on the outskirts of Paris, ran into an electrical substation, and were electrocuted.

Riots broke out across France, cars were burned on the streets, and the French government de-clared a state of emergency. The result gave an impression of a disconnect with the immigrant soci-ety.

``From here'' is ``my proposal.'' Africa may become the ``richest continent'' on earth. ``It'' ``departs'' from ``the special zone of Algeria.''

France needs immigrants. African people want jobs. However, French citizens do not want to ac-cept immigrants from Africa and other countries.

That is why I am proposing to create a "special zone" in Algeria. Immigrants from Africa heading to France are accepted as "workers" in the "special zone of Algeria."

Immigrants are called ``temporary immigrants,'' and their residence is limited to ``special zones.'' I think this will eliminate conflicts with French citizens.

In the ``Special Zone,'' students learn ``French'' and ``French lifestyle customs'' while working. If you meet certain conditions, you will be granted a "French work visa" instead of a "temporary immigrant".

France's national power is weakening due to a labor shortage. Africa's poor need jobs. Algeria aims to become an "industrial country." Please understand. It works well.

The African poor work in the "Special Zone of Algeria". This alone would make Algeria's "GDP" huge.

In addition to the workers working in the factories, there will be ``production and sales'' of ``per-ishable products'' to be supplied to the residents of the special zone.

Industries in African countries are developing mainly in "special zones." Eventually, there will be no more poor people aiming for Europe.

In the future, the Algerian special zone will have "satellites" in African countries. Africa will be-come a rich continent.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
[National lie] One-third of France is Muslim?
We will introduce the perspective of the world's leading authority on demographics, who has just published ``U.S. Department of Defense Demographic Consultant's Very Long-Term Forecast of Humanity'' (authored by Jennifer D. Shuba, published by Diamond). (Translation: Satsuki Kuriki)

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


It is published in the following program.

If you have any questions, please contact us!


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2023-11-15 06:52:41 | 世界の皆さんへメール

世界のメディアの「皆様」 へ 




移民がフランスの人口に占める割合は9%ほどだが、その数字以上に社会を構成する人々のルーツは多様だ。 そのからくりはフランスの出生地主義にある。 




1962年までフランス領だったアルジェリアからは多くの労働者がフランスに渡り、フランスの戦後復興を支えた。 また、毎年2万人ほどの難民を受け入れていて、シリアなどからの難民も多く含まれる。













『米国防総省・人口統計コンサルタントの 人類超長期予測』(ジェニファー・D・シュバ著、ダイヤモンド社刊)を刊行したばかりの、世界の人口統計学の権威の見方を紹介します。(訳:栗木さつき)











裁判官は、クレイジーな「論理」で、「因果関係=Causal relationship」を述べた。(判決の文章)を「見る」と、「大笑い」します。

この事件は、警察官、検察官、裁判官による恣意的な適用法の誤りです。罪名は、「特別公務員職権乱用罪」および「虚偽の告訴罪=Crimes of False Complaints」です。検察は「告訴状」「告発状」を「職権」によって「握りつぶした」。よって「公訴時効」は停止しています。







ゼレンスキーは、ミンスク合意を廃棄し、戦争を通じて領土を取り戻すという「選挙の公約」をして大統領に就任した。しかし彼の 脱税やタックスヘイブンが報道されたとき、彼は戦争を始めた。 




第8部。北朝鮮の拉致・ミサイル問題 & 台湾防衛 


第10部。「長野」オピニオン、次世代原発:CO2フリー & SDG:ロシア・ウクライナ侵攻問題:移民・難民問題:国際・米国政治・台湾問題・統一教会問題


長野恭博  (Yasuhiro Nagano)





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That is why I am proposing that the UK create a ``special zone'' in ``Australia.''

2023-11-14 06:31:04 | 世界の皆さんへメール

To everyone in the world's media 

I will provide the missing materials so please request by email.

2023-11-14: Dear Sirs,
The BBC article asserts: "The need to address Britain's low growth rates is a key challenge facing policymakers as the next election approaches." That's why I'm proposing that the UK create a ``special zone in Australia.''

Young people in Britain don't have a bright future at all. The article is full of dark stories. A think tank warns that the UK will continue to suffer from "lost economic growth" for the next five years, pointing out that inequality will also widen. It will last longer than 5 years.

Spending power soared in London, but plummeted elsewhere. Britain's National Institute for Eco-nomic and Social Research (NIESR) has warned that the country faces five years of "missed eco-nomic growth", with poorer people being the most affected.

It also said the purchasing power of workers across the UK will remain below pre-pandemic levels until the end of 2024. It said that five years of weak and "jerky growth" would widen domestic economic disparities.

Despite wage increases, prices are rising due to high inflation rates. Rising living costs are putting pressure on household budgets across the UK. It will be a squeeze, not just for five years, but for-ever.

The poorest people in society see little or no real wage growth. In response to a situation of persis-tently high inflation, people will have to take on new debt to pay for permanently higher housing, utilities, and food costs.

That is why I am proposing that the UK create a ``special zone'' in ``Australia.'' Australia is a vast continent rich in resources. It is also rich in energy resources, which form the basis of industry.

Australia's weakness is its lack of labor force. Britain should allow Palestinian refugees to "immi-grate" to a "special zone in Australia". Now Palestinian youth can "obtain" a "job".

Britain and other Western countries are “forcing” Palestinian refugees to become “permanent” “refugees.” They have no tomorrow. It would be the "greatest happiness" for a Palestinian refugee to get a job in Australia.

British workers will produce "high value-added parts and other products" that will be shipped to factories in "Australian special zones". Assembly will be done in Australia.

Products made in "Australia's special zones" will outperform those made in China. This will revive British manufacturing.

Creating an "Australian Special Zone" will require "huge investment". In the UK, the financial industry in the ``City of London'' will be ``revitalized.''

Young people in Britain will have big dreams. Young Palestinian refugees will also have big dreams. They will be released from Palestinian refugee camps.

Products from factories in "Australia's Special Zone" will be shipped to all parts of the world. Brit-ain could effectively become the world's factory. Is there something you are dissatisfied with?

In addition to the ``Special Zone of Australia'', I am proposing the ``Special Zone of the Mexican Border'' and the ``Special Zone of Algeria'' as major ``Special Zones''.

Part 1. Citations/reference materials
Britain will face 'missed economic growth' over the next five years, warns her think tank, with ris-ing inequality

I'll write tomorrow too.

"Part 2 (Japan's Abnormal Human Rights Violations)" was revised on February 27, 2023.

Part 2. Japan is a "state of abnormal human rights violations". "Everyone" of the "international community", please help!
First of all, please read "false accusation" in the 2010 "Crime of Supporting Violation of Immigration Law".

Reason for punishment:
A Chinese national obtained a "residence status" by submitting a "false employment contract." And they committed immigration law violations (activities outside of their qualifications).
Because "we" provided "false employment contract documents" to the Chinese, the Chinese were able to obtain "residence status."
The Chinese were able to "live" in Japan because they obtained a "status of residence".
Because the Chinese were able to "live" in Japan, they were able to "work illegally."
Therefore, ``we'' who ``provided'' the Chinese with ``false employment contract documents'' were punished as ``helping'' the Chinese ``activities outside the scope of their status of residence''.
This is an arbitrary "error of applicable law". This is out of the "logic of the law".

My claim:
"1" The Immigration Control Act stipulates that the Minister of Justice will take an "administrative disposition" (Immigration Control Act: Cancellation of the status of residence) for the act of submitting false documents and obtaining a status of residence. You are now "finished". "Aiding" an act of innocence is innocence.
A Chinese national who has engaged in “2” (activities outside the qualification) is not guilty. The reason is that the "person who hired them" has not been punished for "promoting illegal employment" under the Immigration Control Act. Therefore, by "equality under the law", the Chinese are innocent.

The revision of the Immigration Control Law in December 2016 made it possible to punish the act of "providing" "false employment contract documents".
Implemented from January 2017. According to Article 39 of the Constitution, it is not possible to "retroactively" to the "past" and "punish".

See "Indictment." The stated facts "state" the "fact" of "not guilty." (Japanese English)
"My Appeal" (Japanese)
"My Appeal" (English)

"Chinese, Korean, Filipino, American, etc." There are more than tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world. An unusual number of people.

Prosecutors' "(deprivation) of liberty" is "arbitrary." They are "disobeying the law" and "selfish". They have no "(logical) (necessity)". The prosecution is "punishing" "as they wish".

In 2010, "me and the Chinese" in the immigration violation case, and in 2013, Philippine Embassy staff and diplomats were also punished for the same reason.

"I" argued "not guilty", explaining with "logic of the law".
Police and prosecutors then said, "(You) should admit (your crime) in general terms."
Japan is the only country that punishes in general terms! .
The judge stated "Causal relationship" with crazy "logic". When I "see" (text of the judgment), I "laugh out loud."

This case is an error of arbitrary application of law by police officers, prosecutors and judges. The charges are "abuse of authority of a special public official" and "crimes of false complaints." The prosecution "killed" the "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" by "ex officio." Therefore, the statute of limitations has been suspended.

I am "appealing" two things.
1: The foreigner performed "illegal labor" other than "status of residence". But foreigners are innocent because of "equality under the law".
2: The prosecution “applied” “Articles 60 and 62 of the Penal Code” to Article 70 of the Immigration Control Act on the grounds of “support for Article 22-4-4 of the Immigration Act”. However, it is "error of applicable law". (as above).

Koreans make demands on Japan over the "solved" "comfort women and forced laborers" issue, but should support "tens of thousands of Korean victims" who have been punished for "violating immigration laws." .

The Japanese government is hiding Japan's human rights violations by making up such things as "human rights violations against Uyghurs in China."

"I" am demanding "restoration of honor" and "compensation" for myself, the Chinese, and the Philippine Embassy officials.

Everyone in the world! ! Victims should report to their respective governments. The governments of each country have an obligation to demand the Japanese government to restore the honor of their own citizens and compensate them.

Part 3. Construction of special zones.
The "special zone" "accepts" refugees and immigrants as "temporary immigrant" workers, limiting their residence to the "special zone". Developed countries can use them as low-wage workers for economic growth, and refugees and immigrants can get jobs and live a hopeful human life.
No2: https://world-special-zone.seesaa.net/
No1: https://naganoopinion.blog.jp/

Part 4. Ukraine war.
Zelensky took office on an "election promise" to scrap the Minsk Accords and regain territory through war. But when news of his tax evasion and tax havens came to light, he started a war.
No2: https://ukrainawar.seesaa.net/
No1: https://ukrainian-war.blog.jp/

Part 5. "U.S., Russia, and China" Tripartite Military Alliance/War Show
To create a world without war, we need a “Tripartite Military Alliance”!
No2: https://urc-military.seesaa.net/
No1: https://sangokugunzidoumei.blog.jp//

Part 6. Japan's notorious judicial system and human rights violations
Japan's judicial system: Immigration law violation case False accusation: Nissan Ghosn case False accusation: Abuse at immigration facility: International student/intern student case: Non-interference in domestic affairs: Foreign opinions
No2: https://nipponsihou.seesaa.net/
No1: https://humanrightsopinion.blog.jp/

Part 7. Corona sensor development 
We should develop an "inspection system" that instantly "discovers" "infected persons" like thermography.

Part 8. North Korea's Abduction and Missile Issues & Taiwan's Defense

Part 9. Promotion of One Coin Union & Hydrogen Vehicles 

Part 10. "Nagano" Opinion, Next Generation Nuclear Power: CO2 Free & SDGs: Russia/Ukraine Invasion Issues: Immigration/Refugee Issues: International/U.S. Politics/Taiwan Issues/Unification Church Issues

Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano


It is published in the following program.

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